This fucking destroyed me Yas Forums, i don't know what to do with my life anymore...

This fucking destroyed me Yas Forums, i don't know what to do with my life anymore. I met this woman on Tinder a year ago, we've been dating ever since i was going to marry her this year, then i find out she fucked my friend. I still love her i don't want things to end like this is there any chance of me getting over this?

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Fuck him to assert dominance

she cheated on you or you cant handle her having a past fling?


Oh, Erin? We all fucked her, bro.

Just cuck her. Fuck a girl in front of her to make it even.

Did she do shit with Jason she hasn't done with you? That's the worst.

Also, where are her nudes already?

If it's going to fuck with you just move the fuck on. It's going to feel like pulling your heart out of your ass, but silent resentment is the AIDS of relationships. TRUST ME.

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>is there any chance of me getting over this?
yeah, if you're ready to become a cuck! no, fuck that bitch, move on. she's not even pretending to be sorry she did it...


Dunno if it's bait, but I'll bite :
in this conversation, it's apparent there's a huge unbalance of power in your "couple".
You must be the clingy type, and even if she found this cute at first, it's now too much for her .
There's not a single once of shame or remorse in her action. In her eyes, it's justified.
Could be tons of reasons, but here's one : she doesn't feel like a part of this couple anymore.

This just prove that you're in the wrong user :
> i don't want things to end like this
Things has ended a long time ago, well before she slept with your friend.
She got enough time to make the psychological road (don't know the exact translation in english, sorry), and that's why she's so upfront with you.

user, block her and put her in your past. Because she already did that for you.
If you live together, give her her stuff back and cut the bridge.
If you live in her place, move out asap.

I know it's hard user, and I'm sorry for you. But don't try to fix things up. It's a lost cause.

Rape both of them

You dont turn a whore into a housewife
You have nobody to blame but yourself, you cant get mad at a fox eating a chicken when you brought the fucking fox into the hen house yourself.
2 options
>Accept being a cuck as your lifestyle
>dump her for breaking trust because no matter how lonely you will feel in her absence, relationship will nevee feel the same.

Send her nudes to her parents and frame Jason for CP posession

Never trust a guy named Jason. And like the other user said, she has no remorse. Get away from women like her

Your first mistake was dating based off Tinder.

Wait, so you've known her for under a year and plan to marry her? And you're insecure about a past fling she had? And you primarily talk over snapchat?
End it now.

It's over, move on.

You have to realise that the choices you've made so far led you to this point. It's now up to you to decide if you're going to be pussywhipped for the rest of your life, or if you're going to be in charge. It's shit like this that makes me concerned:
>you'll have to promise me you won't get mad

bitches get mad dude, should you care? no way! your friend clearly doesn't, that's why he gets pussy. Do you think he talks to her like that?

The sooner you learn that if you're not banging bitches you're the guy they laugh at, the better.

fucking lol no you won't, embrace the cuck life or be a man and dump her ass, simple

neck urself, cuckass faggot

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Don't date people on tinder bro
Move on, self perseverance above all else
You WILL get past this, but that must feel like shit, try not to mourn it for too long. It is obvious that this hoe didn't give a fuck about you.

This reads like it's from someone who's never done more than observe social interaction from a distance

To add to this, the answer to “promise you won’t get mad” should always be “no”

>"I met this woman on tinder"
I stopped reading there.

If you take her back, pic related will be you

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Haha fr lmao
People need to stop pursuing relationships through the internet, it rarely works.
Try to find a girl somewhere in your community

Not OP but I met my girl on tinder. She doesn't cuck me I think or talk shit to me. Will I be proven wrong in the future? Who knows

Yeah that bitch gives some mad head

A year?
You thought you could marry another human after only a year?
No, no user that's not how that works, you poor wee babe.
The pain you feel is undeserved and traumatic, but you're retarded, you're a fucking child if you think you can know someone deeply enough to fuse you're lives together after just a year.
You need to slow down and grow up.

You'll posting and thread similar to this in a few months. Give it some time.

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If you think my analysis is wrong, feel free to prove it. It can only be beneficial for OP

how did the convo develop from there?

my only community is my job and they're fucking retarded or extra used goods. the fuck else am I supposed to find bitches?

Post a pic of Jason OP

Yeh cut her out op. Most people find ways to keep her, im a bit more disciplined, I know there’s always someone better. If you wanna stay then stay but don’t expect her to do anything different next time. I’d fuck right off!

Should have been an incel OP

Perhaps local community events? Bars? Clubs?Family friends?
You're much better off finding someone in person and getting to know them, as opposed to meeting literal strangers off of Tinder.

Well we've been dating for 2 years with no issues. Will I one day be a cuck? Sure who knows, but it's anecdotal to claim that from OPs post.

Just like it would be anecdotal for me to tell you I know of 3 cucks in my life, 2 of which met their gf/wife at work and one at church.

Is tinder a slut hotspot in general, yeah, but aren't women just sluts in general if given the opportunity...

Bars and clubs and ymca? You fucking serious bro? As if those aren't fucking strangers lol

How are bars and clubs any less slut infested than tinder? Not OP but I always thought that to be a shit argument. Also, bitches you meet are clubs are most likely also in dating apps anyways... same population my nig

>aren't women just sluts in general if given the opportunity...
>dubs of truth checked
Most definitely

Kill them both. Only way to become a man again lol

Only a true cuck would take a chick back who cheated on him.

She's a cheater. She does not respect you. She will do it over and over and never stop. If you are looking for a one man women, I'm sorry but it's not her. Move on, your feelings will get better over time.

Getting painted up to grind on drunk people in public is way more slutty than downloading an app

No. On top of that, she doesn't seem to respect you as much as you respect her. End this, and in the future seek someone who reciprocates.

>be me
>meet girl through friend
>start dating
>2 years later
>all is good
>joined Marine Corps
>go to boot camp
>suspect shes cheating on my from letters
>go home
>find out through snooping that it's true
>she doesnt tell me
>become an absolute whore
>tell her the day before I leave to my next training that I know she cheated and I'm breaking up with her


Meh true, I guess that once you are in your mid 20s +, you're kinda shit out of luck if you don't have any HS/College connections.
Tough situation

Happens way more then it should. Military GF's, wife's are whores. I know this for a fact like I'm sure you do. If a ho can't keep her legs closed for dick for 10 weeks, 12 weeks, or a year, that bitch isn't a keeper. If you're married in the military there is a very high probability one or the other is fucking others. Same goes for police, EMS, and fire. All whores.

absolutely this. its 2020 man, you cant let shit like this slide anymore. give him the dick to prove you're not whipped.

Science says it's true

she is obviously a whore who doesn't even consider her cheating to be disrespectful to you. She doesn't have an inch of remorse.

She's a grade A slut, be glad you got to fuck her for a year, now dump her and move on

>I met this woman on Tinder a year ago

nice one you cuck

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Virgin detected.

This shit is fake. Who communicates over instagram to their girlfriend like that. This shit would be over a text message. Also, if its true, you suck its easy as fuck to keep a girl.

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dump her, she's a disgusting human being, why would you like to be with her? Also that buddy of yours? yeah, he stopped being your friend the moment he stuck his dick inside her. You are better off alone OP, these nasty people were going to do you bad anytime, at least you noticed.

just checked, it's a real book
Western civilization is gonna end way sooner than anyone can predict


Best advice

if you were NOT engaged at the time, then you were just fuck buddies. Until their is a committed relationship there can be no cheating.
She was honest about it, so tell her how you feel and see what she says

Post nudes

Get revenge - fuck her sister. Or mom. Or both.

Bullshit. If you can't trust her while dating, why would you ring her? Fuck that. Cheating is the one unforgivable sin in a relationship. Any man that stays with a woman who cheats is a pathetic waste of air. If you marry that broad, you are even worse. Have some goddamned self respect.