Be me

>be me
>gf is bi
>wants to try stuff with girls
>hesitant at first, reluctantly allow
>only if its a threesome
>"user youre a pig"
>"Im doing this to discover my sexuality"
>told her no then, and if she does, we're done
>the bitch has now spend the whole night in her room crying
Am I the asshole? I mean I know she is not romantically attracted to females so its all lust, but I still feel like it's cheating

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Nope, u aren't an asshole. Women are fucked up sometimes. Stand your ground.

Tell her you want to go fuck a twink or shemale. If she doesn't like it, she's a pig and you get some sweet ass

Woman openly admitted that she wants to cheat on you, you're not in the wrong.

you get to decide how you feel. You make a boundary and if she cant meet that boundary then you move on from her and find someone who respects you and what you want

my personal opinion is that is sounds like she needs to grow up

It's definitely cheating. Don't be a fucking pussy.

She wants an open relationship.
If you do too then ???? profit

if you don't then you're done and she's gonna cheat on you and you made a girl gay, HA!

No user you are not the asshole in this situation. Why should she be free to experiment with other girls if you're not? Ask her that and see what she says.

you’re a pig
sophisticated men enjoy the show

what a fucking asshole, if your girlfriend needs to experience female-to-female intimacy to assure herself she knows who she is then you should have let her.

maybe your afraid she'll leave when she finds out she can do much better than a pig asshole like you!

brilliant deny her sex drive as fake news until she cheats on you
you should run for president

Enjoy what show? Sitting at home while their girl fucks someone else? Fuck yourself

low effort troll

I've had the opposite problem. I'm a dude who is bi in a committed hetero relationship. She is stung because she loves you, yet is honey for something you can never give. something she is afraid she will never be able to experience. your answer is justified and is the typical one. I'm just commenting to give you some context from a bro in your girls situation.

He should be able to fuck others too?

Ugh that’s irritating. I hate to break it to you bro, but this one is going to not work out. People with these mind states want to basically have sex with other people, but don’t exactly want to call it cheating so they come to their significant other and tell them what’s going on. Unfortunately no matter what you say or do the desire in her heart will be there and she will eventually do it with out you. Could be with a woman or a man, but this is your first sign of trouble. She just wants to have sex with you not around.

Can’t teach a hi to be a house wife. I been there and I know what I am talking about. It hurts a lot especially if you really are in love with the person, but it is time to start planing on leaving because it is going to only get worse from here on out.

She's trying to get permission to cheat on you. When you threw in the caveat about it being a 3some, that threw a wrench in her plan. When you said no, that also threw a wrench in her plan.

Break up with her, she's already got one foot out the door.

>only quads can do what must be done

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Bro. Get out. She’s going to do it whether you allow it or not. Sooner or later

pls stop gigga

Man I appreciate the advice

Get nudes while you still can. Then post them

sex is sex. She just asked you for your blessing to cheat, but she would have done it without it. Your relationship isn't salvageable, i'm afraid.

then tell her you want to experiment with an open relationship, and if she refuses then that makes a hypocrite and a douche


No, she's trying to get you to give her permission to cheat. She's being a manipulative creep.

Tell her thats how relationships work. If you say no, then its no. Otherwisebshe can find someone else. make that clear to her and she will feel like she owes you. If you come off ad accommodating and clingy you will lose her respect.

try to convince her that it's for the best, that her being with someone else will probably ruin the relationship and that you love her.

but don't give in, don't let her cheat.


OP here, everyone I have an update: She texted me that she wants to apologize and will promise me not to bring it up again or to cheat. Do I still pull the trigger and break it off?

Stand your ground here man, shits fucked cheating is cheating sex is sex even without a dick

give it a chance, but don't be surprise if you catch her munching your sister's carpet.

how willing to gamble with your heart are you?

Absolutely. Because "I thought you would say yes"

You're not supposed to "discover your sexuality" while in a relationship, wtf that's cheating


your life sucks rn bro

Lmao expecting fidelity is "denying her sex drive". Op could just fuck her himself you know

break it off, let her go be lez for awhile and if she wants you back later make her beg for you back

go in her room and ask why shes crying. tell her shes overreacting. break up. or fuck it all and go have a beer and play a game. dont be a fag

plz don't hurt gote

This is good, i will

Finish the fucking story man!

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Ask for an open relationship. Fuck a bunch of girls. Say its only fair

Dumb bitch just wants to psychologically manipulate you into a situation that only she benefits from. After fucking a few girls she'll ask to try new guys and will say it's no different than girls so you shouldn't get angry.

Drop her ASAP. Not worth your time.

OP, this.

Yea, you're an asshole. Developed a relationship with them both or you're a retard

Why not just have two gfs like a normal person user

fuck her one last time, fuck her good,
then break up with her

You are not an asshole. You are 100% right. Do not let your bitch be a whore. Women need to be told what to do and how to live. Good job.

I'm not sure it's cheating in the strict sense. What you should be concerned about is that she might be setting the relationship on a onesided course - her side. At issue is something more basic than cheating. Perhaps you should try the "gay test". Say you're ok with her idea if she lets you do it with guys. If she says ew, gross, etc. and no, then you'l know she's selfish. If she's ok with your counter-proposition, then you need to worry that it's a ruse for her to get access to other guys with your blessing. So you lose either way.

ya done the right thing op, if she wants to be a whore she can find some faggot boy toy to cheat on

You are like 15yo tops.

Anyway, your gf is a selfish manipulative cunt. Shes having a hissy-fit. Leave her if she doesn't come to her senses quickly.

It is cheating, the faggot propaganda machine has told her its not and anything gay related is OK and should be worshipped.

Stupid bitches.

She called you a pig for wanting the same thing she does. That, on top of everything else, is a huge red flag. Also she texted you an apology, not in person. Look at the facts, and decide for yourself, user. Sorry you're going through this

This. She's selfish, immature and not ready or able to commit. If you say no, she'll get drunk or something and find an excuse to do it behind your back.

She wants to cheat on you, what the fuck

That’s CHEATING, you tell her the same fucking thing.

“I want to experiment with more females”
She how that works out!


This is a red flag the size of the sun that your relationship is already over.

Speaking from experience, that just means she will head down that road later and just hide it from you whether she knows it now or not.

you are an asshole for not giving her the boot right then and there
if shes asking permission to cheat now she will cheat on you eventually


I almost wish i could be you just so i could mentally torture this bitch using simple emotional manipulation. Would FORCE her to let me fuck twinks and traps or else it's fully over. and even then i would demote her to my side bitch.

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Break it off now.

youre ultimately wasting your time and memories

She's only gonna do it later and attempt to conceal it. Don't confuse true loyalty with remorse.

Yeah it's cheating if there isn't permission, I've seen chicks leave there dudes after hooking up with girls after their bf pressured then into experimenting. They always come back within a year, but I wouldn't take a chick back after that. But my wife has kissed chicks drunk at parties and it's real hot to imagine out going further

That's what you get for dating a bi girl you fucking cuck


Dump her or else you'll become a dog, soon enough she will want to "discover her sexuality" with a black mamba


Yeah this was my last. I caught her fucking around online with some girl. Haven't looked back. Girls are way too much to deal with. Should have stayed a wizard.

Lmao what a whore. She probably wants to cheat on you with a dyke.

If you don't have the guts to dump her right now, at least tell her there's no reason she can't discover her sexuality without you.

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I mean with you, fuck me.
