>Vaguely describe video games. Other anons guess. Go.
Run. Fear.
Plants feelsgoodman.
>Vaguely describe video games. Other anons guess. Go.
Run. Fear.
Plants feelsgoodman.
Plants vs zombies?
Last of us?
>be mick
>fight fags, commies, niggers
resident evil
Resident Evil?
Explain yourself
No. But good try.
You go for a swim.
Trying to catch little girls
guitar hero at sea
Punch Out
Fighting Force or Contra
>snowy mountain
>board shop music really cool
>be you, pale as fuck, old as fuck
>Woman betrays you
>Faggot bald knights trying to stop you
Nice trips
>have party
>lose friends
>transport hamster guts to autist
>be furry
>best friend a trash can
>fucked over by peter griffin in spandex
>run from scissors
>horror game
>you see your friend die by being thrown out a window
>drop on an island
>lay in gras
>move to the safezone
>hide in bush
>sneak on your enemy and punch him to pulp
>be mel gibson
>lost at space for 25 years
>wife that left you needs your help to find her husband
>big pharma makes drugs and harvests organs
>bla bla bala mister freeman
>drive oldmobile for 10 minutes in a openworld
>buy a thompson and kill rival mobster
In this game you beat the shit out of a nigger in front of an audience
>build a powerplant
>build a ore refinery
>build a harvester
>build a silo
>build a radar
>harvester under attack
GDI unit destroyed
>base under attack
>you were defeated
command and conquer
fuck i hate i have a guess but, one of the Fight Night games?
history test
hide, jump, stab
assasins creed origins
>Check your staging
>Be soap
>Be in the Special Air Service
>Also play as USMC
>Kill many terrorists
>Stop Russians from nuking everything
club penguin?
>Show up in town
>What a shithole
>Ask what's going on
>Dumbass drunk wont help
>Local dickheads try to rip me off even though I'm trying to help them
>Most people are utterly useless
>One asshole know it all holds out on me
>Ok whatever, guess I have to save these idiots
>Who the fuck built this place, Kenneth Copeland???
>Eventually figure out what's going on
>Fuck this shit, this town sucks and the people deserve to die
>Kill self in the worst way possible
not what i was thinking
kerbal space program
this is soooooo cute
>A man, swimming alone in the ocean
>No land in sight
>Punch fish, eat them raw to survive
>Shouldn't have slept on an iceberg
Crying about your mom trying to kill you
No. Nice dubs though.
1080 Snowboarding
binding isaac
You got it :^)
>drunk rodent
Conkers bad fur Day
>gang organization
>loud fucking techno music
>past present future
>George Washington
Spot on
Hotline Miami
> wait in line
> get kidney harvested
> recruit a team
> ice gets painted red
> go bankrupt
> commit suicide
>dead kid learns how to not be a cunt with the help of a whore, jesus h. christ and a dumbass