My girlfriend clogged the fucking toilet again because she can't fucking wipe her cunt without using half a roll...

My girlfriend clogged the fucking toilet again because she can't fucking wipe her cunt without using half a roll. Normally I can plunge it clear but this time it's not budging.

Is it worth trying a liquid drain opener? Or do I have to call someone to snake it?

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Yes, you should give the liquid drain opener to your girlfriend and then get a new one

Yeah she's kind of a pain in the ass. I left out the part where she categorically and loudly blames me for clogging it, even though I flush it before and after using it to ensure it's working. She clogs the fucking thing like 40% of the times she touches it and won't admit it or use less paper.

She's flushing her tampons lol

tell her to use the fucking shower if shes using half a roll

Seems like the obvious problem here is she doesn’t respect you. Dump her & quit plunging her mess. Fuck dude.

She'll clog the shower then?

She's obviously a disgusting slag, but christ clean your fucking toilet once and a while

your toilet is so fucking dirty jesus christ kill yourself.

worse than public toilets.

Cheaper to buy a snake and have it for next time. Plumber is going to be costly. A plunger may work, just have to very very aggressive with it.

He's telling you to tell her to clean herself with the shower water dumbass

Did she shit biscuits & gravy? WTF?

Plumberfag here, don't use anything like Drano. It's basically lye and heats up during the reaction. It could heat up enough to crack the toilet porcelain. If it isn't backing up into the sink or shower/tub, the clog isn't in the common line so you're ok. You can get a toilet snake at home depot or lowes or your hardware store. It looks like a big weirdass fishing pole. Don't get the giant motorized one, it's more than you would ever need.

The toilet looks disgusting like that because the paper/gf chunks that were floating about settled and the water slowly drained out and left the mess like that.

Didn't really want to have to snake it myself either.... Like I'm gonna buy, use, clean and store a drain snake for her clogs.....

it's good to have, using it once is less than half the cost of one visit from a plumber. plus it's not like the thing is gonna go bad. you cold also just wait a few hours and try flushing again once everything softens up.

My wife does this shit. Ive lost it on her to many times to count so i only buy her thr crappiest 1 ply money can get. I have my own rolls hidden. When the panic buying hit i was set. I had 2 24 packs of charmin triple. Shes still rationing her 1 ply shit tickets. Hopefully this changes her behaviour.

good idea, the cheapest Scott's single ply is the only way to go, shit is so thin you could flush a whole roll and it still won't clog up

My sister is doing this with our crappy tp too, we’re sharing squares except she always gets to wipe first :(

I use it. It's great stuff. A roll lasts me 2 - 3 weeks.

Yeah it's already been overnight though and I've attempted plunging it like 4x both last night and this morning.

It is crappy 2 ply paper we got at some beaner store because of shortages and she still fucking clogs the toilet with it. I don't know why I can't get her to understand that this is why it clogs! Use less paper bitch! Or flush 2x as you're putting paper in if you really need half a roll for your drip slot. Wtf.

>her 1 ply shit tickets
kek roomate was the same seemed like she wrapped the tp around her hands just wipe a few drops off her pusy. Just install a bidet theyll feel cleaner and use less paper

Problem solved.

Oh my bad, thought he meant that the girl should shit in the shower

>wrapped the tp around her hands just wipe a few drops off her pusy.
AHHH yes this is the shit women do!
Doesn't matter if she takes a shit or a piss she fucking grabs the whole roll in 1 hand and twirls the other hand around it to craft a big TP wad mitten, dabs her cunt and throws it in. Fucking maddening I swear to god.

She also never puts the roll on the holder for this reason. She uses too much too often to bother actually putting it on the holder.


She didn't have a tampon in

No cos it's down the fucking bog.

Dude, take her up the ass now. It's clear for landing.

Get a bucket and fill the bowl to the absolute top. Sometimes that will create enough of a pressure head to force the clog out. If it doesn’t, it will slowly drain back down to what you have now.

I’ve cleared my wife’s fucking tp disasters this way a few times when a plunger didn’t work.

get a bidet you faggot

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Shit ticket guy here. The fuckin worst is shes a fucking standing wiper. Shes 5'8 145. Shes not some obese cunt. And theres always little flecks of her tp all over the seat and tiles. In general great wife love her but shes a fucking savage. Asian tier bathroom etiquette.

Toilet paper is in short supply. Should be using sparingly.

what a stupid cunt
i wish we could murder people in cold blood who behave this way

Thanks faggot

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She sounds like she's mentally retarded

No, it wasn't in her cunt. I checked last night. Her cycle is all fucked up from birth control so she's been spotting for like 3 weeks but doesn't wear a tampon for that. She doesn't wear panties either. She's kinda weird.

Did that last night as well.

Flushing the toilet produces this result, it fills all the way up to the top of the bowl. Actually had to wait a while to plunge it to avoid sloshing all the water on the floor but you can see that happened anyway. Didn't unclog the toilet.

Mine manages to get smears ON TOP OF THE SEAT. I've seen that in public bathrooms and always assumed that only 300lb retarded mongoloids could achieve this. HOW the fuck she does it and thinks nothing is the matter completely blows my fucking mind.

Try telling her that.

Don't put liquid drain opener in a toilet, faggot. Go check the clean out first. If the clean out is clear, pull the toilet and get at it from the other side. If that doesn't work, then spend $80 on a rooter. I'd almost be willing to bet money it's not the toilet paper. She may be flushing pads or tampons down there that cause a back up. Plain ol' toilet paper shouldn't fuck up your drain like that unless there's already another blockage.

Yeah not doing all that.

It's an apartment and it's her apartment. I may just leave and let her sort it out. She'll be pissed when she gets back from work but fuck it I didn't clog the damn thing.

If she didnt earn 175k a year(triple my salary) i would agree. And i work in construction so im on ei. Ive been wage cucked but i take solice in knowing her fear of having to use kitchen roll when her 1 ply runs out. Small victories my friend.

That’s a weird habit

If it's her apartment just tell her to call the office and let them deal with it lol. They will just call a rooter. If she gets a bill for it that's her fault. Regardless, don't put liquid drain opener in a toilet.

Loooool wtf you idiot

Get a full bucket of VERY HOT water, put it into the bowl. It will go slow, but repeat until unclogged.

Which? Checking that the toilet operates or clogging the toilet? My habit is the former only because her habit is the latter.

Probably will.

Wait why hot water? I haven't tried that. Could boil some.

Rubber glove, bin bag, poke finger holes in. Wrap around arm, then put rubber glove on. Get in there. Job done

What? Sometimes I shit in the shower and then mash it down the drain. Saves time to take a shit while you wash your hair.

>mfw i do this cuz it's the family 1000 years recipe
Try doing this periodically, I usually do it like once every month

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Buy a snake. They're like 12 bucks and work Way Better than a plunger

You have a fucking stupid girlfriend, OP. Go to the hardware store and get a snake. Drain cleaner sucks and does damage to pipes.

Depends if you make rabbit pellets or Lincoln logs

Only 1/2 a roll? Mine uses 3/4? That is just from pissing, roll and a 1/4 for a shit/piss combo.

Is she hot ? Post em

OP here. Kinda have to shit and the toilet is still clogged. About to try the hot water thing. If that doesn't work I'm fully prepared to squat on the kitchen counter and shit down the garbage disposal.

>> I'm fully prepared to squat on the kitchen counter and shit down the garbage disposal.
Wouldn't be the first time.

wow shit bag. It'd be easier to simply shit into a bag and huck it under the trailer

good luck user

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OP again. It's raining out but that's a fine idea, I may shit in a bag and chuck it out the back window into the bushes where the hobos congregate. Can't be bothered to go outside and get wet.


Invest 60 dollars in a toilet auger at home depot easy to clean and use and will unclog anything if you learn how to use it


Well shit on a cracker Yas Forums. I finally got it unclogged. Full to the brim with hot water and more vigorous plunging did it.

Now the only question is what to do with all the shit-fleck filled water that's all over the bathroom floor. There's no mop. Do I
A) soak it up with the good bath towels
B) allow it to evaporate over a period of days and peacefully coexist with the flecks cured to the floor