i miss old times
I miss old times
Looks dumb. Porn is the best thing to happen to Yas Forums. More traffic than ever
Me too, Yas Forumsro, me too. I was here then.
Okay well post better threads then, faggot. Everyone wants to hurrr but no one ever wants to post quality shit. WAHHHHHHH. fucking nerd.
Yas Forums was never good..
Cont. 1
2002fag here. I do miss old times but shit this is life and everything changes. grow the fuck up and accept it.
also, where are the raid threads?!?!?
Cont. 2
fags see:
I missed the prime time for Yas Forums. I HAVE seen the occasional good thread here.
Three that really stand out:
1. On religion. Didn't devolve into a shitshow and there was some awesome discussion
2. A guy claimed he worked in Area 51 in the 90's. That was a very long thread (I saved it somewhere) and the questions we asked got answers that seemed to corroborate that he was telling the truth. Really cool info and a peak into that life.
3. A guy posted here last year claiming to be a north korean official. A lot of jokes were launched but OP seemed to keep level headed and when asked many different questions they seemed to be truthful and non contradictory. Didn't save that one, still wish I did
i am here since habbo raids, tho the truly golden time for me was the RP roll games. Not the ERP, coz that's a faggot shit. I mean things like flying city Exodus type of shit. Man, i miss these golden times.
Cont. 3
doc's a fag
love, Buhr
Yas Forums was much better 8-10 years ago
Cont. 4 captcha is gay today
Cont. 5
this is the kinda shit we live for
UwU lucky trips on a spoopy mil spec post
Cont. 6
From pol but who cares
Cont. 7
Cont. 8
Will upload more when I get home, currently phone posting at redlights while playing in traffic in my S14 lol
Enjoying this trip down memory lane. Here's one I capped awhile back.
>old times
>posts shit from 5 years ago
Lmao holy shit you're a huge flaming candy ass roody poo.
Still SO fucking funny
>Tfw this hurt worse to read than the text message I got from my aunt that both my parents passed away in some bumfuck marathon that was being held in Boston.
Not b, but so worth it
hemorroids are literally infammation of blood vessels, and most of all, he didn't research anything?
always lose to this one
Dubs confirm it
Finally the cointelpro thread
Kill yourself faggot. That filename says you saved that image recently.
If I get trips you must live stream your suicide
Am eternal newfag, my first thread was the didlo made of legos. Think it was right after the roodypoo filters were added.
That dude gonna be haunted for life. Jeez, in a way I love some of you degenerates, but some are just too much
Thank you for your service, user.
Yas Forums truly was the final boss of the internet... and then the zoomers arrived.
So late 2013?
Quality read, thanks user
Early 2012 at least is my first dated image I saved. I know my brother came here for a while but back then I was going out with friends if I wasn't working. Senior year of college was 2011-12 so around then. Before that the internet was only used for porn/studies.
I miss the Asian bro who used to pit his rats against scorpions and shit. Was a sad day when white nigger rat bit the dust.
I haven't been on here in a while but there used to be a faggot who would post pics of this corpse with an erection. The good ol days.
I could post my cheating ex bfs pics and his contact info. It's his bday and he's a shitty person