Is Americas response to the coronis virus equivalent to the average third world country...

Is Americas response to the coronis virus equivalent to the average third world country? Our infection rates are among the highest in the world.

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There is no virus, it's a global hoax led by democrats and socialists to ruin economied

>orange man bad

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Fuck off Russian

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No shit we have more

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compare the infected per 1000 here in America to Italy or Spain

You stole all that land and now it's coming back to haunt you.

dubs of common sense

lel this is the argument now? Alright, see you in a few days for the next excuse.

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Americans are individualistic and we prefer a weak government. Thus we don't wholly comply with requests or guidelines and our government isn't strong enough to force people to take appropriate measures or comply.

Freedom costs a buck o’ five

Go post more cuck, sissy, and BBC threads, CCP.

True story.

It's time to stop fucking around, America is a third world country. First world countries don't cater only to the super rich and they actually have healthcare.

Goes with their third-world food lines and murder rates.

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no food lines where i live, its great ;) where do you live so we can make fun of it?

Liberals are dumb. Live crammed up in cities raised their whole lives believing they are special snowflakes & part of some oppressed group
The little narcissistic assholes you made should give a fuck about spreading Corona?

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that's trips but you're too dumb to recognise that

Have you seen Australia dickweed. Same size with only 6000 cases, 60 dead and we’ve flattened the curve more than South Korea, Singapore and Japan. But USA USA amirite?????

It's killing the elderly and blacks. Rejoice!

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now lets see an overlay of china and america vs china deaths and infections

Consider only the 'concluded' rates. For example Italy reports that of their 139k cases, there have been 17,669 deaths versus 26,491 that have recoveries.
We don't know what will happen to the 68% who haven't either died or recovered.
So if you consider only those in whom the disease has run its course, you are looking at a 40% mortality rate.
Now project the numbers for the US: the current rate would imply as many as another 150k people will die.
The good news is, there are countless (literally, because there is no way to gather statistics) numbers of people who have/had the disease and show(ed) no or minor symptoms. Adding their recovery numbers would lower the mortality rate. This is one reason why S Korea's mortality rate is low: they've done far more testing and have much more extensive data.

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No but we could easily if we wanted to.

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And they're mostly black. Because black people are all like "whitey can't tell me how to live" and now they're all dying saying they should get reparations for being so stupid. Fuck off with this shit.

But way less population. Doesn't count. South Korea has done the best job all things considered.

I thought the early Yas Forumstard consensus was that it was skipping the blacks and therefore some sort of CIA/Jew-engineered population control thingy.

Some of the states does not provide recovery data, and there is at least another portion of infected that have beaten the virus but is not clear yet. Based on that I think the mortality rate is even lower

We're both. That's what happens when you have a nation so large whilst simultaneously being decentralized and not.

That was black twitter chirping about being Covid resistant KANGZ around the time period that Australians had just started hoarding TP. Nice try though.

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Canada is right next door. Roughly 10% of the population...5% infected, 3% of deaths. Just sayin'. Muh freedom is killing them.

It's almost as if being sparsely populated over a vast distance helps contain the spread of contagion.

About 80% of Canadians live in cities, Jughead.

>comparing landmass instead of population

This thread is leading me to believe that their educational system might not be very first-world either.

aw, still butthurt Bernie dropped out?

The most, the first, blah, blah
Trump, am I right?

Do you want a real discussion or are you just trying to be a meme?

No data shows US handling this poorly.

US confirmed mortality rate is around 3% while most other countries who are reporting numbers come in around 9-10%.

The only country that currently has a lower mortality rate is Germany with around 2% mortality.

However, we aren't taking into account a couple of factors:

1) US counts a death as you dying from literally anything while testing positive for COVID-19. You can have a morbidly obese person have a heart attack and that counts as a COVID-19 death. Germany only counts respiratory deaths so they are probably closer to the US in terms in mortality
2) Counting # of confirmed cases doesn't really tell you much. You can have very mild or even no symptoms with this virus. You can also die before getting to the hospital. Mortality rate is probably the best measure of "success"

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Are you fucking stupid? Australia is populated almost entirely on the coast. Australia has 24 million people living there. 95% of that country is essentially uninhabited.

The US is almost entirely inhabited by 340 million people.

Holy fuck the stupidity.

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this is true in theory, but your government is actually quite controlling and the narrow gap between republicans and democrats amounts to a de facto one party state.

Yeah, let's all live in farms and trailer parks.

>trusting China stats

of course less population overall, but look at infection and death rate per capita.

china numbers are obviously fake. people living in wuhan didnt believe the numbers and were silenced asap. low ball estimates for wuhan were saying 40k based on body burning rates.

reminder these threads are propaganda by Chinese shills

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Canadafag here. We have major cities, and Montreal was hit hardest due to an early spring break where people went to NYC, France and Florida. Government response, while not as quick as it should have been, has been solid. Universal health care means no cost testing and treatment- when we look back these factors may be major advantages in a situation like this I suspect.

and nearly 1/2 of those infected are from NY alone, that tells you what the problem is right there

Fuck face, Australia has a fucking desert in the middle of it. 90% of the country is unhabitable.

Where did lord trump grow up? You fucking idiot

fuck yeah

Ahh yes, those damn economied.

If you add the population of the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain together you get the population of the U.S.

Australia has 25 million people...

WTF are you people comparing each of these to the other by number, not percentage, of cases?

>americas numbers aren't lies either despite trump refusing to test because it "would make the numbers look bad"

Damn dude. A lot of countries are in on this scheme then...

Because it’s bait and you took it

>weak government
>worlds highest incarceration rate


I died from coronacoof. The amt of people here with me are pretty much in line with the numbers....fuck load of niggers here which is annoying.....

Y'all dis guy believes China's numbers

>this guy sucks believes trump

>3rd world murder rate
Let's ask the gun/homicide ratio

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I don't believe any of these fucks.

wtf is that?

That is true...

nice skewed statistic
>by firearms owned
now lets see it per capita and not linked to firearm ownership you mutt