Do you think fathers have sexual thoughts about their daughters very often?

Do you think fathers have sexual thoughts about their daughters very often?

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probably once they enter their age range ? just a guess.

what's the age range?

probably as much as the other things she has to learn about in the right way

he’s probably thinking more about who he know with a little boy she can learn sex with without his supervision who won’t teach her all kinds of dangerous or depraved weird shit

probably dependent on the the father

No you sperg. The ones that do were fucked in the head anyway. Your fantasies on Yas Forums are not real life

Oh yes, yes yes, they all think only about their daughters as they work all day. They have jobs making toys for Santa and only ever want to make them ponies but how can they when they have none to breed?

If it's any consolation, I was sexually abused by my dad in my early teens but he didn't think of me outside of when he was in his "moment". So I'd say probably not.

The good dads don't.

The bad ones do all the time.


so you're gay now, right?


Fuck no.
Imagine being a shit tier pedophile who resorts to fantasizing about his own daughter. Just kill yourself at that point.

My family was very close with another family that lived upstairs, became very close family friends for years that's lasted til this dad. They have 4 daughters who are all pretty attractive. One day while using their computer in the basement, I did a little digging and look at the history. Found several incest porn searches for father daughter. Never woulda guessed.

we do. my daughter is 14 and it's gotten to the point that i have to tell my wife to tell her to put on a bra or even shorts sometimes. she will still occasionally walk around in her panties. i will admit more than once i have rubbed one out after seeing her like that. i would never do anything else though.

the harder part is when she brings over her friends especially when it gets warm and they start wearing shorts, and tank tops, and bathing suits. i swear they are trying to flirt with me to see if i will react. luckily that hasn't happened this year but when this virus shit ends i know this year will be even worse than last year.

100% I'm not a "hate all men" kinda person because yea it's true not all guys are fuckwits but a lot of them are trash. But I could imagine guys going through the same thing would become a lot more sensitive to this stuff than even some women.

I'm sorry to hear that friend. I hope you got/get any support that might help.

This. I have a daughter and that's honestly super gross. Seek help seriously.

It's led to me having a history of bad decision making, but honestly I don't regret the shit I went through. If anything, I get to see what it's like from my perspective, but I don't use my trauma as a crutch to base my personality off of, that's seriously a weak mental. But like, it's one of the reasons i'm not straight, I just fear that if I do get pregnant with a guy, I wouldn't want the father to turn out like my dad in some way.

>But like, it's one of the reasons i'm not straight, I just fear that if I do get pregnant with a guy, I wouldn't want the father to turn out like my dad in some way.

I really hope you find your way back to a straight lifestyle and a meaningful good life with kids one day

Gay and trans stuff is a very corrosive mental illness

>Gay and trans stuff is a very corrosive mental illness

Yea, because a straight nuclear family with a mother, father, and a child led to a very successful and morally correct life style. No thanks, your propaganda had me raped in my adolescence so you can fuck off with that thanks.

Yeah, used to be more would think that way. Getting obnoxious how much more attention the crowd that wouldn't deny their daughter because of the disgusting unacceptables (for continuance through existence) who would demand her.

I thought everyone did it but it seems i really need to seek help.
Have 3 little girls and i get boners when i spend too much time with them

Every father wants to fuck his daughters. It is the natural use for daughters.Only subverted feminist society leads to men not fucking their daughters.

For your daughters' sakes, stop it, get some help.


Yeah OP I think you should get some help!

Yas Forums isn't real life, its shit posting clown talk, and porn.

Its okay to ask for help, you'll end up a better person I promise

Propaganda? What propaganda are you seeing, anywhere, at all, that's pushing for families to stay together or for women to have children?

There isn't any, user. The only propaganda related to families today is how stupid and evil fathers are, how empowering single motherhood is, and how you (white people) shouldn't be having children.

You got extremely unlucky - no one is denying that - but to say this was caused by the existence of families is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?

>Have 3 little girls and i get boners when i spend too much time with them
You are normal man and a very lucky one to have three nymphets. Be careful, if you tell "them" about this they might take your children away.

No, ya fucking weirdo.

I have two sons and two daughters and have never had a single sexual thought about any of them... to be honest I'm not even that much into their mother.

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>Propaganda? What propaganda
>I really hope you find your way back to a straight lifestyle and a meaningful good life with kids one day

Why even bother to blatantly cover for yourself when you've typed it right there. You're also wrong to think exclusivity in a meaningful life dictates a hetero lifestyle with children.

>You got extremely unlucky - no one is denying that -
No one cares about how interpersonal you try to get faggot, you're still an asshole.

>but to say this was caused by the existence of families is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
You said it yourself.
>I really hope you find your way back to a straight lifestyle and a meaningful good life with kids one day
You're the one who brought up the idea of a lifestyle with kids. I don't find an issue with nuclear families, but your assumption that I did in addition to you pushing your own agenda of "mental illness among gay and trans" really shows how shallow you are when it comes to this stuff. Why don't you sort that one out for yourself troll.

Did having four children put you off?

Girl gets touched by her father, trauma sets in, she cannot be intimate with boy due to trama, she has the gay mental illness with someone who cares more than her own father did and you talk down to her.

>look out we got a badass over here

this is the kind of stuff i imagine everyone at the rnc unironically believes

eat shit

>a single post on Yas Forums is propaganda
>the overwhelming actual propaganda from every single media source in the entire western world, is not
Look, I'm not the guy who told you to return to a "straight" lifestyle. But based on your reaction, you have obviously not recovered (many people don't without professional help).

You should talk to a professional to work past the abuse. I'm 100% serious, find a therapist or a psychologist. There are plenty of miserable people in the world who are doomed to be miserable for the rest of their lives, don't make yourself one of them.

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Agree. Get some help getting over what happened in your past. It might be keeping you from doing something you really want/need. Holding on to pain isnt good. Hope you feel better.

Personally l think all animals are bi some learn more or lest to one gender od attraction. If any two ppl are alone for long enough theyll fall in love because love is litterly a distance thing.

wehehelllll, if you insist

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>the overwhelming actual propaganda from every single media source in the entire western world, is not

The issue you're not seeing is that propaganda from
>every single media source in the entire western world
is a red herring thrown in by that user to deter from his own idea that people should
>find your way back to a straight lifestyle and a meaningful good life with kids one day

He was shit flinging because he didn't want to go back on his word that he was spewing propaganda, but now you've taken on his mantle and now are victim shaming. Go on, tell me why there's something wrong with me and that I need help. Show us how high and mighty your moral authority really is.

That's what i used to think but every person im close with and knows this always tells me to seek help.
Except one Canadian ex gf she said it turns her on and that she wants to see me fucking my daughters.


>every person im close with and knows this always tells me to seek help
How does it even come up in conversation?

Now this is why I don't believe it one bit when I hear the claims that people are just born gay. Bullshit. A lot of times it develops due to shit like this

>Go on, tell me why there's something wrong with me and that I need help
Dude you got raped and it fucked with your mind, as trauma of any kind, sexual or not, tends to do.

I can't make you talk to a therapist. I don't care if you're straight or not. But, I do care about people being miserable. You can fix this, you can get help, but you have to make that decision.

yes, all the time

ooh this chick has a rape fetish guaranteed, you got kik?

Only with women and some guys like 5 people.
Women tend to be a little more accepting about it

>Women tend to be a little more accepting about it
I thought you were lying, now we all know for sure you were.

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>you got raped and it fucked with your mind, as trauma of any kind, sexual or not, tends to do.
At least you can read and write.

>I can't make you talk to a therapist. I don't care if you're straight or not. But, I do care about people being miserable.

>I do care about people being miserable.
On Yas Forums, on a thread about dads fucking their daughters, yea you're not fooling anyone here faggot. At least try to sounds like you know what you're talking about next time.

I have a daughter and actually have some incest experience from years ago.
>Do you think fathers have sexual thoughts about their daughters very often?
No, not really. Not unless they already have some issues in that regard. Real life is not like a crazy porno and you just don't think of them sexually like that, there is a disconnect there if you even try.
Guys are guys and it's normal to think about sex often, so the passing idle thought of imagining a female naked, even a relative, isn't that absurd. But it also doesn't mean you jack off to thinking about fucking them. I see tits all the time and briefly imagine how they'd look without a shirt on, that doesn't mean i want to fuck my 60 year old boss but i'd still probably look at her tits. It's just how we are wired.
If you legitimately want to fuck your kids, its a sign of something broken inside you. Either recovering from abuse yourself or porn has warped your mind.

This is Yas Forums so I'm not saying this to judge anyone but facts are facts. It doesn't mean it never happens and doesn't mean its always 100% unhealthy, but most of the time it certainly is.

isn't kik like the facebook of instagram? no rape fetish, but i have a discord if you want :P

When we were in high school, one weekend day I was over at one of my friend's houses but ran back to my house quick to grab some xbox games and warhammer figurines. I came in the back door and from the living room i could hear heavy breathing, skin slapping, and a woman moaning. I silently went and peeks around the corner, and saw that my dad had my sister bent over the arm of the couch and was fucking the shit out of her. And she was very clearly enjoying the shit out of it. I moped out of there as quietly as I could and just went back to my friend's house empty handed.

A few hours after that we sat down and had a perfectly normal family dinner together. We're much older now and our dad has since passed on, and my sister has never mentioned one single word about it.

You can believe whatever you want dude

So hot.

I came in here to laugh at dudes fantasizing about their daughters, then shit got political. Why the fuck does it always get political.

Despite being in an incest thread on Yas Forums, I really actually do want people to be not miserable. You'll just have to take my word for it, honey.

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No, are you retarded.

I thought it was kind of fucked up at the time, but as I got older i figured that if it was something she wanted and was okay with it happening, then I don't really care about it one way or the other. From what I understand "daddy" fetishes are fairly common for women.

>my sister has never mentioned one single word about it.
gosh, I can't imagine why

I'd fuck your daughter just to prove you wrong, faggot

how does her fucking some dude prove anything? she can fuck whoever the fuck she wants to

would be weird if they didn't

>hey user
>hi sis
>so this thing fucked me today

probably the norm conversation for him tbh

It's moderately common for men in general to occasionally experience sexual thoughts about young girls, but for men who effectively repress these feelings it would be unusual to think about one's own child in a sexual manner, particularly not with any regularity.

The primary instinct of a father is to protect their child. Any interest in their child's sexual education would be a secondary, or tertiary emotional response.

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>she can fuck whoever the fuck she wants to
including you?

What if she was your daughter?

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No well not for me anyway anytime she sits with her leg open, is bent over or exposed knowingly or unknowingly the first thing that goes through my mind is 'that's too much information' and 'I shouldn't be seeing this' and 'I hope when she's in public she's smart enough to not sit/stand/bend over and be exposed like I'm seeing now'. It's actually a bit of a turn off that her behavior is sometimes unsophisticated enough that I see exposed which overrides any natural sexual urge that happens when a man sees a young fertile female.