Tell me why I should vote democrat again?

Tell me why I should vote democrat again?

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its a misleading headline. Unless you are rich, its generally in your best interest to vote for a party that seeks to provide a social safety net.

Because they represent everyday Americans

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liberals are always hypocrites.

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Imagine thinking you have the interests of the working class in mind and being a Democrat

>best interest to vote for a party that seeks to provide a social safety net
you think

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> its generally in your best interest to vote for a party that seeks to provide a social safety net
Generally, throughout all modern history it's really, really not

I dunno user, I've never heard of any media outlet being disingenuous before.

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That bill passed days later after more negotiations. Both parties "block" votes on bills to renegotiate the language in said bills. This post is misleading and disingenuous.

The fact that you don’t work in a coal mine for six dollars a day says otherwise.

Your probably talking to someone who thinks thats a fair trade for being able to say "nigger" in pubic without consequences.

Democrats aren't going to be winning anything for a long long time.

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Daily reminder; congressional Dems have voted to approve almost every bill Trump has submitted to congress has been. They side with him on so many issue. The two parties rarely disagree

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>submit bill

You do understand how government works, right?

It's baffling to me that there are so many Christfag Republican Trumphumpers on a sight for spamming anime porn, traps, and pics of sluts from social media.

You do realize that the Evangelical Puritans who vote for Trump and his quislings want to establish a Christian theocracy in which this place would be banned, right?

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>Democrats blocking retarded facists from getting their way


you sound logical, OP

no that was china. unless your god is china, in which case you're right.







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Someone needs to Photoshop the bill of rights in her hands

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There's literally no reason.

Your god is made in china

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whats wrong with china lefty?

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wow you mean the judicial system is stacked against nationalists by the very people who told europeans they needed a judge and jury in the first place?

They literally blocked it to ADD 500 million more dollars in aid.

>stacked against
they did tons of illegal shit though
no excuses

Reagan's excuse for Iran-Contra was literally "I don't recall" and "I don't remember"

nobody anywhere vote, just let the offices go empty. its all bullshit

that bill they blocked didnt actually give anything to normal people, it was just a bill to support corporations which dont need any help. you would know that if you actually read the bill instead of listening to jewish talking head on fox news

just another example of how republicucks are too retarded to vote in their own interests

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If you bothered to look at the news today instead of from a month ago you would see Republicans blocking bills as well, because this is how congressional negotiations function. a "block" is not a permanent facet, it is a forced delay for more negotiations.

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Mitch McConnel has appointed 9000 judges.
If these people broke the law; do something about it.
that's what i thought

couldn't answer huh?, thats funny

You sound retarded

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based and anarchopilled

You don't actually expect right wing people to self criticize do you? It's impossible for them. Their entire perceptual framework is based on narcissism.

Oh you

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2/3 of federal judges have been appointed by an R.
try again

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he would rather have ivanka on his dick

They don’t give a fuck. They are children postering as informed adults.

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Because Trump and the Republicans are devolved, dangerous, worthless criminal retards that need to be erased from the government.

I dont know.

By going with Biden they are plainly stating:

We would rather risk, its pretty much a certainty at this point, 4 more years of Trump than have Bernie as president.

I wasn't even this bummed when Clinton lost, we knew she sucked and it was still "how bad could it get?". Now we know how bad it IS, and because of money, they'd rather have more of Trump than be less rich. Its not like they would be poor, just less rich.

Im not ashamed to say its disheartening and disappointing.
So to answer i cant give you a reason.

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Because orange man bad

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good point, invanka would be so much hotter

actually, fag, it was about half-half (more or less). The democucks wanted to squeeze in environmental and gender equality bullshit while the economy was burning. They can get fucked.


it literally was not though, you are thinking of the second bill that was purposed that got re worked like 4 times into what was eventually passed

stop listening to jews on fox news and go actually read the bills (assuming you can actually read)

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Okay, that would be absolutely based

whats wrong with china lefty? are you allowed to say?

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too soon

Because anyone who doesnt vote democrat is a racist, sexist, ablist, transphobic bigot!

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