Time for a hunger games trhead

time for a hunger games trhead

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a BAIT hg thread?!

Ibuki Mioda

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The Pandemic Duo

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Ricardo Milos

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Nutella Girl

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Big Tits Kylie

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The Tits

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Fancy Annette

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it clearly is. but who knows. miracles happen

Dark Cream

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Veruca Salt

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queen Bailey.

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The Arbiter

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Natalie Mars

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yes but jesus is tied up right now


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St Elmo’s Fire

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Drop Bear

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SGT. Grumbles

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Katniss Everdeen

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Super Bunny Lad

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Holy shit this is perfect!

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>district 3 win confirmed

Too bad thread is clear bait

if this reply is dubs I’ll phonehost

this doesn’t look good

Richard Rawlings

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fuck it go 36 if a host shows

>19 ips
you need a lot more for 36


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Don't egg them on.

Appreciate the thought, but this game ain't not happening, my man.

yes but 3 new late
no host anyway

Bump until we get a host

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assistance bump

poo poo pee pee

Just let it die till a host comes along.

Dlanor A. Knox
>Late but no host.

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wee wee




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so we're not playing in this thread?

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Hey Drills,

While we're waiting, can I make you a drink?

(You're not one of them lolis, right?)

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the thread is the game silly fuck

I'm not a young, little girl.
Give me something strong.

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you're right, there was no hunger game to play. we were the ones who were played. I doubt op is even still here.

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Everyone ITT has now lost the game

God damnit. It's inevitable, but the loss always comes out of nowhere.

If you expected losing the game you'd already fail

I mean, I expect to eventually lose in the sense that somebody will randomly bring it up or something similar every few months or so probably, but I don't believe I ever suddenly just think about 'The Game'.

Here you go Drills

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