You can laugh at Bernie as much as you want but at the end of the day, Trump almost lost to Hillary Fucking Clinton...

You can laugh at Bernie as much as you want but at the end of the day, Trump almost lost to Hillary Fucking Clinton. He lost the popular vote to her entirely.

What has changed since 2016?

Prisoners can now vote.
A more likeable president will be running against Trump.
Immigration numbers have increased by well over 10,000,000.
More young people have shifted to the left.

Do any of you morons honestly believe Trump will be re-elected? Cope harder its fucking over for magats

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't forget about the fact that the one thing that was going in his favor was the economy. No matter what the cause of the recession (or depression) is, he'll at least be partially blamed for it.

Are we really still acting like there's going to be an election in november?

There's either gonna be an election or a Civil War. Personally I'm hoping for the latter.

Weak bait OP. At least put some fuckin effort for christs sake

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Yea. I know Yas Forums tends to stay on this board but the reactions everywhere else are hilarious. BernBros literally refusing to vote.

Caleb get back in your room! And no Fortnight mister!

nice pasta


>He lost the popular vote to her entirely.
US politics is fucked, how can you lose an election and still become president??


Wouldn't be much of a civil war, the entire military and all law enforcement will support martial law in a second

saving this thread for the upcoming reelection so i can make a nice montage of butthurt libtards

Lol the coping is strong with this one

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Electoral districts.. same thing happened in Canada(different system but still same fucked up result) after there last election. It’s actually very common..

Can't wait to get out this shithole country lol

Bernie lost to Clinton in the primaries

>more likeable

I thought b hated pedos?

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Even if Trump loses by a fucking landslide (he won’t):
>25% of the judges on the entire fed circuit are now Trump selected lifetime appointments
>There is a 5-4 majority in the Supreme Court with an upcoming vote that can overturn Roe v Wade & RBG retire in the next two years. Possibly 6-3
>Republican majority Senate
>Distrust of Democrat ANYTHING is at an all time high
>The left has managed to take power away from almost any accusation involving social issues in the election cycle
>Usurped control of the DOJ and can not be arrested even if found completely guilty as he is a US president

If Trump loses, he managed to rebuild the judiciary in a manner that gives Repubs so much fucking power that no Democrat will be able to do shit in the Oval Office for DECADES.

If Trump wins, his power and gutting of any left policies continues unchecked. He props up Ivanka as the “first woman president and continuing the Trump idea of Keeping America Great” and the Trump Empire has officially started. He managed to damn near pull a coup d’état of the US government.

When there are this many shill threads being posted by the JDF like propaganda merchants - you know shit is boiling.

*FUN FACT* retard - Yas Forums has got to be the most retarded place to try and post shill propaganda in order to "demoralize" or whatever youre trying to do etc etc... i can fling more shit but cba.


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>He managed to damn near pull a coup d’état of the US government
Were you unaware of the President's ability to appoint judges? It's as if you just started paying attention to politics.

I have a little (not that fuckingmuch) that Trump will lose. If it were literally any other person with the utter shitshow of the last 4 years, they would lose 45 states.

However. Trump, for whatever reason, is not normal. There are no rules for this lump of shit. Don't forget, idiots do not change their mind, they double down even when it hurts them. Trump *could* win, and it's not too unlikely.

I have a small ember of hope still burning, but fuck me running, it's not big.

Imagine people not noticing Biden is going senile. The cope is real.

Who the fuck is this? HOly shit.

A hell of a lot more likeable than this motherfucker

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1. Bernie's campaign is over.
2. A senile dufe isn't gonna win.
3. Weak bait. Thread closed.

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>He managed to damn near pull a coup d’état of the US government.

And it's not even fucking over. He's still trying, and it's scary how successful he is at it.

Bernie Bro here. Will either vote green or stay home. And I'm in NYC too lol

Biden must get a VP that people have some faith in. Michigan governor, maybe. Stacey Abrams, maybe. He should avoid any of the presidential dropouts.

I voted for Trump in 2016 and won't be voting for him again.

If you're serious, you're fucking retarded.
7-2 Supreme Court. Think Ginsburg has another 4 years in her?
Plug your nose, eat the shit sandwich, and live with 'small changes that aren't terrible' instead of 'the entire world belongs to rich assholes'

Where the fuck has Biden even been for the last month? If the democrats even bother to have a convention, it'll be a brokered convention and they'll trot Bloomberg back out or some shit.

TRUMP VIRUS.. stupid old fat white dementia fuck made it worse for your shitty old wrinkly cracker grandparents KEK

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I have never wanted to be an icecream bar more in my life. Hnnnng.

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He's just a false-flagging magaweenie.

Right now there is a troll campaign going on attempting to encourage Bernie bros to either do what this magaweenie is saying he's gonna do or vote Trump.

>More young people have shifted to the left.
ITT: Reasons why Biden can't win?

>Joe Biden
>more likable


I am as left as it gets, same with my friends... none of us are voting for Biden.

Either Trump or Vermin Supreme now


This is because the GOP has been very successful at a few things:

1) Pushing the idea that any facts or reason contrary to Republican talking points are automatically fake and can be ignored.

2) Convincing their people that any opposition is not just wrong but treasonous and evil.

3) Purging dissent from their ranks (both within the party and outside) and encouraging members to attack anyone who doesn't follow the party line.

4) Nominating people who are easily confused and manipulated so the party can secretly run things behind the scenes. (Reagan, Bush II, and now Trump.)

If the GOP nominated David Berkowitz (the Son of Sam serial killer) for president, he would have a solid chance at winning (and conservative pundits would go into overdrive saying Berkowitz was framed, and even if he did kill one or two people, they deserved it).

There's a system in place whereby the people's votes aren't directly for president. People vote and the electoral college considers the outcome of that vote and then elects the president. 2016 was the 8th time in US history the president did not win the popular vote

These reasons are all shit. Bad bait op.

Who dis!?!

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>Where the fuck has Biden even been for the last month?
A better question would be, where the fuck have YOU been for the past 3 months?

You see, there's this pandemic thingy going on...

Well faggot what’s the modern day precedent for this? When’s the last time we had a majority republican S.C.? They got Kavanaugh now and their FIRST case has to do with Abortion lmao. In 3 months he completely gutted a metric fuckton of policies. Obamacare is ded, Voter Rights ded, Campaign finance laws ded, Sexual Harassment fed protections ded.

Plus they could use 5 votes to grant themselves Veto power over federal agencies and completely cancel any plan of regulation of businesses. They have completely transformed how the federal court works now. It’s never happened before.

It's working, just like it worked last time. Bernie made more campaign appearances for Hillary than she made for herself, but his supporters mostly voted for either Trump or Stein.

How has doing that for four decades worked out? Not too well, except for gormless boomers that think 'moderate' means accepting stuff that the rest of the developed world finds almost universally barbaric.

The Dems are treasonous and evil though.



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wanna know something that has also changed since 2016? Trumps approval rating among african americans ~5% to 30%, you fags cant even win anymore, must be why shilling has gone maximum overdrive.

What’s also crazy is that all of these besides the easy to manipulate leaders are major tenets of fascism. Btfo

Hated Hillary and voted for her last minute against Trump. Whatever not doing it again. I'm fine with 4 more years of Trump, if we even make it that far. ???

He could have maintained some sort of media presence instead of dropping off the map entirely, numbnuts.

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Immigrants cant vote.
Younger people are right leaning.
Popular vote means nothing.
Your vote means nothing.
What the fuck are you talking about.

I wish the Republicans were fascists but sadly not so.

If you are fine with 4 more years of this asswipe then you are a fucking moron.

I'm not gonna vote cause I don't like either candidate, what part of that don't you get?

Immigrants can vote stupid fuck KEK
younger people are actually left leaning
Popular vote is everything
Electoral means nothing
Your vote should mean something
Stupid brainwashed fuck

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Wasnt that like almost half a decade ago?

I live in NYC, what Trump does has very little effect on me but more towards the entire country

He is going to be impeached again. I’m willing to bet my life on it. It will fail again and that’s when the fun starts.

>popular vote is everything
>except winning the election itself.

>immigrants cant vote

Bruh, one of the biggest demographics for Democrats are illegal aliens.

Non citizens cant vote.
Younger people lean right.
Popular vote hasn't ever mattered. This isnt a democracy. Anyone that has read the constitution once knows that.
Your vote means nothing.

>winning the votes and minds of a majority of a country
>not being able to win the popular vote because... no one.. likes you..

Just like in real life for you and every other trump supporter KEK

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>When’s the last time we had a majority republican S.C.?
There were openings and Trump did what every President has the power to do. He also benefitted from a Republicunt controlled Senate. Took 0 strategy on Trump's part.

>They got Kavanaugh now and their FIRST case has to do with Abortion lmao
Kavanaugh has already voted in favor of current precedent with regard to roe v Wade lmfaotbh.

>In 3 months he completely gutted a metric fuckton of policies
And the next president will be able to do the same.

>Obamacare is ded
Reduced, not dead

>Campaign finance laws ded
They've been dead for a while. Nothing to do with Trump.

It was hardly a coup d’état, you're just uneducated.

Keep telling yourself that youth vote right meanwhile they exclude every trump fuck at school

.....and at the end of the day, Trump WON. Try to qwash out that sand.

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He should be impeached on about half a dozen reasons, but fuck. Just defeat him, and then let the SDNY just rape him in court. That's the best possible situation

maybe if you say it 10 more times it will come true

>It's working, just like it worked last time
I know you want to believe this, but it's way too early to tell.

>more young people have shifted to the left

yet they cant vote,because nobody cares that some high school morons school got shot up and now they are sjw's for the left

What's going to be really interesting is when Trump loses all the asshole conservitards who have been bending over backwards to defend him are going to turn on him like hungry dogs

Trump isnt a conservative.
Youths lean conservative. It's the counterculture these days.

Trump supporters parents look like, now they are at high risk of the Virus KEK watch all these bitchass Karen moms just drop dead , worse than a fuckin IMMIGRANT

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They might not be in their mission statement, but they are acting on some pretty fascist beliefs.

The Balance on the 7 characteristics of fascism:

Usurpation: The state overtakes and merges with corporate power and sometimes the church.

Nationalism: Leaders appeal to a nostalgic wish to return to an earlier golden age. That can include a return to a simple, virtuous pastoral life.

Militarism: Leaders glorify military strength through propaganda.

Father figure: A leader assumes the role of the father of the nation. He creates a cult status as a "dauntless ruler beholden to no one."

Mass appeal: A leader claims that the people, manifested as the state, can achieve anything. If they don't succeed, it's because of naysayers, minority groups, and saboteurs.

Government surveillance: The government takes an active role in suppressing dissent. It rewards people who report on each other.

Persecution: The state violently persecutes minority groups and opponents.

Actually all of them lmao Trump era republicans operate using all of these.

Keep screaming democracy, maybe one day itll be reality.

He's made appearances, but all the media wants to talk about is the virus and it's impact on society and the economy. No network is going to make Biden a regular fucking contributor, moron.

Get to posting a cum tribute of Poster child for space cadets

Trump supporters against democracy KEK brew whites didn’t invent it

Not to mention that voter suppression of older conservatives may occur because it’s not worth it for them to go out and get corona and die to vote for Donny. I think this is gonna be a close race.

>Youths lean conservative
Outside of Trumpland, this is patently false


Where are all the TRUMP RALLIES ?
Go fill up those high school gyms and get sick stupid fucks

The us isnt a democracy, thank god.
It was never intended to be a democracy. It never has been a democracy.

Except that it isnt. Anyway, enjoy another 4 years of senseless seething!

>Trump almost lost to Hillary Fucking Clinton. He lost the popular vote to her entirely.

But the popular vote is not how we determine who won.

>The 49ers won the Superb Owl last year because they had more yards rushing than the Chefs.

Yeah, no they fucking won't

>governors are saying all citizens wear maks

>sheriffs are saying they will not enforce and don't care

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A republic is a form of democracy called liberal democracy. Direct democracy isn't the only form.

Desperate Dan...

thank God it isn’t, now this virus can start taking out the majority of the Republican base... old white people bet you won’t see their wrinkly cracker faces out for a while fucking cowards

The trump ralles are broadcast daily on every major news channel, now they are called 'taskforce briefings'

They definitely wouldn't.

Won’t be long until they get sick and die KEK fuck bootlickers

A senile dufe is going to win, it just wont be Bernie.

CRINGE go out and rally fucking cowards! LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP

Except that blacks are multiple times more likely to die from covid than whites..
Although neolibs definitely dont care for blacks.

Cope harder, magaweenie

So liberal that the popular vote means nothing. Anything else?

Being in denial this much :’(
How is the next president going to fill spots if Trump is pres when RBG retires and we get a 6-3 court and 1/4 of every fed judge are young Trump appointees with lifetime positions? In 3 years he appointed as many judges as Obama did in 8 and he’s about to get 4 more years.
And Kavanaugh hasn’t voted on anything regard Roe v Wade. The decision for watering down the Louisiana abortion laws will come in June and will probably pass. They have the chance to overturn Roe v Wade here as well.
This is the equivalent of shaking your head and saying “nu uh”

You keep saying any president can do the same like they aren’t lifetime positions or we’ve ever had this situation before.

Fucking faggot

Cracker whites have the worst immunity, they’ve been flopping on the street like fucking dead rats

Pew projected Clinton 96% winner too.
>use pew as source

That's both bad and stupid

Governors are suggesting that people wear masks, sheriffs don't have shit to enforce anyway because it's a suggestion and not a rule, much less a law

Lol, no. There is 2k police officers for the various suburbs in my 100 square mile city. Half of them would not return to work and the other half would be dead within a week in a civil war scenario.

Votes don't matter if Republicans rig the counting. Bernie'd fight when they steal it. Biden will appeal for calm. See you for Trump 2024.

Sherriffs bitchass Karen wife could be caught wearing one at the grocery store though while she’s buying out all the toilet paper KEK

Like I've been saying since the last election when I correctly said Trump would win the moment he announced. LANDSLIDE TRUMP VICTORY THE LIKES OF WHICH AMERICA HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE 100% GUARANTEED IN 2020.

Take a screen shot user. I've not been wrong about one election yet since the 1981. I've called them all. I'm that good and I've made a lot of money doing it. Again, take a screen shot user. You can say you were there.

Kek now everyone is forced to watch him every day, he's a literal god and all the death is worth it. Hell I'd even die for him

both biden and trump are senile, you are going to have to be more specific

Honestly cops can’t do shit without other cops around them, group mentality. Like a herd of sheep, tough for them to fight alone

>said something against my ideas
>throw cope at him


It cannot be a brokered convention if Biden (or anybody else) has more than half the delegates pledged. With Bernie out, Biden runs the table from here in and has well over the needed number.

Unless Biden starts to coof, he's the nominee. Unless Governor Cuomo jumps in, I guess. The Dems wuld love to have him instead of Biden at this point. But Cuomo has his hands full at the moment.

Waiting for cum tribute.

bounce nigger, only thing keeping you here is you.

Please die for him KEK stupid brainless blue-pilled sheep with NO PURPOSE must suck to be you lel no friends except trump