Hey Yas Forums I'm a guy who's sexually attracted to kids. Have been for a good while. AMA

Hey Yas Forums I'm a guy who's sexually attracted to kids. Have been for a good while. AMA

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's so sexy about little goats? Ewe are a freak. It's a bahahahahahd thing.

Hey, I'm a monster, not Welsh


Also nice LARP

kys degenerate faggot

I would, but ropes real expensive rn

just take lsd and swim into the ocean

Ok, but lsd's expensive too. Killing yourself on a budget is difficult shit

Oh, thanks man

Razor blades costs 10 cents, if that.

Ok, and what if I get c-virus on my way to the store? Some people, am I right

>Hey Yas Forums I'm a guy who's sexually attracted to kids. Have been for a good while. AMA
Where do you live?
Asking for a friend

Then you saved 10 cents

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

As a father, I'd be willing to donate my time and ammo to help you out. I'll even throw in a free trip through my wood chipper.

You are among friends user

Attached: heart_cp.jpg (600x502, 44.03K)

Man, that's really generous. All right, send me your address and we can get down to business

Is there a story behind that image, or...

Unrelated user here can you just shoot me in general? Theyll think it was a nigger.

Are you a guy who's sexually attracted to kids? Also, has it been going for a good while so far?

Yeah, I'd say so. Man, what a random couple of questions those are, wonder where you got them

welcome brother, happy easter.

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ok serious question is pedophilia itself illegal? like can you be arrested/detained if you are attracted to kids but have never made a move on one?

I'm not talking about or society, just by law

love that filename

>I'm not talking about MORALS or society, just by law

No its not illegal. If you never do anything, you're fine.
>muh morals
I look forward to the day where thought crime is punishable by law.

No, because there's no way they can just sort of guess, you're a paedo.

>I look forward to the day where thought crime is punishable by law.
See "Hate Crimes"


I mean, in hate crimes, the problem is more the crime part than the thought part

Where can I buy toilet paper?

Hate crime =/= hate speech
Crime is illegal, speech is not.

I bet you're a good christian boy who goes to church every Sunday.

The store

it's not your fault, and i pity you for it. your sexual attraction to kids is disgusting. even if you don't abuse kids you are a risk most of society would be happier living without.
do you hate yourself for it?

As a normy straight guy why do degenerates make everything about sex? Most people outgrow sex after kids etc.

First of all, every single pedophile should be castrated and publicly humiliated (the U.S has half of this right). Second of all you should fucking kill yourself and I hope you get tossed in jail and gang-raped; kiddy diddlers are the fucking lowest of the low doing time. If you're sexually attracted to children you need to stop fucking talking about it at least. I'd kill pedophiles if it weren't illegal.


Do you believe its developed or that youre born with it? Also, what turns you on more, the mental concept of fucking something so innocent, fragile and pure? or the physical sensation of their fresh, nubile, and impossibly tight bodies squeezed around yu?

btw BASED Alabama I hope this happens everywhere:


I mean, I'd prefer if I didn't have it, and if you talked to me a few years back, I would've said yes, but now I just feel shame. It's a part of me, might as well not hate myself for it, but I hate living with it.

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Jannies make the worst threads.

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Gonna ignore that last part, but I think I was born with it? Idk, it just sorta... happened. I noticed around 13 or so that I should've grown out of liking kids 9 years old, but I never did, and since then? Well, not much has changed.


Nah, though I definitely shouldn't have made this when all the new mods have a ton of free time. I try to keep these threads sorta... tame? I guess? So I don't get banned and it doesn't get deleted.

>imagine liking kids instead of raving youtu.be/WESkBASG3UA

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guys lets make this thread really lewd so he gets banned

>Does the lewd thing ITT

>Hey, I'm a monster, not Welsh

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i bet that's pretty shitty to feel that way about something you didn't decide, i bet your life isn't great. man, i'm ashamed that i want to fuck girls feet. maybe some therapy and medication might help you.

read about this guy

Huh, I'm a fan of Robert, but never heard of this guy. Interesting


about 15 mins in he visits with his two brothers, maxom first then charles. whole thing is great.

Hebephile or pedophile?

Theres a huge difference, ones completely natural and the other is a mental illness. If a female is capable and wants to have sex then its fine naturally. Our laws aren't natural, tough shit if you dont like it some 12 year old girls are ready to fuck and probably are anyway at school so who cares if its an older dude.

>pedophile AMA thread

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There is

is it the giant knockers featured on the magazines, the smellz of sex or that its nipplels are bigger than coffee plates?

Get fucking baited smooth brain

No it's not, $10/$30, depending on strength

That's what you found the issue with, not that I said that rope was too expensive?