What were your ancestors doing during WW2 Yas Forums?

What were your ancestors doing during WW2 Yas Forums?

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Living in a bunch of small polish villages being lucky enough to not get killed.

My grandfather was a Staff Sergeant in the Army. He was stationed in Germany making artillery.

Bunch of flat foots who were farming and logging.

That's a still from Come and See.

the only one i know was an AA crewman(don't know what roll but he crewed one) in the pacific for the US

Great-grandfather fought in Burma, while his son was in Italy and later France.

Grandfather was a dentist in the army stationed in Japan, obviously post-occupation

RAF Bomber during the African campaign

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my dad was born in 1939. His father was an English teacher in Colombo, Ceylon (at the time).

One half of my mother's family were living in coastal villages in Port Moresby while the other half was probably living on the coast of Milne Bay around this time.

My Dad was in B Company, 307th Combat Engineers Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division. He made four combat jumps (Sicily, Selarno, Normandy and Holland). He was brought in by truck at the start of The Battle of the Bulge (and stayed around to finish it). And he fought his was into Germany, liberating a Death Camp on the second to last day of the war.

My grandmother welded the Liberty ships together

One was a welder in the Army the other fought in the Pacific Theater in the Marines.

>He made four combat jumps (Sicily, Selarno, Normandy and Holland).
Fuck... that is hardcore

My greatgrandfather was an Obersturmbannführer for the germans, my other greatgrand was a member of the local redistance-mostly smuggling guns

Damn. How many medals does that get you?

My great uncles u-boat was torpedoed and is sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Guess it sucked being a fuckin Nazi.

my grandfather was irish so he didn't give a fuck about the war. neutrality is just a countries excuse for being lazy kek

They were antifa
something that makes frog posters very very mad here

He got a Purple Heart in Normandy, on July 3rd, the last day his unit as there. He got a Bronze Star for blowing up a bridge full of SS (including a tank) during The Bulge

I don't know user. I wish I knew my great nan now so I could ask her what it was like growing up as a kid in Britain, but I never really got to know her. I really hope an afterlife is real so I can meet my ancestors.

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More info:
The nazi fled before the russians came and no one really knows what happened to him
The resistance one was usually found in an inn with german soldiers as most of them weren't really nazis and were just drafted into the army

During WW2? My grandfather was in it during that time.

Yup, he was one of a small group that made that many. There was only one man that made more (5). That guy made the same 4 my Dad did, plus one more in Korea

Not really mate. Most of our grandfathers were in the same position. Although
>Pic related shows that some veterens wish the Nazis took over the UK.

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Proud to say my late pops wad 33rd A'born Para troops,US Army in the Philippine/Corregidor invasion. He dropped in and dusted Japs. Years later,he still despised Toyotas and Hondas...the slants musta really triggered him...

Grandfather drove an ambulance during D-Day and after (so obviously not in the waves). He was trained on and sent in as munitions driver, took over driving ambulances. Randomly picked up one of my great uncles (either his brother or his brother-in-law, can't remember) in his ambulance, great-uncle got shot in the thigh (both were Army). Other grandfather was an engine mechanic. Other great uncle was a Marine and fought the Japanese. Another grandfather has two purple hearts. I was never able to hear much beyond any of that, they were really religious/silent and didn't discuss it much.

My Opa was in the HJ, should have asked more about it before the dementia

Taking part in the Burma campaign.

My Grandfather was in BCOF, occupying Japan from Australia. Lived in Kure, later Tokyo.
Apparently he pulled his service pistol on McArthur's driver, who arrogantly refused to provide paperwork.
He always had anger issues, so I don't doubt it. His CO, scolded him in public, then thanked him for doing his job afterwards.

My grandfather on my mother's side was drafted, fought in north Africa, then Omaha beach and through France, and even fought in the Battle of the Bulge; my grandfather on my father's side was drafted, and then purposefully broke rules in boot camp so that they would kick him out and he could stay home.
The one who fought survived the war by the way; he died in 95.

Did he have diarrhea the whole time?

Only one I know for sure was one of the original Devils in Baggy Pants.

I was in a different regiment and did my time in a different theater, many decades later, but I too got my "Four Aces". Just bummed I only have pic related: grandpa had same but w/ 3 combat jumps.

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If he did, he didn't mention it.

Your grandad on your mums side sounds badass. More power to him.

Great grandfather ran a butcher shop and had like 6 kids with another one coming. Ran it throughout the war and it got demolished during the bombing. Opened it up again till a friend of his showed up at his place in the middle of the night with a stolen cow. They forced it to climb 4 stories to my grandfather's house where they proceeded slaughtering it in his living room. Some collaborators saw it and snitched. Then he had to load trucks for the Germans for a couple of months.

Executed for treason by the Reich

Thanks man, he was indeed a badass.

I'm the guy who wrote this: Your dad was in what is today known as 3rd (Panther) Brigade, my grandpa was in what is today known as 1st (Devil) Brigade.

To finish things off, I was in 2nd (Falcon) Brigade (325th Airborne Infantry Regiment).

my grandfather died at Auschwitz
he fell out of his observation tower

>Guess it sucked being a fuckin Nazi.

Protip: it still sucks being a fuckin' Nazi. Problem is, most of the fucktards on Yas Forums are too developmentally disabled to understand that.

What's worse is, a good number of them are allowed to vote.

Nothing, I come from a wealthy family only working class scum get sent to war.

My grandfather was an electrician-he had two thunderbolts on his shirt and belt

My grandma was a teenager for the rise of Hitler in germany, married young to a German soldier idk if they were Nazi party members. Husband , children and sisters killed in bombing during allied invasion. Meets my gramps , Italian American navymen stationed in germany. Have my dad and uncle they move to the USA

Fucking mining. It was a protected profession at the time

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Not this shit again...

Great grandfather was an artist who emigrated to the US from Germany and fought in the South Pacific.

I also have b&w photos my old man took walking the streets of Nagasaki in late '45 on an occupation mission,so the fuckin Army could extrapolate fallout casualties after an attack. Beta testing in it's early years...

My late uncle was, in the Burma campaign mentioned up there. The Japanese didn't do right by POWs apparently.

>It was a protected profession at the time
I never knew that; do you know why that is?
Was it just because of the metals mined that were used for tanks, planes, etc.?

Agreed only working class have the balls to fight in a war

>What were your ancestors doing during WW2 Yas Forums?
Mine were swinging through the trees in the jungle, and making whooping noises etc

Fuckin A.

My Grandad Did island hopping since he was 19 prior to occupation of Japan. Whilst there, he learned Japanese, and enjoyed their company. Upon returning, he said he would not be surprised if his grandchildren were to marry a Jap. He liked them. 11 years ago, I went to Japan and got married. Wise old man is wise and old.

fathers father was red army soldier who fought the whole duration from 1941 to 45, he reached german territories but germany capitulated before they got close to berlin

fathers mother was a red army nurse but was dismissed in 43 when she became pregnant with my father

mothers father was 15-20 during the war, did nothing, country was occupied but he had a normal life

mothers mother was 5-9 during the war. in 44 retreating germans from finland burned to the ground a shit ton of villages, including hers, so her family and rest of the village fled into the mountains and lived in a cave until spring, when they went down and the war ended shortly after

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Running dairy farms, the Reich increased my families head of cattle 1000X over and granted all new land that was previously held by wealthy families that went "camping"


Also learned my dads cousin came to the US too and he got caught selling hash trying to deposit 10k. My grandma used to steal bits of hash and wet the rest to make up the weight. Learned all this after she died, shed also wake up with terrors of bombing flash backs

Yellow fever expats lol

Fighting the Fascist Pigs