Alright so I've been playing this game for about a day and a half now...

Alright so I've been playing this game for about a day and a half now. I'm really trying to like it but if I'm being honest, it kinda sucks ass. Not the gameplay itself, but the weird mapping system where nothing gets marked when you discover it, and how you can't fucking fast travel anywhere. Do people actually enjoy this? I don't see how you can.

Attached: MorrowindCOVER.jpg (273x364, 25.55K)

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it was an old era

because it immerses you into a REAL world

there are no "map" points

any game that has map points is for retards

you actually have to learn your way around.

that's the whole point. I have never finished that game, cause i end up wandering everywhere
and i pick up side quests all over the place

game is awesome.

Isn't the elder scrolls series heavily modded, I'm sure you can find mods to improve your experience

But other games at that time had map markings and fast travel. I'm pretty sure they left that out on purpose.

I understand that but why don't caves and tombs and what not get marked after I find them? I just lost a ton of loot because I had to go to town to get healed, and now I don't know how the fuck to get back. What person wouldn't mark a cave's location in real life? That makes no sense.

I don't think there are any mods for that, I tried looking them up. I don't like using mods anyway until I've beaten the game at least once.

fuck off retard who is too stupid to grasp simple directions

You can ride one of those 100 ft tall insects to fast travel to many different areas around the map. I guess if you like easy mode of point and click to get everywhere instantly, this isnt meant for you.

because it actually is a challenge. And did you bring paper and pen with you?

do you often go hiking and have this on you?

no...well. same.

next time, bring up the map and take a screenshot. Pretty sure your using a computer right?

and there are a fuck ton of mods for morrowind.

check out

>old crap game is old crap
>surprisingly, the newer installments are actually improving upon it despite the insistence otherwise by people who think a thirty minute jaunt through the terrain you've already crossed with no chance for meaningful encounters is somehow 'part of the experience'
Oblivion is kind of the sweet spot. There are a lot of ways to get a lot of elements to your character, you get a sweet map and map markers, you start off with the main cities already tagged so you can start a playthrough at many different locales, there's a variety of 'quick start' ways or you can just play the plain way, the story areas have sweet (and sometimes rare) loot, and most forms of combat feel fairly efficient and functional, while hybridizing is fully possible.

Only real problem is the level up system is archaic ass sucked through a swirly straw but you get past that with mods.

Morrowind is just slow, bulky and muddier. The world is way more unique than Oblivion or Skyrim for sure, which makes exploring it slightly more mystifying, but the tradeoffs aren't worth it, in my opinion.

Simple directions my butthole

It doesn't make the game harder though. It just makes it drag on.

No I meant mods for mapping and fast travel. And why wouldn't I have a paper and pen when I go hiking? I have a phone right? Does the game mark the place if i have a paper and ink?

I feel like if I had played this before I played Oblivion, I'd probably like it way more. I'm debating whether or not I should stick with it for a little longer.

well, the problem with "random encounters" type games is. if i just killed two wolves in this location

i don't want to come back in an hour and see another two wolves. Took fucking 3 or 4 years to grow them that size.

they aren't going to be back.
I love morrowind just for that reason

and mud crabs are plentiful.

they are simple unless you are am amerimutt, but eating with utensils is a challenge for you retards

That can be easily explained by designating it a wolf area

How fucking deranged do you have to be to bring up Americans in a thread that has nothing to do with America?

>I just lost a ton of loot because I had to go to town to get healed, and now I don't know how the fuck to get back.

You can pick up "Mark" and "Recall" spells and enchanted items. Cast mark, then casting recall will always take you back to that spot, until you cast another mark.

Also, recall is not affected by being over-encumbered. Gather all your loot in one spot, pick it all up (can be like 1,000 pounds), then recall home.

easy, because this level of dumb is exclusive to amerimutts. Seems like an amerimutt is offended

Oh cool, thanks for the tip. So if I find a new place, I just cast "mark" and it'll be on my map? But yeah that shit pissed me off. I got brown rot and had to drop a bunch of shit, then I realized the place wasn't even on my map.

Where do you live? Some butthole country nobody cares about?

a superior country in every way to america.

If you've got a relative idea of where you were you can always head back into that "area" and toggle the world map to "local." That will actually show named locations (dungeons, shops, etc.) but they need to be within the range of what the game considers "local."

On the "local" map you can also double click and leave a Note that should take the form of a red square. That should stay there forever until you decide to delete it.

A lot of the game is learning your environment , though, but I found that to add to the experience rather than detract. Played MW well after Skyrim btw.

Play oblivion it's the tits

Another nice tip, thanks. Yeah I think I'm gonna stick with it for awhile. Other than the whole map thing I actually enjoy it.

I've played that game already and love it. I'm actually planning to do another play-through as a melee character, since I've done 2 as a caster.

Ok, and what country would that be?

This was the first Elder Scrolls game I ever played and it pulled me in hardcore. Made a Televani Tree House and racked up all kinds of titles and started a soul collection. It had its drawbacks but it was engaging, the map stuff was a little frustrating but in a way it made it a little more realistic having to explore and actually travel the roads. Honestly I’d play it again if they modernize and improved it for play on Xbox whatever we’re at now or PS4.

Attached: 59EE39EB-188B-4C08-A514-353FF2AF79F5.jpg (960x1280, 120.41K)

They'll never do that because the kiddies would play for 2 minutes and drop it because it's too "complicated"

we dont accept mutts to spoil the country if thats what you are after

Let me guess, you live in fucking Poland or some other slavic dump. That's why you're embarrassed to say right?

Lol, I suppose. Another game I really liked was Final Fantasy III (I think it was VI in other places), I’d play a remake of that too and kick Kefka in the ass one more time.

Honesty, after seeing some of these "remakes" they've been doing, I'd rather they just leave the classics alone. Most of them are just terrible.

it is tough and has a big learning curve but the other Yas Forumsros are right, i wouldn't feel bad about using a map mod. it's 18 years old at this point, completely a product of a different era.

it's actually so funny you posted this because i just got a gaming pc and was thinking about booting this up with the high res texture packs, had totally forgotten about the map thing.

Lmao cope. Norway. And you are full of shit if you actually try to argue that Norway isnt among the top 3 countries in the world

seems cold imo. hot women tho.

Boo hoo old morrowind too toughy woughy? Well I gess you're not the Nerevarine you N'wah!

I wish I had a gaming PC. I'm working with a shitty Intel HD graphics card, so I can't play anything past 2010 basically. Not at 60 FPS anyway. Part of the reason I'm playing this game.

Aw so I was right, a country nobody gives a shit about. Must be nice. And it's funny how Norway is apparently so much better than America but you're still fucking obsessed with it.

>Boo hoo old morrowind too toughy woughy?
No? Where did I claim the game was too hard?

yeah id been wanting one for ages and saved up and pulled the trigger on an MSI laptop right before this fucking lockdown started. haven't actually played it a whole lot though, work from home has been busy as fuck.

Lmao right on queue. Kinda hard to not mind america when america and china are actively trying to fuck over the rest of the world with their flexing.

>Gaming laptop
Yikes, why not just get a desktop?

But I thought you said Norway was superior to America? So what are you worried about then?

Ya, I always wished they had added some sort of Cartography skill but mods make up for it. I kind of liked not having auto mapping though, the idea that your character has a photographic memory and perfect sense of direction never sat well with me and that's basically the only way for an automap to make sense ingame.

Morrowind is a masterpiece and anything less than falling to your knees and crying out its prasies when its mentioned is a sign of weakness! BOW YOUR HEAD AND BEG TALOS FOR FORGIVENESS!

Greetings, Outlander.

Attached: peepoDunmer.png (657x527, 35.67K)

didn't have the room, city living in a 480 square foot apartment Yas Forumsrah. also wanted it to double as a work computer whenever my eight year old macbook bites the dust. honestly just wanted something that could power my oculus quest via the link cable and mid-range MSI was more than enough. fucking loving blade and sorcery.

Not in military might but that is no indication to the quality of a country.

Sorry op but you actually have to do some thinking to play this game, which is funny because Morrowind is one of the most brainless 'classic' rpgs. You don't need mods, you don't need help, literally just follow directions and use common sense.

Childhood me could play it, so can you.

Attached: 1439182383435.gif (200x200, 1.32M)

Get the boots of blinding speed and make a 100% resist magic spell that lasts for 1 second. Cast it, open your inventory, equip the boots, and never take them off again.

Alright calm down bud. It's a good game it's just the mapping system was pissing me off.

That sucks, but at least you got a top tier laptop. I guess I just look at me from my own point of view, as I've had really crappy experiences with laptops. I wouldn't drop more than $400 on one personally and even that's too much for me. They're just way to fragile.

No no no, you said Norway was better than America, period. So why are you so obsessed with America? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Be gentle with OP, im sure he has some medical bills he has to pay

You've gotta learn where shit is and pay attention. Use the journal a lot, also here, take this map.

Attached: morrowind.png (1750x1750, 752K)

>which is funny because Morrowind is one of the most brainless 'classic' rpgs.
What does that mean?

What's that gonna do?

yeah all true, i've been lucky with laptops i guess. i don't really travel with them except the occasional business trip. and this was about a $1700 machine i ended up getting for $900 shipped, had been waiting for a deal i couldn't pass up and finally pulled the trigger.

that logic is just as retarded as the american healthcare system. A huge military at the expense of a healthy, educated populace is not a boon, you absolute mutt. Also, if you havnt noticed, USA is all up in everyone's shit. So the "obsession" is mutual

play baldurs gate 2

Calm down bud? Your missing the whole point of the game! You know what never mind

>how you can't fucking fast travel anywhere.
In order to fast travel you have to actually visit the place, and you have to know which fast travels (mages guilds or silt striders for instance) connect to which cities
this is because Morrowind doesn't treat the player like a fucking retard allowing them to magically transport across the map. You have to take into consideration your travel options when you want to fast travel
You are a fucking retard though and oyu need to have your games allow you the magical ability to transport clear across the map at will faggot

be gentle with OP. He doesnt have healthcare. His life is rough enough as it is

Good luck with it, hopefully it'll last you as long as you want it too

Well we WOULD let you faggots handle it, but you retards would just screw it up or start another world war, so here we are. By the way how's that "free" healthcare system working out in Europe right now? It doesn't look like it's working to good.

>baldurs gate 2
Isn't that D&D? Not really my cup of tea personally, but I might try it out

Okay fine, what's the point of the game?

So you can fast travel as long as you've discovered the road connecting the two cities?

Kek, USA has the worst track records when it comes to starting war. Are you high?

"Europe" isnt a country. Free healthcare is working fucking wonders in Norway atm. I dont care what happens in bumfuck europe

>Let me guess, you live in fucking Poland
Wtf? Fuck you then. I used to like you guys but not anymore, dum amerimutt lol

second the baldurs gate 2 rec, planescape torment too. they are d & d but two of the best rpgs ever made.

check out darklands also, old AF but way ahead of its time in terms of open world rpgs.

Dont take it to personal. The amerimutt has never left the continent. Poland is leagues above usa

Nice way to miss the point entirety. It's okay though, you'll finish high school someday(maybe).

So Norway isn't part of Europe? And please, if it weren't for America you would be Russia's bitch right now and you know it

Thanks I'll check those out. I got a list of games I'm working on so I'll get those on there.

>Poland is leagues above usa
Lol in terms of what, alcoholism?

Can we agree that fort nite and c o d are the same game it’s like one sold out on the basic skeleton of source code to another and they just wrapped it up in a bunch of different textures and different modeled items and shit like my opinion so u can sell the same game but market fort nite as a fun fictional shoot em up comic style game where as c o d is the same game just more realistic for a different demographic and age group and shit

Wish someone would source code me a bunch of shit for money
This whole quarantine shit has me down to my last money and it’s gonna be spent at the dispensary probably

Fuuuuuuuuuuck covid

>Can we agree that fort nite and c o d
I have no clue, I don't play little kid games

Order I played: Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion

Morrowind has the best daedra, hands down. And for whatever reason, my impression is that the Dwemer ruins in Morrowind were best.

>what's the point
To live the adventure. That's different than finishing a quest line. Requires an intention to enter the world, not to stay distant as if it were an interactive movie.
It's why I've stopped obsessing about devouring all the side quests in games like these; it makes for a better experience. IRL when you follow all the side quests you never get a damn thing finished. These games would work better for this kind of experience if they'd ration out side quests during the first playthough. Completionism should be opt-in after newgameplus starts.

HOW are u niggers falling for this bait

you should also be able to emulate super nintendo games pretty well if you never played chrono trigger, earthbound or any of the other classics on there. but those will have similar issues as morrowind, product of a very different era.

Those are fair points. I guess that does make sense, and it just something I need to get use to.

How is what I said bait?

>super nintendo
Nah, that's going TOO far back. The mostback I can go is N64, and that's because I grew up on it. It's hard for me to enjoy games older than that, with the exception of Mario.

you can make potions that literally let you fly, max out levitation and speed and you can fly across the map very quickly