Red pill me on the Jews, anons

Red pill me on the Jews, anons.
I already dislike them, but why should I hate them? How do they really control the banks and media? I'm not looking for:
>>haha big nose and shekel (although it's flavor when sprinkled in with points)
So what are the real points here?

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Kikes cannot be trusted.

Yes, but why? Sure I have ideas but I want to know reasons.

just go to Yas Forums and ask them

I wake up everyday and blame the Jew.

I go to my shitty job and come home and spend all my money. I can't budget. I can't go to school. I can't get a place of my own.

I know it's not my fault, but my life sucks because of some parasitic Jew somewhere planning all this shit out and you know what?

I'm not the only one. We're rising up. We're fed up with it all. We're organized. We have made our presence known on the internet. We're the new Stormtroopers.

This is war.

Spreading degeneracy, running pedophile islands, funding terrorism.

>but why should I hate them?
well if you need an excuse as to why you suck at life, blaming someone else always works. niggers blame 'da man' for keeping them down. why not you blame 'da jooz' for all your problems?

Because I'm not a nigger, or a loser.

>or a loser.
losers blame others for their own shortcomings. I got news for you

kike spotted

What about My Jewish Great Grandfather who shot down Nazis over Europe as a bomber tail gunner

They are as fastidiously shrewed as they are niggardly about making decision with emotion. Being so emotionally controlled means they are hard to manipulate. And thats really the bottom line. Emotion is the most powerful tool. They by stereotype don't act on it, so they are powerful. Hitler used his prestige of fighting in WW1, along with Germanys absolute disdain from defeat, to resurrect the German will to thrive. Those emotionally controlled fiscally sound Jews killed Jesus! Blane them! It easily twanged the broken heartstrings of the Germans

Jews secretly despise non-jews if they're true to the religion. Just look up Talmud excerpts on the goyim

He was fighting for jewish supremacy over all goyim. The allies were simply useful idiots.


>if they're true to the religion
those are the orthodox jews. and even by conservative, standards, way the fuck out there. jews on left, center, and right despise them. orthodox jews are known to be lazy. collect welfare, cause riots, refuse to serve in the israeli military, and have the audacity to denounce and not recognize the very jewish state that feeds and houses them.

my grandfather (us army) fought the japs in the Philippines, and the nazis/fascists in North Africa, and Italy. extremely proud

they made up the Holocaust, and kill people and start new wars based on those lies.

I'm happy to know that my Jewish great grandfather was part of the effort to fucking annihilate the nazi dogs you look up too

Nepotism is how they control banks and media. Nepotism and money. They have no home country, yet they maintain a subculture of tribalism within every country that hosts them and manipulate their way into positions of power. And frankly, I can't fault them for it, because every other tribal culture uses the same playbook, though often less successfully. The real issue is that white people, the goyim, have been manipulated into feeling shame for striving for betterment through concocted standards of "racism," "sexism," "patriarchy," "imperialism," and all types of "phobic" behavior, through an agenda pushed by the Jewish-controlled media. No other culture on the planet is apologizing for their "privilege" or enabling the upward mobility of their own people, it is entirely a manipulation meant to divide and conquer white people through psychological conditioning and behavior modification - and its working...

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It's also the billionaires that run corporate america, pay off politicians, run AIPAC, etc. They can't be that obvious about it. They are smart in how they manipulate. They have to be smart to make up 1.4% of america but also make up about 50% of the billionaires.

theres a difference between sympathizing with Nazis and understanding the realities of WW2 and the so-called Holocaust. And remember, if you disagree with me, you're a fascist.

They believe gentiles are as low as dogs and were made to serve them. They also shoot anyone who comes near the Israel border. They actually knee cap them so they never walk right again. Then shake their finger at places like the united states for wanting strict immigration laws. They also sacrifice gentile children to Molag and Bhaal.

Exactly this. It's not by accident jews always paint themselves as perpetual victims. If you even say jews in public people get ready to call you racist. They are socially conditioned to be useful slaves. After all, the Talmud claims all jews shall have 2800 goyim slaves. Once you read that evil piece of shit book you realize how they see the rest of us and every fucking thing falls into place.

Nazis and jews are both evil since they work against the common good of mankind. They both believe in only their own supremacy.

Yup, all people need to do is read what they say vs what they do in their own country. It's plain as fucking day and you can go by articles and actions alone. You don't need to read any opinion pieces to form an accurate picture.

I too thought it was exaggerated until I saw passages in the Talmud. That shit has been around for quite some time now.

You can't hate anybody for controlling/owning something.
Also, hate is not a solution to anything.

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Hate isn't a solution, it's fuel, and it works wonders when applied correctly.

You were right until that last sentence. The "common good of mankind" is a ridiculous thing to strive for. Any culture worth its salt believes in their own supremacy and seeks to conform the rest of the world to their standards of faith, freedom, and commerce. And there is nothing wrong with that. This "diversity is our strength" filth is counter-intuitive to the primal instincts of man and ultimately detrimental to the species. Its socialism, and socialism is a Jewish scheme to enslave the non-Jew.

Not op but you're just saying random shit and expecting people to just blindly believe you

You are both my friend.

Common good as in advancement. Depends on how you define it. I think the point of life is to learn and advance - whether that is artistically or technologically. We are destined for the stars. People like jews and muslims would rather fight over the rocks on the surface for the rest of eternity.

The nazis themselves were puppets of the zionist cabal. Put in place to start ww2 and create Israel. Notice I'm not implicating all jews in this.

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not the person who posted that, but its a perfectly acceptable off-the-cuff response. This isn't an academic journal, we aren't required to provide sources and we don't expect to be believed. If someone wants to do further research on why Jews are blamed for spreading degeneracy, funding terrorism, and pedophilia, they now have the keywords to seek that information on their own. Now run along and sow your seeds of discord elsewhere, kike.


Nazis never did anything in Africa retard

This is true too. Churchill signed an agreement sometime in the teens promising Israel. Israel funded both sides of the war using bankers in the US and UK. They grew incredibly rich in the US. They had a hand in the treaty of Versaille. Then they called in that German debt (when the war wasn't even completely their fault, the fault was shared.) When you connect the dots it's fairly simple. I don't think they accounted for the nazis going in so hard and dry though. I think they assumed the banks would turn belly up and they would simply own the country.

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Uhhhh... hate to break it to you. They controlled Egypt and the muslims were their buddies. They even had panzers with desert paint

trump loves jews

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federal reserve?

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Yup, Trotsky and Lenin were the ring leaders.

I found it interesting in one of the recent Cosmos shows they made it a point to show a jewish scientist in russia running from persecution, and even mentioned the Holodomor, but didn't mention how jews engineered it to starve out millions of russian orthodox christians. Many more died this way than jews in the holocaust.

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>You want money? Just print it and pay us interest!

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b-b-b-but that's anti-semitic!

>Hitler used his prestige of fighting in WW1, along with Germanys absolute disdain from defeat, to resurrect the German will to thrive.

utterly false
the Jews destroyed Germany in the late 20's and 30's, leading to hyperinflation and destitution of the native german population with the exact same ploys of degeneracy to attack their culture.

At the same time in eastern europe, jewish bolsheviks were creating the conditions for the holodomor in which 25million russians and ukrainians starved. Wonder why you never hear about that? because guess who controls the media and sweeps this under the carpet of history

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Are you iliterate? Read old military text books, not wikipedia

you mean the Balfour declaration

They’re the reason why your dick was mutilated.

Yup, and when they do mention Holodomor, they say it was due to Stalin, when it was a plan backed by Bolshevik jews as a whole

>Balfour declaration

Yes but Churchill also endorsed the plan. It was a letter I saw somewhere, can't be bothered to look now. He was too smart to not understand.

i dont beleive that.
the media and history books would lie about the six gorillion

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Can't find the signed letter I read.

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If you’re not Orthodox, you’re missing the whole point.

25 million didn't starve in the holodomor. That's almost the entire population of Ukraine at that time. It was 4 to 7 million based on the most credible estimates.

Russia was not good at keeping records of numbers of population. Hence why so many were easily disappeared. They wiped out massive amounts of evidence. Fuck they even edited out evidence of the black death in poland because they wanted to make it seem like 'workers rising up' was a natural thing and had nothing to do with a pandemic.

Russia has so many mass graves, and we will never truly know how many of their own people they massacred.

They don't have any influence at all over American politics.

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That's just a coincidence. They just work hard. Hey did you see Seinfeld?

this is what trump supporters in 2020 look like.

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To be fair they control both parties.

yeah, the lefties have always looked like drooling retards though.

jump at any chance to usher in socialist/communist ideology based on jewish trickery.

I know they didn't really keep records and the archives are sealed to this say. But throwing out these absurd numbers just makes you look unhinged. The NKVD and Cheka did kill a shit ton of people. Million of Ukrainians died in the holodomor. It was orchestrated by Kaganovich as revenge for the anti jewish pogroms in the 18th century in Ukraine. But they didn't starve out that many people. The population never would have been as high as it was when you account for ww2 casualties, the civil war, the red and white terrors, etc.

And they know it won't happen. The key is to make people fight it out, because as long as we're at each others throats, we don't notice our wealth draining away. Purchasing power diminishing, corporations growing ever larger and more powerful, rights slipping away one by one. And the numbers of their wealthy only continue to grow. It's almost like what they did in Germany in the 20s, but on a much slower burn. Most people are boiling frogs and don't realize it.

sad because im a jew but im poor as fuck and struggling to scrape by


Hey happy Passover y'all

I acknowledge it's not all. There are evil christians and muslims too. I hate jewish financiers but I'm a fan of Brian Green and Eric Weinstein. It's important to note the differences. Hitler's mistake was making it a genetics thing, when it's a religion + class thing.

i was a fan of Eric Weinstein until i learned he was a gatekeeper. some of his opinions didn't add up. until i realized he is a crypto shill. like alex jones shills for Israel.