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Message bought to you by the ovenites

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My totem :)

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B-but muh jewpiro kikess!! Muh kazhur milkurs!!

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But trad jew! My goyim watch shapirshits!!!!

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Yeah, because jews like muslims so much, they want more of them.

This whole conspiracy doesn't make sense. So the jews controll the white world. Muslims hate jews and want to kill them, jews don't controll muslim nations. Therefore they want to make europe muslim to loose their power and get killed in the process... Right



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doesn´t mean that the old europeans can´t remain whatever they are, you nazi idiot.

Oy vey!
Goyim shall be destroyed, no matter what!

Attached: hMuxgE7.jpg (599x422, 77.84K)

Boohoo wah wahh, care to kys? For the good cause?

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They're removing Arabs from their homeland. "If you want to kill a tree, you must first attack it's roots". Take Arabs out of Arabia and force them into Europe. They'll breed with Europeans and future generations will lose their sense of identity which is actually extremely important. This will dilute the Islamic faith by forcing them to buy into mainstream consumerist culture like we see in the West. The West where atheism is growing rampantly, which will happen to these new Muslims. Muslims only hate Jews today because of the fact that Israel was illegally founded in order to pay a debt the British govt got themselves into because of the world wars. Now Israel is there and continues to grow. It was supposed to be a small settlement. Not a full size country that antagonizes it's neighbors and plays the victim. Basically, they want to remove the Islamic threat away from their boarders (whenever they stop expanding, look up the greater Israel project).

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That's pretty clever actually

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>Boohoo wah wahh, care to kys? For the good cause?
unable to make any substantial and valid argument you act like a proper idiot.
thank you for reassuring.

do you realize how much of a victim you make from yourself by falling for neonazi propaganda?
it´s all someone esles fault, your whole miserable existence.
the jews, the muslims, liberals, homosexuals.
there is always someone to blame.
this is how much of an idiot you are, my friend.
i hope you get well someday.

Stop watching jewmedia.

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What do you think the source of most world problems are then?

It really is tbh. I wish more people would wake up and see what these Jews are doing to the world

Your innocence is sweet little child.

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So you think there's no biological differences between a black person and an Asian? How well do you think an organ transplant would go between different races?

>Muh aryans muh superiority
You've been kicked of 109 countries jew, no one likes you but your kind.

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Nat Geo has become so PC it's insane. The 'gender' issue which named 49 preferences but failed to include straight was proof enough.

No, muslims do not integrate. They take over. They want people to change their behavior and beliefs towards them, but do not do the same. It's a one way street. You must be tolerant of them. They can hate on you and your beliefs as much as they want and to dispute it is 'racist'


Check the reasons for those 109 expulsions and you'll know why they were evicted you braindead moron.

Take for example Edward Longshanks. That nigger wanted to attack Wales so badly that he kept squandering the money of the Jews and when they had nothing left he evicted them all. Yeah SURELY the jews were to blame for that... you're just an absolute retard who bases their entire ideology over one skewed statistic.

realizing that there isn´t ONE source for all the problems in the world,
but that matters are a bit more complex is a good first step.



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And you're gonna tell us aaall about that right muhhahmad?

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Why so hostile towards Arabs?

no. it´s useless, because you´re so massively indoctrinated with nazi propaganda that you are unable to see anything from a non-nazi perspective anymore.

i´m just here to call you an idiot.

user is right, you are an idiot.

Okay, im gonna go eat breakfast, can you please intermitently call me an idiot every 5 mins so this thread doesnt die?

I might just change my ways, dude.

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I guess you can always find an angle if you really want to.

Why? Thoughts?


There is no greater tragedy than this.

Lol, Europe had an avg country to country birth rate of around 1.2 kids per household, what's the average of kids per household in the middle east/North Africa. What's the average kids per household for the Mexicans while we're at that?

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That's bc you don't understand the nazi perspective because what you were taught about their ideals in school were almost entirely false. The only true things school taught you about them is the fact that they called themselves the master race and persecuted Jews. But almost every race considers themselves the best form of being a human. I was taught in school that Nazis killed everyone who wasn't white blonde blue eyed, but Hitler himself has brown hair and brown eyes. So ask yourself how that makes sense. They had blacks and Indians in their military, some of which were high ranking. I've never seen a nigger in holocaust photos which supposedly killed 11million people, 6million being Jews. So why in every holocaust photo you see only Jews? The nazi ideology is truly a peaceful one, but not a tolerant one. Jews are extremely tolerant, but not peaceful because there is no profit or gain from everyone living in peace and harmony. Jews ALWAYS are there to profit from the suffering under the guise of charity. Like cancer research for example.

Nazis were also socially isolationist in a lot of ways. They just wanted to be left alone but entitled Jews insisted they stay.

>They'll breed with Europeans and future generations will lose their sense of identity which is actually extremely important.
Because your identity is tied to your geografic location, like the spätaussiedler from germany to russia didn't form their own communities where they spoke only german and preserved german traditions... Right

> The West where atheism is growing rampantly, which will happen to these new Muslims.
Atheism is growing all over the world where the standards of living and the education system is getting better. You don't need to get them to europe for this, throwing money at them would also help.
>Muslims only hate Jews today because of the fact that Israel was illegally founded in order to pay a debt the British govt got themselves into because of the world wars
So there was no antisemitism amongst muslims prior to WW2?... Right. Islamic antisemitism is as old as Islam itself
>Basically, they want to remove the Islamic threat away from their boarders
But thats not happening is it?
No matter where you look, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, all these countries are growing in population. Your whole conspiracy is based on something that is not happening, at all. In fact the population growth rate is much higher than in europe, so the only thing happening is that the amount of muslims in europe and in arabia is increasing.

So to summarize, all you said is full of shit, and this conspiracy still doesn't make any sense

Funny how they can have 10 kids on a salary that's a fraction of ours. Yet whites in the West "don't wanna raise a kid in such a harsh unforgiving world" or some bullshit. That's how you lose the game of existing.

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>Funny how they can have 10 kids on a salary that's a fraction of ours.

No school expenses. No PS5/Switch/Xbox. No healthy food. Laundry done only once per year.
Clearly they can have 10 kids on a salary that's a fraction of ours.

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>1200 american rabbis
First much is that in percent, 1% of all rabbis? Also it's not like they are talking about muslim refugees, because... you know, not many refugees from syria are swimming across the atlantic. In fact the text does not state what refugees at all, but as you are in the US, the only refugees coming into your country are from south america... You know, fucking christians

lmao "WhItE GeNoCiDe"

Why would Hitler rise into power:






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Thats rothchilds boat kike

You know that there is not a single country on earth where the fertility rate is 10?

You aren't so stupid to think that people in africa have 10 children do you?

i´m german, my grandfather was a wehrmacht soldier in stalingrad. you don´t need to explain to me what nazis are. i know. and i still think they´re idiots.

you're point being?

This happens with decadent societies. Not only europe, but the whole western world will decline more and more rapidly due to its massive decadence. China will be the new superpower giving the world a new, brutal master.

this whole statement is entirely idiotic


That you're a cucked out kike?


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What are you even talking about?

>Europe had an avg country to country birth rate of around 1.2 kids per household,
Wrong the fertility rate in the EU is 1.6, In France it's 1.9 and in germany it's 1.6

>what's the average of kids per household in the middle east/North Africa
Between 3 and 5, with Niger being a huge outlier with 7, but thats the highest fertility rate in the world
>What's the average kids per household for the Mexicans while we're at that?
If you are wondering, in the US it's 1.8.

Also studies on Turkish immigrants in germany and mexican immigrants in the US have shown that immigrants assimilate to their new residents fertality rate within 3-4 generations.

So if you put in numbers, if the EU would take in 1 million immigrants every year (btw currently it's more like 100k) it would take 50-100 years until half of the eu's population would be "replaced", at the current rate, it will take more like a few hundred years.

Muslims do not mix, they stay muslims. Thus, such a plan would be extremely stupid.

this should be shown in all schools


>Because your identity is tied to your geografic location, like the spätaussiedler from germany to russia didn't form their own communities where they spoke only german and preserved german traditions... Right

No I'm not full of shit you just need more nuance retard. Your first example was just white Europeans moving to another white European location. Not moving from a harsh desert climate which your race evolved to, surrounded by your familiar traditions and culture. Besides, most if the Arabs going to Europe have already been subverted away from their culture due to Jewish influence in modern education and media.

>Atheism is growing all over the world where the standards of living and the education system is getting better. You don't need to get them to europe for this, throwing money at them would also help.

Yea Jews control pretty much all modern academic institutions, and part of their goal is to promote atheism. There's a reason why idolatry is a sin in the bible and haram in the Qur'an. It's better to seek comfort in an imaginary sky man than to seek comfort by doing drugs, jacking off to porn, eating shitty unhealthy addictive food, buying stupid ass useless shit like funko pops. Do you really think JEWS would wanna throw THEIR MONEY at a problem to solve it?

Btw, fertility rate is not actually number of children per household, but number of children per woman, so all numbers would be slightly higher because there are less households than there are women

That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen

Source? The many Muslims you know personally or Tucker Carlson and Bill Maher?

Really? Arabs don't mix? How did I become half german half Arab then?

Have you ever heard of a hyperbole?

That is bullshit.

Fertility rates are high in immigrants in europe which increases the overall fertility of these countries.

Most europeans are old. Most muslim immigrants are young. Their fertility rate is much higher than the one of the europeans. In a few decades europe will be islamic just due to immigration and fertility.

Facts and facing the hard truth is stupid now apparently

Muslims. A muslim must not marry a non muslim.

Not to mention that 2 kids per family keeps the population stable. Less decreases it and more increases it obviously

Kek. Based and muslimpilled

So much bullshit. You must be incredible stupid to believe this.

They still do it a lot, especially ones taken away from their culture

But this is from the 1930s. We mapped the human genome 20 years ago. We can prove biological differences between races now.