Did you know that cows run after their calfs in despair as they're taken away from them...

Did you know that cows run after their calfs in despair as they're taken away from them, as any loving mother would knowing their children is off to be slaughtered?

Did you know that recent studies has shown pigs to be far more intelligent and empathetic than we thought? Yet we still treat them worse then filth.

Do you ever think about how that "tasty" burger or "juicy" steak you're eating once was a living being? With feelings, emotions, a unique personality; just like you??

We don't need to murder to stay alive or eat good.
There are vegan world class athletes to prove this!

What the induviduals really go through, just to end up as meal for you.

Do you really love animals?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Do you really love animals?

No, now give me meat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks vegefaggot.

I just love that they taste so good you can enjoy them 6 or 7 meals a day!

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>feelings, emotions, a unique personality

I'm a vegan as well for almost a decade now and while I genuinely see your passion my friend, you are are not gonna find a single positive response here. Edgy teens and generally sad people. Made my day tho seeing something like this on Yas Forums. Keep at it!

if they were so smart or empathetic they would have been born human

Did you know if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass on the ground

You should go to the Middle East and see how they do it there then tell them what to do.

Also try to convert a Lion Tiger Jaguar or Leopard or Alligator or Crocodile Shark or any other fish or almost any non grain eating bird or even or Doggo or a Cat.

You vain sentiment is pathetic your troll here is over.

Vegetarian here not vegan(don’t do dairy though) and I still say you’re a pussy.

I didn't expect one tbh. but if a few people will actually watch the links and think about it, it's all worth it.

thanks for your service

>when you fail to realize that this is a vegan-made meme.

Most vegans are world class cunts. It's not the diet as such, it's the rest of the fucking marxist dogma that invariably comes with it as a package. Go preach in China

I don't care. I'd eat other humans if it were legal.

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Did you know that the stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood? Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Nah I'm a MASSIVE fucking hypocrite, I get mad when I hear about people in China eating dogs but. I'll do the same shit to Pigs who are smarter than dogs. I also post on my Facebook about that AWFUL, killing ritual they do on the Faroe lslands to all the whales and ask if they'd stop doing that but, I'm eating at McDonalds tonight

- 95% of dumbass hypocrites out there

It's their fault they taste so damn good.

Give your dog to chinese people, they think it tastes good

Hmm how much will they pay? Probably not enough to make it worth my while.

Did you know meat tacos are fucking delicious and I couldn't care less about your commie opinion?

Like a dollar. It doesn't matter dude it tastes good. Who gives a fuck about your feelings.

>how that "tasty" burger or "juicy" steak you're eating once was a living being?
I believe in farm to market freshness.

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Because it costs more than a dollar to raise a dog to market weight?

Not worth it.

Such a waste, hope they were able to butcher it before it spoiled.

>Acting as if your edgy enough to not care about the emotional connection you definitely have to your animal

Yeah ok faggot. I wouldn't wanna outright be pointed out I was a 100% hypocrite either but. Nice dodging.

I asked what it paid, you came up with a price that made it not worth my time and cost.

Dogs are expensive in first world countries.

Bro. If I came into your house, right now, and took your dog to be shipped off to be eaten, idc. I could pay you the entire amount you've spent on the animal, so far, plus 10,000 in profit, and you STILL wouldn't do it. You are LYING as fuck if you say you would. Your faggot ass isn't gonna take it. You might claim you will as user, to be edgy and cool. But you know goddamn well you ain't doing it.

Did you know that animal instincts which promote the survival of the species are in no way comparable to morals or ethics? Perceived empathy is only a learned behavior that human have encouraged by selective breeding to ensure the best outcome for livestock.

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How do you know someone is vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

>10,000 in profit
You're a faggot if you don't take this deal.

10k + costs? That little bitch is out the door.

You want me to snap her neck for you or just suffocate her in a plastic bag?

How much will you pay for the puppies? They are weaned but probably still very tender. There are four, two of which are promised to others, but if you pay me enough they can have the same "accident" as Mama.

How do you know someone is a bloodmouth? Don't worry, they'll tell you how annoying vegans are

Yeah, acting like an edgy faggot on the internet. If I read this post to your dog, you'd cry to him like a little bitch and say you didn't mean it. It'd be so fucking cute.

She, she's a bitch, learn to read.

Also my dogs don't speak English.

I do believe you speak dumb bitch, so maybe you'd get through, but dogs are dumb and loyal, so she wouldn't believe you until it was too late.

Anyway we all now there isn't a profitable dog meat market in the US, so nice roleplay bro.

>knowing their children is off to be slaughtered?
they don't know that.

Naive logic fucknut.

>cows have feelings
>that i care

No worries, it's off to an inedible rendering plant.

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Lol I'm a little pussy that loves my dog and does all the dawwgoodgirl shit to her but acts like I don;t care about her on the internet

Wow bro you're so fucking edgy and tough, can I maybe use some of your Johnson and Johnson no more tears Shampoo?

This exactly why I hunt for all my meat. Elk and Turkey are dumb as fuck and exhibit none of these traits. That and the money I spend on tags and gear goes toward preserving habitats, you're welcome OP

There are no top world class vegan athletes. Depending on blood type and underlying genetics, many people need animal products to thrive. If you want to debunk the science this isn't the place, but since you can't debunk it, you shitpost here and/or troll.

Oh hey, an uninformed faggot


Oh hey obvious shills.


Good counter, dipshit! I love assholes like you who pull stuff of their ass but the moment you're questioned, you got nothing to back your claims...


ROFL 19 out of thousands. Many of which go back to eating meat because they start falling apart. I tried going vegetarian and felt like absolute shit, lost energy, got fatter, lost strength. Fuck off if you think you can force me to do that shit.

Find me people in STENGTH based sports who are vegan and successful. Go on, we will wait.

And formula 1? Really? Turning a wheel is not a sport.

Fpbp fuck gretas

You sure are angry for a herbivore, you sure you don't eat meat?

Sadly pigs and cows are on the wrong side of the smart/tasty ratio.

Do you know what anthropomorphizing is?

>animals care for their young
>humans abort their young
Kinda makes you think we should start eating people.

Frank Medrano. 100% vegan, would definitely kick your ass in a fight hands down.


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I really enjoyed your performance in Joker, Joaquin.

How fast can he kill and dress a cow?

CJ Fletcher, famous body builder actually had a video where he said vegans we weak and he wouldn't train with them. Frank invited CJ out to his gym. Frank did like 15 pushups while Fletcher, who is like 300 fucking lbs, sat on his back. Vegans are strong as fuck if they do it properly, and will live longer than you.

Did you know that plants are alive, some of them even eat meat.

Malnutrition is a hell of a drug.

Faster than you since he is superior to you physically

Tell us about the boners faggot, how far down the list is that one?

For every 1 strong vegan, there are 10000 strong non vegans

No, not angry at all! When you show me there are no vegan athletes, I will be REAL upset tho! So go on buddy, make me mad!

Cool set us up a cow killing contest then!

That's your dumb argument, I'm just here to laugh at you.

Yeah and 9999 cases of heart disease. Great victory bro. Enjoy taking heart medication at age 50

Only if it is extracted from screaming baby animals.

It will be made from your personal pet. They have to be tortured to death in order for it to be effective to save your heart. Only way.

Sweet do I still get my 10k?

If not, will you be my personal pet?

Kill yourself.

Plants are living beings too. Vegans kill far more of them. They justify it purely because they are classified differently. In fact vegans eat any lifeforms except animalia. It's pure hypocrisy.

Either live without killing or harming a single living thing or shut the fuck up.

Venus Williams - hasn't won anything since switching her diet
Lewis Hamilton - F1 driver (hardly a top tier athlete)
Colin Kaepernick - Isnt playing any sport
Kyrie Irving - Consistently injured since his diet change
Scott Jurek - got me there he's impressive
Jermain Defoe - became vegan in 2017 sin then he has scored a grand total of 4 goals.the year before turning vegan he scored 15
David Haye - vegan for around 6 years now. Hasn't been relevant in boxing in at least 5 years
Fabian Delph - always injured
Barny du Plessis - Body building is not a sport
Hannah Teter - vegan for 2 years how many Olympic medals has she won since that transition?
Chris Smalling - pretty good athlete so you have 2 now
Kendrick Yahcob Farris - placed 11th in his weight class in a sport that hardly has any competitors
Tia Blanco - a surfer...
Nate Diaz - Eats fish and eggs, only tries to eat vegan but has admitted he isnt strict on that
Meagan Duhamel - figure skater. Hardly top tier athlete
Timothy Shieff - freeruner not a sport
Jack Lindquist - cyclist (vegan maybe but everyone in that sport is in EPO or some other PED)
Abel Trujillo - alright fighter until he fight good fighters
Jack Wilshere - okay player I'll count that as 3

So three of the 19 maybe 4 if you want to count Abel Trujillo I'd at least entertain the argument. Being vegan is Hardly a recipe for performance.