Plan on killing myself tonight, AMA
Plan on killing myself tonight, AMA
Parents dead, debt, done nothing with my life in the past 6 years, ugly faggot and I wanna scare some kids with my corpse
user, you got a lot to live for. may not seem like it at the moment with our society, but just hold on a bit longer
Got nothing to live for or look forward to. Video games are all shit, I have no hobbies, talents or interests that could get me anywhere. No one knows me irl or online.
Better show him this to bring him back
That didn't make me want to die more than I already do, but I appreciate it.
Don’t do it user i know it sounds cliche but life really does get better eventually
My best friend took his own life. If you're going to die please leave a note to comfort those you're leaving behind.
I miss him every day. There are songs that I hear and hes the only one that would get it the way I got it and I have no one to send those to now. Memes only he would have enjoyed the way I did. Anime's and video games he would have loved. His ashes sit next to my plants.
I wonder If you have a friend that would miss you as much as I miss mine.
no one knows me irl or online either.i stay healthy by working out at home and playing video games. also, the last of us p2 is coming out soon so at least stay and play that
See ya tomorrow
Have you ever been on a horse user? If you are going to off yourself may as well try to get to ride one before bitting the bullet. I miss riding, its one of the few times you can feel truly free and content with yourself
so are suicide posts on Yas Forums, but I might as well let you fags get a kick out of it
I have no friends, I haven't made a single friend or acquaintance in the last 6 years, and all my childhood friends are either dead, or don't remember me.
lololol sho face slave
Do something fun before you kys
I rode a horse a few times when I was really looking for something to make life interesting. Riding horses just didn't make me feel anything, really.
Fuck off with this attention seeking bullshit, if your going to do it, just fucking do it.
I hope as you die you think about how much of a pussy you are for not fighting agiasnt the odds, that ultimately you could of turned your situation around but are too much of a lazy cunt to do so, and instead made dumbass attention whore threads like this.
Already jerked off, I got a day to plan out where I want to leave my corpse. Thinking of just shooting myself in the head in the middle of a street
Don't kill yourself user! just call into your local news station and tell them you have secret incriminating evidence on the Clinton's. In less than 24 hours someone else will do it for you.
Fuck off user fag. trying to help OP through this
Thanks, but reverse psychology is kinda done to death
I might, honestly. Could see how far I can get with my bullshit before I get necked
Did you rode a horse like walking around with it, or did you RIDE IT going full speed with it hurting your ass and holding for dear life not to fall off his back?
I properly rode it. Was fun while it lasted, but honestly it just made me wanna go back home where I could just sit down and not do anything
If you're gonna do it might as well go out with bang(no pun intended) go steal a car, rob a liquor store, go on a high speed chase with police. Make history user I believe in you
Atleast livestream it?
I never drove a car before, I wouldn't know how to get away properly before I got either shot or thrown in jail in a jacket where I can't off myself
Guess I could
so your 16 user? never drove a car?
user, can we be friends?
well shit bro, dont know what to tell you then, animals are what keep me sane, if they dont do the trick for you I cannot help you. If you wanna live you need something to live for, not some hope for the future, but something that will keep you sane day to day, isolation is one powerful drug, abusing it only leads to deeps you are not meant to reach, the pressure of the water will tear you appart
No, I'm 24
I appreciate it, but no, having a stranger call me a friend for a day won't do much
Make twitch ill sub
I love animals too, but I don't make enough money to properly keep one fed. Not to mention I have no savings in case they get sick or injured, so that would just be cruel.
oh cool user. we should be friends too
5 bucks won't buy me shit in wherever the fuck I end up
Doesn't mean that much on this site
Please more pics like this
You can always volunteer to do animal work, god knows they need it.
Aww, I want to help you user.
I'm barely educated, I doubt they'd let me work there.
Go do an essential job. If corona kills you, it kills you.
Tbh i just want to see it, ive seen to many of these threads end up being absolute bullshit.
your fucked up user, but if u live stream, I will sub too
Well I mean the whole point is to get shot if you wanna die. Struggle for the cops gun to insure a good six shots to the chest Michael Brown style. Maybe wear some black face for the added cosplay bonus.
Haha, me neither, but i dont have to. There are plenty of animals on the street that love a bit of company if you are willing to approach them, my aunt has a pair of cats, and my uncle has a pair of dogs, visiting family often ends up in akwards silences but those animals love me more than they love the people that feed them for some reason. I wont assume you can do the same, but animals require very little, when i was a little kid i had a crow make a nest close to my house and he may as well have been my pet for how much he let me pet him. Just try to find something near you instead of sulking in your empty appartment
We love you, user. Don't kill yourself
Dad died of a heartattack last year, but mom died of Corona. Last straw bullshit, you know? I would rather blow my brains out than lie sick in bed waiting to die
That's true, I might stream it honestly
I have a gun already, dont wanna let some fat powertripping fuck get me
That's a neat idea actually. We could use your death to finally prove the Clinton's excute those who know too much. You'll die but become a hero after death!
how small is ur pp?
just jack off and forget about it
A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor user.
But if you're just fucking with around then sauce on the pic?
Sorry for being sceptical, i know people who've killed themself, the last thing they did was make a thread about it, actually quite the opposite, they shut everyone out, family, friends, strangers and jumped of a bridge. The fact op is making this post rn makes me think this is bait.
I would, but I don't like the outside
The only hole there is that I'd have to have something concrete. Just saying I know shit would put spies on me, nothing else. If I actually had something, then they'd get me
5 and a half
already did
Elf-san Wa Yasarenai
Don't let him get you. Once it gets too crazy just off yourself. You'll probably make local news or maybe national news if it's crazy enough.
just go and pick a dog from the streets, you can feed him once a week and that will be more than what he normaly gets, and he will love you for it. Or hell, just do as said, you dont need education for it, just time and patience
yeah I get it user, but I think its serious this time
Maybe if I advocate for something or make a statement. Dunno what'd cause actual discussion and what'd get buried by the media
that's a good way to get a disease, but I like it
>I would, but I don't like the outside
Nobody does, but you cannot live with inner rations alone, this is a testament of that. Nobody WANTS to go outside, but you need to find something, and that something aint hidding under your bed to be discovered
Maybe I'll go get lost in the woods for a few days before I off myself
yeah, have some fun with it. for all of the anons that cared about you in this thread. J\just have some fun ok? even if you kill yourself, we want the best for you :)
Isolation in your appartment or Isolation in a forrest
I dont see the difference, if you are planing to go there, dont go with the mentality of hidding in there, because you will just reinforce the idea you already have in your mind, if you go do so with an open mind
ya gotta find a purpose to your life. go out. make friends. solve problems humanity has and find someone to talk about your acomplishments so you dont feel like shit. hang in there doomer (not literally)
why don't you go out doing something badass user?
Don't. Learn to love yourself, regardless of faults.
Advocate for the extermination of jews, minorities and trannies. Claim America should be a white catholic ethnostate and cite Donald Trump as your main inspiration. That'll get the news in a frenzy. A glorious shit show for everyone to enjoy.
Still not sure how I wanna go about it
I was born to be a number in some government list, nothing more to it
Still thinking about that suicide in the city thing. Shoot myself in the head in a crowd, I guess.
I've had 24 years to do that, but I don't
Would be nice if you went on a high speed chase with the police, who knows maybe you'll like the rush, if you have a motorcycle that's even better. Better than offing yoself
that's too obvious though, should be more than just some triggering words. Yeah the media will bite but that will be it
Dying is easy, Living is harder.
The thing is you need to learn how to not suffer in one to not think the other is better by comparison
I don't know how to drive a car, I'd just crash into a building and get arrested
Sounds like a job for the Smiling Friends
You can also try to rob a bank or something. If you have nothing to loose that maybe something that can give you the final hope
baby steps user, try to learn, at least ridding a bike is as easy as knowing how to keep your balance for long enough to start accelerating. You are in no hurry after all
I'd probably just stutter and fuck it all up, or get shot by the nearest cowboy hat wearing retard who carries a handcannon everywhere
Every morning I wake up feeling tired and like I'm already done trying for the day. Takes me 5 hours to get out usually