say hi to your new queen. Yas Forums
Say hi to your new queen. Yas Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Where is she?
Shove the entire arm of that sweater into your ass or vagina
im in your heart, or discord if you want to add me
I've already found all her social media and shit, probably got something about her home address here too
kek you are gonna get raped and murdered like the last one
I'm not seeing any queens here
show us how many sharpies fit in your butthole.
whats my social media then
Where do u live
gtfo newfag
begone, zipperhead chink
sounds hot
ey baby
this cunt is new to Yas Forums tits or gtfo
hard no
How far can you squirt
Tits or get the fuck out pinoy
Covid-19 Queen perhaps.
Phuck her.
you know the drill, sharpie in pooper, shoe on head, tits or get the fuck out, etc etc etc.
that's what she said too
zipperhead is using us all for a youtube video, dont fall for it anons
you know the drill, send me money so i can but those sharpies and shoes etc
buwy mwe dwiscowd nwitwo uwu
cock mongler
Close-up of ceramic duck pls
>new Yas Forums queen
image related is default asian
thanks, theres literally about 500 million exactly like you but ok
Asia is now the ruler of Yas Forums, present your balls to be crushed
Tit or gtfo out filipina
its in my discord server, you should join
sharpie in the pooper
Thats not a power ranger
that's a pikachu
handle with care xx
Shoe on head
buy me a shoe uwu
go suck your discord mod's nutsack
send me some bitcoin for tits/pussy
All these psychotics aside, you’re a 10/10.
Some of us here are normal and know how to navigate this space. Most are not.
If you know what you’re doing, then cool.
If you’re actually new, get out. I would not take these comments as jokes.
poor ass hoe thinks Yas Forums's gonna give internet points for shoes
hahaha no fuck you back in my day e-whores did it for the lulz you want money get the fuck back to instagram or wherever you thots congregate these days.
>Plebbit spacing
Tits for some bitcoin or gtfo
if you'd like to add me on snapchat and discord, mlady
bitcoin first, so if i get doxxed i can afford to an airplane ticket to africa
sure whats your discord?
im makin the twink lick my asshole, gimme a minute
seriously nobody want your covid shit pussy for money, everyone here except of the redditard knows that there is better fap material online for free, just gtfo and be anhero
whats the discord?
absolutely pathetic, user
in another castle
Other comment isn’t me. No thanks.
BTC is okay, but alt coin is the way. Chainlink and tezos are leading the market.
XLM is turning a decent profit too. There’s still time before the BTC halving next month in May.
i dont everyone adding me, tell me your discord and ill add you
Where the feet pics at?
Do want eat chink butt.
grug see woamn
grug have beticoin
No tits, no pussy, no queen
"discord" kys norp, you're no queen here, maybe if you were a loli or getting fucked by a black guy but I don't see any of those, zipperhead
You know the rules, show them
thats not me, i dont type like that
little fucking gook bitch, Ill skull fuck you harder than I did your grandma in vietnam and give you brain damage. how about you say please first you savage
no tits, noa fpoufsys, no wuqfeen
The peter muskrat army has no ruler
what do you post?
Merikan cause it's not September
that aint how it works here bud
grug no type, am samrt boy
This, OP. Also, sharpie in pooper
Sour looking face like it was flattened.
What's your twat like?
I'll send you bitmoney, but first tits and bussy here
excooze me mayeaun mi'm here for yout twat inspectiommgrgmmnn maybei could suck your toes whie 'm at it?
I posted this
>getting fucked by a black guy
Fuck you I hope you die horribly and with extreme pain
no no, i posted this it was me
black from the waist down
send me bitcoin here and you get my discord
kek get with the program faggot, sounds like someone's still stuck in the dark black closet, come out into the light, its nice.
Except you don't look nor act anything like a queen.
you look like a thot and act like an attention starved pre-teen.
All I see here is low hanging simp bait.
You want to be a queen? start by putting a shoe on your head and listening to your retarded subjects.
i feel ashamed for making the first post on this retarded ass thread, stop begging already damn
are you retarded? post you asshole or gtfo
What's your ethnicity? You look Flip-Chinese
im not OP, tard
you've got the wrong user
that was the shittiest reply i've ever seen
Anyway, it does seem like you are new here. You seem new to bitcoin too.
Bitcoin network fees are way higher and takes ~30 min to validate.
Why would you not ask for Ethereum or better yet Litecoin since it’s damn near instant? Then just transfer it into bitcoin.
what the monkey degen shit is this normies sure are more degen than this site
from the bottom of our hearts,