Hunger Games Thread

Hunger Games Thread
Gladiators Edition
Number of tributes depends on the IP count by the 24th entry

Attached: C-001.png (828x842, 73.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ducke detective(s)

Attached: DUCKE DETECTIVES.jpg (624x614, 57.51K)


Attached: Warspite.(Azur.Lane).600.2495857.jpg (600x600, 80.05K)

Jesus Fucking Christ
>definitely not winning this one.

Attached: ~JC1.jpg (301x421, 17.03K)


Attached: Bismarck 0.png (1317x1175, 1.13M)


Attached: Cryspy Azzy.png (966x550, 326.6K)

sick chinatsu

Attached: 978.jpg (1446x1021, 116.13K)

Obi-wan kenobi

Attached: obi wan kenobi.jpg (1920x1080, 158.34K)

Nutella Girl

Attached: Nutella_Girl.jpg (932x932, 194.02K)

Big Tits Kylie

Attached: BTK3.jpg (729x1024, 52.52K)

Nao Kaizaki

Attached: 55.jpg (565x673, 75.4K)


Attached: meine schwester.png (1009x1024, 964.59K)

Constantly Orgasming Scout

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-28 164334.png (1813x925, 1.08M)


Attached: 1492279988451.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

Alola DC

Attached: 738.png (710x444, 721.39K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832.29K)


Attached: Charlotte.jpg (1026x1426, 99.11K)

Hot doge

Attached: 4C32F2DE-8AD8-49AB-95B0-C6FA90733B10.png (360x251, 92.59K)

Veruca Salt

Attached: verucasalt.jpg (300x450, 18.48K)

Astro Cat

Attached: 33.jpg (800x640, 153.43K)


Attached: 20191231_220554.jpg (221x207, 26.56K)



Attached: 20200409_091013.jpg (1262x1110, 640.28K)

Doesn't look like we're doing 36 this time, so give me 4 more

Attached: water.jpg (604x539, 37.04K)


Attached: Axel.png (360x326, 41.53K)

Unlucky Girl

Attached: 7ee.jpg (680x681, 36.98K)

porn hub

Attached: pornhub.png (1279x1261, 1.64M)



Attached: fuifawcds0b41.jpg (2048x1352, 251.9K)


Attached: Reaping.jpg (670x788, 323.9K)

Fiery Annette

Attached: 76616435_p0_master1200.jpg (916x952, 252.19K)

RIP woolooigi


Attached: ready for battle.jpg (2812x1500, 487.53K)

Scout is Lubed up and ready.

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-28 100531.png (1013x485, 650.12K)


Attached: JC40.jpg (195x321, 18.77K)

Is this the badass host from last time?

Simulation was ready but threw anette in before posting the bloodbath, give me a moment


Attached: ready.png (768x432, 549.07K)

who knows?

and so it begins.

Attached: IMG_20200409_011150.jpg (622x472, 35.38K)


Stop sucking your own dick, Rigs. Your lack of all your ribs is cool. We get it.

Attached: animeJC2.jpg (250x271, 55.25K)

JC is the most badass host

Autocropper is being a ho, we're winging the start

I don't know about the badass part, but it is me

I thought my throat singing skills were the best part

Attached: 1.png (723x3468, 578.5K)


Attached: 1463876841322.jpg (1280x720, 57.25K)

Got here late, so I'll be in the stands...

Go Kriegsmarine Sisters!

Attached: 7463beb081018724881c2c077f4c8a04.jpg (1424x1527, 154.89K)

jinxed it

Starts singing. Ily, boo boo

Attached: metalJC4.jpg (434x593, 64.79K)

Came here late so Gab-chan here rootin for jesus

Attached: images (2).jpg (225x225, 6.41K)

>not a new IP

Also, commentary might be a bit shorter

Attached: 1.png (701x2064, 480.92K)

"The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded"

Putting that lightsaber to use, huh?

Attached: Bismarck 8.png (800x1200, 1001.35K)

F's in the chat

Attached: 1.png (713x1769, 469.8K)

I won't be beaten so easily.

Attached: iron will.jpg (1280x720, 124.59K)

defeated by male genitalia lol

Christ, this is really slow

Attached: 1.png (713x2407, 507.7K)

Oh fuck please don’t let hot doge die

How else do you think Elfriede came into this world?

Attached: Bismarck and Rigs.png (857x1200, 1.16M)

Well that was quick. RIP Jesus hopefully he'll rise again in a few days

Attached: 20200409_121157.jpg (104x102, 8.65K)

a stork

He'll stay alive for as long as his will remains!

Oh boy

Attached: 1.png (704x2062, 386.96K)

Piss. I was right though.

Attached: BloodyJC.jpg (640x428, 202.03K)

damn pornhub, what a way to go. always knew Bismark was too slow.

Ooo, yeah, can't save you from that.

Attached: Bismarck 7.jpg (2508x3541, 874.61K)

I've done the math, he respawns after 3 slides

As always, we'll perfect the early jinx soon

Attached: 1.png (740x1293, 275.71K)

Attached: 20200409_091027.jpg (1214x1310, 708.22K)

I'm sorry son, that pic just makes me LOL

Attached: 44.jpg (1021x719, 146.69K)

Gunnery is failing me today...

Attached: engagement.jpg (2383x1340, 315.1K)

George knew.

Definitely more proficeint.

Attached: JC52.jpg (600x399, 27.33K)

that's wetfat's cock

Fuck autocropper, WE'LL DO IT LIVE


Attached: 1.png (726x1449, 262.61K)

he's powering up.

Attached: IMG_20200409_011206.jpg (750x1334, 60.41K)

You gotta love the host, 10/10 great guy

Run Rakeem, Run!

Attached: 1.png (727x766, 192.6K)

Attached: dead.gif (458x194, 1.14M)

He sure is. Gave me my sweet Elfriede.

Attached: coffee.jpg (1200x1697, 252.11K)

RIP Unlucky Girl

Attached: 1584577033544.jpg (640x628, 47.43K)

Oh hey break time
Yeah, JC's pretty cute

And you gave her to me too, dear

Attached: 1.png (690x1332, 198.58K)


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If it's any consolation, it took 4 people to take you down

Attached: 1.jpg (542x834, 239.47K)

*ahem* wrong pic....

Attached: 1.png (692x607, 150.14K)

Everyone relaxing.
Well, almost everyone.

Attached: lounging.jpg (3080x1832, 965.49K)

damn that's an old slide