Attached: dd.jpg (1080x456, 38.5K)

Inbound ne vera narratio?
>Sit a me
>XVII tempore
>Beta Victus impetro qui non posuit eum pro anima
>Pathologi -cum st quia timor medio puellarum schola, cum aliquo anami canid femina eruditioni habes me
>lunior habere sororem, ad hoc tempus XVI
>Soror mea est insanus puer, date aliquis realiter vult esse
>Denuntiat ut suus ‘cum aliquis’
>Pater et ego in consilia quam ut sagittent in satus de bastardis.
>Paucis diebus post, in domum suam dat secretorum scrutatores Dudus
>Alta, brunneis cappillus et hedum de capris et specula sortis infirmae sollicitavit,
>Nervosi visibiliter
>Patrem meum et dicam illi, et non sit qui suus ‘ambulavit in aula’
>De parumper pauci minutes
>Quod egredietur
>Narrat mihi Pater ‘est non semper esse’
>Sis est in domum suam
>Es denuntiat ‘amet’
>Circa septimana post, soror mea, it narrat eius puer familiaris ad collegium ante datus puella
>Anxius illa viros Clam perditos velit, ut hoc collegium terga puellae
>Fere dies octo, et soror mea, et mater SUBAUSCULTO colloquium inter
>”Nos es non est ultra”
>Haec dices ad patrem meum,
>Quivis antiburschius Atque quiete ocellos
>In faciem meam exacte quomodo praedictus pater meus filiae eius necessitudinem, primum ut se deorsum

Respondeo mater tua et non morieris in hac nocte somnum!

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סיפור אמיתי בפועל נכנס
> להיות אני
> 17 באותה תקופה
מפסיד בטא שלא יכול להסתדר בחייו
> פחד פתולוגי מבנות מאז חטיבת הביניים, אז איזה שכל זונה דפק אותי
יש אחות צעירה, בת 16 בשלב זה
> אחותי ילד משוגע, ממש רוצה לצאת עם מישהו
> מכריזה שהיא "רואה מישהו"
> אבא ואני מתחילים לדון בתוכניות כיצד לירות בממזר.
> כמה ימים אחר כך מביא את הבחור הביתה
> ילד גבוה ושרוט עם שיער חום ומשקפיים
> עצבני בעליל
> אבי ואני מתיישבים ואומרים לו שהוא "נכנס לאולם המשפט"
> דנו במשך מספר דקות
> הם יוצאים
> אבא אומר לי "זה לא יימשך"
> Sis חוזרת הביתה
> מכריזה שזה היה "כיף"
> כשבוע לאחר מכן אחותי מספרת לי שה- BF שלה יצאה בעבר עם נערת קולג '
> היא חוששת שהוא רוצה בחשאי את נערת המכללה הזו
> כשבוע לאחר מכן, שמע את השיחה בין אחותי לאמי
> "אנחנו כבר לא דבר"
> trytoholdbacklaughter.jpg
> תגיד לאבי את זה
> צוחק ללא שליטה
> אם אבי ניבא בדיוק איך היחסים הראשונים של בתו יירדו

Attached: HassidSlider.jpg (582x350, 20.6K)

This is one of my blood relatives in the US, lads.

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Scholarly kek

Ede faecam, pleb.

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I love you

Expecting this donated money to be given back is like asking for a refund when your lottery ticket turns out to be a losing ticket.

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Attached: nigger skeleton.gif (948x704, 1.71M)

the white race and the amount of small cocks in the country?

Nah imma kill myself. No spooky skeleton gonna tell me what to do

Fuck, I've never lost on the first post before. Good job, bro.

ppl know what a donation the right cant meme


It was funny the first time

Yah that was pretty gay.

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but it actually is a skeleton

Jews aren't white.

jokes on you, nigger

some are, some aren't...lots of race mixing and confusion in the Jewish race

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why are you expecting right wingers to be acting in good faith? they know their arguments are retarded, they just don't care.

you still don't got it.


Thank you! I hope this thread will be good


Why the fuck would you get a refund?

True. Jews are a not-muslim sandnigger species

Thats right! It was the first time for me. I'm dead

Attached: forever_box.jpg (500x496, 344.5K)

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Lost but actually

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It's legal to fuck them

>>Respondeo mater tua et non morieris in hac nocte somnum!

end vita tua

and the left cant stump the trump

Actual true story inbound
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

Attached: gran autismo.jpg (1273x1155, 327.84K)


holy numbers
4 fours

way to kill a thread before it begins

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Attached: beermeem1.jpg (1080x1070, 150.83K)

Nice meme, Laputan Machine.

>Black people are violent
>Women are whores
>Liberals are dumb
>Trans people are crazy
>Jews are why I'm a virgin
Literally every conservative meme ever. Did I miss any?

ah doubt it

s e e t h e

That's just the third one


Lost & Checked

