How much of a racist are you? Are you like "anyone of a different race is subhuman?" Or only racist against some or not racist at all?
How much of a racist are you? Are you like "anyone of a different race is subhuman...
all races are stupid
but that doesnt mean people shouldnt have those things used against them
be sure to wash your hands dear
I prefer my own race to all others. Does that make me racist?
Anyone that's not white with blue eyes is lesser and should all kill themselves
pic or you lesser
I’m pro science and recognize human biodiversity unlike the Marxist religious types that deny reality and believe everyone is the same and it’s all a social construct
I am a racial separatist. I don’t believe any race is superior or inferior. I just think we get along better separate.
I'm scared of minorities and act overly-subservient to them, which I'm sure makes my discomfort even more obvious. I want them to think I'm polite, but can't see them as individual people, just a race. I've never befriended a minority.
Like that.
Here is the only diversity I advocate for in the Western world.
Any other shade is wrong.
I don't care
being racist is healthy for the society. If there were more racist people we wouldn't have had all this niggers invading white people countries demanding to be treated equally when they brought nothing for the country except their stupid nigger ass and all those chinks with their viruses that always disrespect cultures whenever they travel which they do every fucking month
Dont care about color. Would love to fuck one of each.
Its the shit cultures they have that people hate.
They just claim its about color, because theres nothing they can do about that. They refuse to acknowledge their culture is literal animal-tier
Actually, the sky can be that color sometimes. Niggers are defective...
I have common sense. I think that all minorities problems can't be blamed on racism, sometimes accountability is on them (crime is a big example). I think pointing out an obvious statistical norm in a group isn't racist. I think saying you're pro white is on the level as saying you're pro black. I don't think being racist automatically makes someone evil. I think way more people are racist than they'd like to admit. All races can be racist to one another. Nobody should receive special or harmful treatment based on their race. It's okay to be white. It's okay to prefer to be with your own kind (most people do that naturally, go to any given good place and look at the colors at tables, including in schools).
I'm not racist at all consciously. I can't speak for my subconscious but I only treat any individual knowingly as an issue if they prove themselves to be one.
I just have an understanding that you as an individual have a choice in life to be whatever you want to be, and if you choose to be some loud obnoxious person with their pants sagging, no sense of discipline, cant talk like a normal person and just act like an asshole, then You're a nigger
My girlfriend is mixed black/white and I love her so much. She’s am sweet and she’s conservative. But I hate black people.
Only blacks are truly inferior to everyone. The other races have their strengths and weaknesses.
You don't seem to understand. Some of the people matching the description are not black, but they are still niggers.
I've dated Asians. Now I think they're soulless insects. So yes I am racist against them.
whites don't understand how racist non-whites are.
only if you're white
I have no problem with other races except from when they act like niggers or crying muslims.
Jews i have no problem with exception from the orthodox Zionists which cries about the lolocaust all the time.
But in most cases niggers going to nigg and i am pro-racist against nigger behavior.
Ship them all back to Africa!
I only hate whites. I'm 35 and I know better than to give them any more chances at this point. Repulsive disgusting and unnatural. Hate them from the bottom of my heart
As a muslim i am proud to say we are incapable of racism and discrimination
No matter your believes or the color of your skin, we hate you all equally
Sad when you see hundreds of generations of great men reduced to niggers essentially
As racist as any type of people. Racism is a natural part of human psychology
I'm really just anti-stupid. It just so happens that most blacks and people from third world countries are stupid. Then you have the vapid coastal types as well as the inbred bumpkin type. Frankly, everyone with an IQ under 100, to the left of classical liberal, or to the right of constitutional conservative should just be death marched to the Alaskan north slope and then into the Arctic Ocean.
I don't give a fuck about people in generell except myself. Does that make me a racist?
Im not racist out loud but I'll always give whitey preferential treatment
Shittiest tier religion
I respect this the hell out you and you opinion
I hate chinks, i have a strong aversion for pakis and indians, a healthy distrust of of niggers and arabs and mixed feelings about jews
Based. You especially hate fags.
Unintelligence leads to racism. Case in point, how many anons are white Anglo Saxon Protestants? If you are not then you are considered an inferior race. Some Irish, Italian, some Scottish, French, and Canadian are all inferior. So if you have any of these in your’s a hint we all have a bit of African in our DNA. It may be 1 % it may be more. It is not intelligent to say you hate another race because someone thinks you’re The cause of all their problems. Just stating facts.
It's complicated
Would consider myself racerealist. Races exist, but you can't simply label one inferior to another. Also racemixing shouldn't exceed the point where it lets the original races dissolve.
Racism is a natural defence mechanism to protect ones own kind against a different type of species. Intelligence has nothing to do with it, smart people don't live in neighborhoods populated by niggers.
I hate just about every shitskin and only ok with some types of Asian.
i use a lot of racist terms but never in racist ways so idk
Exactly the sooner we have a race war the sooner we can have world peace
jews niggers and muslims have got to go
everybody else is on a case by case basis
Hell ya brother!
damn right
and anyone (regardless of race) who thinks communism and/or socialism is a good idea
are you from r/hapas?
I've been up since 2 in the morning so bare with me if my sentences sound retarded, but I'm always thinking racist thoughts. Even when I'm being friendly with someone, I'm still judging their race. There are certain situations, like being at work, where you can't avoid being around other races. I keep it cordial, I'll have work acquaintances, but for the most part I dislike niggers, chinks, spics(I am one, but I'm not a hoodrat or FOB), kikes, arabs, etc. White people really are the best, I have to be honest. Sure they have trash, but they're smarter, more ambitious, have better attitudes about life. Even the working class ones are smarter than their counterparts.
I can relate. When I see a new black guy at work I assume all sorts of shit right off the bat. Like if I say one thing he disproves of he'll freak the fuck out and go ape shit.
I think your moral intrinsic value is correlated with your race’s accomplishments and how far they’ve brought humanity forward. So whites are at the top and Jews and niggers at the very bottom.
Checked and agreed
What about muslims?
I'm actually less racist in many aspects when compared to those that scream about white privilege or coddling Marxist nonsense like Diversity[aka social upheaval in the natural order of races] Right down to the fact I KNOW it is unfair to Whites that they for the last 70 years have been disenfranchised of their land, their wealth and taxed to appease the Jew's pets.
Dubs validates his statement and invalidates your argument