black people are so fucking stupid.
Black people are so fucking stupid
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I really hate them
You're the one watching challenge videos, cringelord
"I don't watch normie content on YouTube! I watch videos for intellectuals!"
Aren't there videos of idiots choking on spoonfuls of spices waiting for you to watch, mememaster cringe?
Well, how many?
I'm not a fan of them, myself, but it's usually white people making these kinds of videos.
Have you ever seen the guy...can barely talk and walk and breath. I am a fat guy and this shit makes me want to get into shape. This nigga is disgusting
whites aint any better
I hope this fucking nigger gets the death penalty
If it's even real
it is, not hard to use google buddy
who the fuck cares, its a nigger just shoot that nigger already man, dont act like its illegal to shoot a nigger in america
They definitely, definitely are.
>believing google results
are you retarded literally just google the niggers name
bing it then faggot
fake news is fake
totally agree with this. Black people are truly a problem in America and it was better when we kept nigs in chains and hung them in trees.
condescending hate on anyone only enables the perception of stupidity. retard ITS YOU unable to percieve the DEPTH of reason behind activity
Find a rope and a tree and fuck off
cuckold. Does Tyrone know you're on the internet?
Yes, you're a kike faggot, we get it.
I'm not your bro, porch monkey. And stop shitposting because you're buttblasted about niggers doing nigger things. Have you tried reddit?
Ya I mean they only invented all known forms of science, medicine, philosophy, government structure, basically all technology. But ya they're totally as bad as niggers who have done nothing but kill and spread disease. Do your parents ever tell you how disappointed in you they are.
Black people on average are pretty terrible.
But the amount of money black people pay to white people in late fees....
I'm in billing and black people just love paying late fees.
Jesus fucking Christ use autopay you dumb niggers.
You will die in 4 days
In Hecate’s name we bind *to the flame
May she bring nightmares, depression, and pain
We cast * to the wind, that all know his/her shame
May Hecate envelope * in the threefold law
May all forget *’s shame, their harm, their call
May their ability to raise magic fall on deaf walls
We join our energies, fellow friends in the Craft
May Hecate stop *’s harm in the future, present and past
Only when their deeds are reversed will this binding be uncast
So Mote It Be!
Hey anons! Mayoman here to show racist larpers their near future! Watch closely or you'll miss the magic trick!
Ask jeeves you bat cave dwelling batman tshirt wearing bat eating bitch
I love seeing trash off itself. Keep those suicide rates up subhumans
>Be glaicergroid
>hate nigs
>try to kill self
>somehow fuck it up and become vegi
>mom starts dating nig
>try to tell her about 13%
>tfw she can't understand my series of blinks
Neanderniggers are so fucking dumb lmao
i laughed at this and now i feel like a bad person
>bruh look at this dood
You shouldn't feel bad about a subhuman silly!
For you, my retarded friend. Use wisely.
Ubermensch 10 days after being conceived. It may look small, but fear, not my brothers. It is said to have an IQ of 400.
>Be neanderthal subhuman schizo
>know my races prime is long gone
>try to summon Kek to save us all
>fucking Shaun jumps in and fucks up my ritual
>burn to death instead
fake news, mate
Who would let their daughter go out with a fucking chimp?
>raising a mudshark
They should have killed themselves before De`Quandro did.
Whitoids can't help BUT commit suicide. It's in their nature. Their lives are trash, that's why they come here to cry and larp. Such a fitting end for a trash race.
Thats just sad. Why even let the kids see it?
black people in his community know he a gud boy and dindu nuffin. y'all jus racist whites.
Both those goblins died, right?
>tfw your kind went from owning slaves to owning poni plushies
Lmao just kill yourselves already
her parents were lefty soys, nothing of value was lost
Did he do that to the wall after Bernie dropped out a second time?
The ubermensch never dies!
he couldnt do that if he wanted to, look at "him"
Looks like that high IQ really came in handy. I'm sure his credit score covered his injuries.
Fucking Shaun! He is responsible for the fall of the whites!
Imagine the autistic noises he made as he assaulted his wall with what I at first assumed was his fists, but was most likely his face.
they're not human, just like niggers... also they're not white