The realization that no girl will ever love me just hit me like a fucking truck, and I started weeping uncontrollably...

The realization that no girl will ever love me just hit me like a fucking truck, and I started weeping uncontrollably. How is it that I'm destined to fail at something which has been and is being done effortlessly by the majority of human beings, through, seemingly, no fault of my own, I never got to experience teenage love, I never had a girlfriend, no girl that I love has taken my virginity, and I never had any female friends with which I have forged meaningful relationships. I can barely bond with girls online over having some of the same interests but whenever I talk to them I can't help but constantly be thinking about how they are female and I start getting a bunch of weird feeling for them that I know they don't have for me, I'm just another weird guy that talks to them. And this is the same in every single interaction that I have with women, I rarely go to clubs but whenever I look at the girls around me, if they direct their eyes at me they get a face of pure disgust like I've just killed a puppy in front of them, but most people I know tell me that I'm not ugly, and I don't think I'm ugly, but still, women look at me with disgust without even knowing me. This might be why I was never approached by a girl EVER, no girl ever wanted to talk to me for any reason other than to get something from me, no girl ever wanted to chat or spend time with me or get to know me, this is also the case for most of my "friends", they rarely invite me anywhere and if they invite me it's things that they probably feel obligated to, like birthdays.
So I'm probably destined to never reproduce and be completely misrable until my last pitiful breath, and it's very likely that my body wont be discovered for a long time after I'm gone.

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How old are you?

don't give up man

I already did


I was planning to if I didn't lose my virginity before I turned 19, but last month I couldn't handle never having sex so I paid for a prostitute

then rape

trust me do it positively words don't matter?

How will rape get me a girlfriend that loves me?

it will girls love that.

>Be like me who was like you
>Get enough of this shit
>Improve yourself either your body o start dressing up
>Get a job ,clean house , a car if possible just to look responsible (nothing fancy)
>it may take time but commitment is everything
>Don't be awkward ,creep
>A no is no
>Be unpredictable in a good way
>Socialise a lot (you are gonna fuck alot but that's the key to win)
>Don't be afraid to take a step if you are just do it and keep doing it :) the fair will fade
>Observe the best and how they act

no they don't, come on man, if you don't have any real advice please don't say anything

>just be better dude it helped me

Steer into the skid and go gay.

Evolution rejected you, but you can still bottom! I suggest trapping. Yas Forums loves traps and just think of all those fat incel manFUPAs slapping your forehead as you suk them to orgasm.

If you go gay it's permissible to be a total loser so long as you open your orifi.

27 and same
my advice is keep going, maybe you'll get lucky one day

Well the world isn't some anime or dating sim.

Wanna get a gf? Stay in your league. Image it being like the cast system in India. If you are low tier, approach low tier women only, there's no chance to marry or date anybody of a cast above you.

You can slightly change it by taking care of your body, clothing, personality and looks. That doesn't mean you need to dress in a suit, if you like Metal for example dress accordingly and stay away from Hot Topic clothing.

Then again, stay in your league and don't expect to be approached without putting some work into it. Nobody will climb down the basement and pick you up.

*Bonus* work on your personality, if you wouldn't wanna date yourself, you need to improve

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Fuck off faggot

if you kidnap her and destroy her mind, then train her to worship your existence it might work. it's broken as all hell, but if you give it a go let me know if it works

That whole "league" shit is bullshit, but how the fuck am I supposed to know what league I'm in?

or you could be a nigger and just fuck whoever cant escape

Who cares.
Enjoy your friends. Enjoy your family. Cherish them.
Not everyone was meant to be a pussy pounding god. Even nature has beta losers, but they still provide in one way or another for their kin.

Another thing...

if people are disgusted by you, it's maybe cuz you are weird and/or creepy... and if you aren't the lack of self worth makes you ugly and disgusting by default

Also, holy shit, nobody needs to get laid in teenage years, I haven't got laid til I turned 21, but after that it got easier, just a matter of self confidence. The latter enables you to fuck above your league...

>weird and/or creepy
I could literally just be standing there normally like anyone

>nobody needs to get laid in teenage years
I obviously want to get laid and losing my virginity was one of my biggest concern for the past 3 years, but all I want to experience is love, my post isn't about getting laid

it is not bullshit, "league" ist not just defined by looks alone. Personality, social intelligence, self worth and confidence also play a huge part.

Judging by what you posted you are:

1. insecure
2. lack social intelligence
3. too self conscious
4. are interested in weird things (probably anime)
5. smell
6. awkward

I am not even asking how you look like, but these are 6 things that make you unappealing from the get go. If you are overweight as well you seriously need to put some work into changing a lot.



Everything else is spot on

imagine this she's out there looking for you

just about to give up?

and then you end up finding success

and that it was all worth it

Before you love, you need to fuck. Getting fucked by someone you like, creates something magical to the point you just smile when you orgasm... not because you just came, but because you feel a connection with that person... yeah I know it sounds pretty gay.

Just answer me this question: if I saw you across the room, would I wanna fuck you?

>if I saw you across the room, would I wanna fuck you?
I seriously don't know, no one ever told me that I'm unattractive, and I don't think I look ugly, I take care of my body and my looks, I don't doubt that there are girls that would want to be with me, I just don't know how to identify them and approach them

> weird

because you talk weirdly and people who look at you are disgusted, so whatever it is you are into and communicate to the world might be off putting

> anime

well you posted some anime screenshot

> smell

You are a teenage boy, they just stink, trust me, I've been one myself

youre recounting my life story up until 19 getting a 53 have wife & kids.....still struggle dealing with p especially females BUT there will be times where an AMAZING SPIRIT enters your life, you will take action, everything will fall into place. when it happens its like you are a train on a track & GTFOMW

I was saying that you consider anime, weird, which it isn't, and I take regular baths and use deodorant, I don't smell

so how do you look like? Be specific.


how do present yourself? what are you into? Music? (what kind)

If this isn't b8, it is your fault. Whose more likely to be doing something wrong, you or 99.9% of the rest of humanity? You might be imagining the looks of disgust, or you might be leering at them like a sex predator.

See a psychologist.

You want specifics, here's me

>how do present yourself?
I don't, I have never approached a girl

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post a picture of yourself

See there is the thing... anime is weird if you are too interested in it. Watching Princess Monoke can be regarded as alright but talking about Weeb shit or wearing anything anime related is super fucking weird in western culture...

Ok, and you got that I like anime from a traced image of myself?

Thanks, man, this gives me hope

if that's really you, there's definitely the "my mom dresses me" look going on. You really look weird.

Lol, I pick my clothes myself, that's not how I usually dress tho, that was a party event and you had to be dressed kinda weird so I didn't stand out

I just assumed and provided an example. If you like anime, stop talking about it barely anyone else cares about it.

YOU look weird

I never talk about anime in real life, and I like some animes but not because they are animes, because they are good stories.

Nah man I was thinking like that a few years back now i have a wife that is decent looking and loves me. I am kind of ugly a neet with loads of health problems and my wife is a hard working electrician I used to get super down but now I am happy. There is a catch though she is black and i am white.

no, look at the people in the back

Here's one where I fit in better

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>through, seemingly, no fault of my own,
Incorrect. It only seems that way because you only ask your friends. You need honest feedback. You are doing something wrong, or look wrong, or smell wrong.

Who the fuck am I supposed to ask?


as I said earlier, it isn't the looks alone. You are no model, but you don't have the look of a popped ulcer either ...

Improving self confidence is the key here. Workout is a good idea...

A girl you find hot.

Two things
1) I don't know any in real life
2) she could (and most likely will) lie

24 and same.

There's at least 48% of women/girls out there... so if you don't know them, get to know them... if they refuse, ask why

>if they refuse, ask why
>>A no is no

step 1. get enough sleep. step 2. exersise regularly.

>if they refuse, ask why
They could still lie

oldfag here...I remember when I went through this phase the funny thing is the advice some people give you like "go to the gym and improve" actually work but you retards keep ignoring it because the truth is you are lazy and dont want to put in the work. This is not a troll I am being serious, I've been in a loving relationship with a BTGFG (big titty goth gf) for 3 wonderful year's now all because i got off the internet and off my lazy ass

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oh btw:

I said teenage boys smell. Using deodorant doesn't mean you don't smell... cheap shit like Axe for example is fucking disgusting especially paired with sweat of masturbating kids

I would suggest asking regardless, IMO a good self development technique is doing things that you are scared of for the sole reason that you are scared.

then ask someone else, you are creating excuses


Well anyways my cunt is quarantined so I can't fucking go anywhere

How different was your body before you started dating? Also how long did you spend working out before meeting the girl?