Y do u even care? How has Trump helped yur sitch? Idiotic trade war has cost me a literal shit ton of money. What do you faggot get out of shilling for Trump everyday?
Y do u even care? How has Trump helped yur sitch? Idiotic trade war has cost me a literal shit ton of money...
Other urls found in this thread:
I get to piss off faggots like you
>worth it
so dems dont use all our money on illegals
So you don't have anything more important going on? Pissing off the people who got screwed by Trump is all your getting?
>republicans aren't spending any money on illegals
citation needed
How does that help you personally?
If you got screwed by trump, you were doing it wrong to begin with.
>I use my vote and political posts for entertainment value only because that's what competent people do
>I got manipulated into screwing myself, and I literally can not tell you what I think I have to show for it because I'm still being worked like a puppet.
ITT: Trumpfags are openly petty and incompetent
>Conservatives: we need to deregulate.
>Leftists: we need more regulations!
>Coronavirus reaches 'Merica
>WHO releases instructions for coronavirus test
>Gov bureaucracy steps-in
>FDA blocks private companies from developing and releasing the test
>CDC tests don't work properly
>Hospital bed limits
>Infected released from quarantine
>People quarantined with no virus
>Death count increases
>Economy in freefall
>Trump steps-in
>Attempts to override FDA
>"Develop the tests and get permission later."
>A few private companies receive approval from FDA.
>Increases hospital bed limit
>Telemedicine is approved.
Stay mad kike
>He didn't sell when the yeild curve inverted
because unlike your broke ass, I made something of myself and I actually pay taxes. so all the myriad of programs going to taking care of these bastard children is coming out of my paycheck. get a job before you have an opinion.
You know Trump, we conservatives, and the Jewish are working together right?
You know conservatives aren't anti-Semitic?
Why do you national socialists try to pretend you're one of us is beyond me, but suckadick faggot.
actually I was part of a class action lawsuit that was forcing a chinese corporation to be responsible for its fraud against American citizens. We were making excellent progress while we had a competent president.
>I am a hopeless fuckin loser that blames everyone else for my failures
>so all i have left is to enjoy seeing other people who actually put effort in get ruined for no good reason
>bc if I can't amount to anything worth a shit, i'll just spend my time & money making sure to sabotage everyone else so everything gets worse
>literally the idea behind the word de-generate
Pissed off Libs beyond all belief, lol! Good enough reason for me!
>we conservatives
I shill for comrade Trump because he's my supreme communist leader. As communists we Trump supporters always tend to make very sociopathic and life-defeating (people's) choices.
>Trump is president and I no longer have to pay taxes for stuff I don't want.
Your tin foil is showing
Well he definitely cost GOP the Ag vote here. Had it, but fucked that right up.
I love you, you're obviously retarded and autistic, but you are a good little troll who is virally improving the arguments of Pro Trumpers.
No one's opinion here matters, it's all piss in the wind, but you're making muscle, toughening the Trump argument.
In a way you are a key driver of support. Thanks retard, and keep it up.
>I don't have anything bigger going on
Prepare to lose it all, uppity faggot.
Yes we wewe
>Thanks for brilliantly exposing the fact that there is no longer any pro Trump argument to be made that even just sounds reasonable
Terrible troll. Real investors went into hedge funds the moment the world's markets started tanking. I made 20% in the last month, fool.
What do I get? You and other pussies like you mad.
reading comprehension: F
>Faced with the least popular political personality in history, the US elects a known grifter & conman.
>Destroys the economy
>And everybody dies
what a stupid fuckin country
>Idiotic trade war has cost me a literal shit ton of money.
>sure bud
show 'em tiger!! all hail for our communist leader Trump!! now let's go eat some babies
ITT Trumpfags are openly petty, repetitive, and incompetent
See that doesn't actually work because everyone knows communism is a leftist thing. Even leftist know it and many of them promote it.
also 0/10
Try again. Since the election, I was making a consistent 15%. Since the markets tanked, I made more. It doesn't matter who is president. Making money is your own responsibility.
>I made 20% in the last month, fool.
oh sorry, didn't know we were talking about imaginary money. Oh, ehm.. I made like 10%.
There isn't one trump fag here, just regular faggots pretending to be trump fags and samefagging like all leftist faggots do.
what are you talking about comrade! didn't you see our good old comrade Putin sending soviet PPE to us Trumplanders? didn't you get the mask? aren't you a real Trump-motherland-supporter?
I'm not even joking in the least. If you're in the markets and there's a downward turn, go into a hedge fund. The whole reason they exist is to short a falling market and earn you money. If you take anything away from Yas Forums during this shit show, research that.
When Obama was president you could sue openly fraudulent Chinese corporations, even if all their assets are in China. Now, you can still get a judgment in America, but you can go fuck yourself if you want to collect
There’s just so much closeted gayness about him. So many pictures like that. The bathrobes, the make up, hair, his beard Melanie. It has to be the appeal for so many closeted Trumpers out there. Daddy issues
You clearly have no idea wtf I actually said. WTF fuck does the trade war have to do with the markets crashing over the last month, retard?
and our comrade Xi? don't tell me you forgot about the great Xi, who had magnificent oral (.. ) conversations with our supreme commie leader Trump.
Xi sent more ventilators to NY than our supreme leader did! But only because commies help commies.
>go into a hedge fund
Denial is a symptom, not an argument, faggot.
>Idiotic trade war has cost me a literal shit ton of money.
If an international pissing contest is losing you money, you have no idea what the fuck you're doing with your money.
Someone told me trump is a god so that's what I believe
competent citation needed
oh hey there comrades! great to see we are all communing here! kek
hi there :)
I can't wait til he contracts this shit and dies.
That'll be the first fucking genuinely hilarious thing he's done since pulling up in his clown car packed with criminals and cunts.
Who destroyed every other nations’ economy? You probably haven’t noticed yet, but there’s a disease out of China that has shutdown the entire world. Not just the US, the entire world. Or are you trying to cover up the fact that the US had a roaring economy before all this started? Or are you thinking any country in the world has a chance in hell of coming out of this better off than the US? How are you going to feel when your country BEGS the US for aid after this? You know it’s going to happen. You know you’ve got to suck Trump’s dick to have any hope of recovering.
>Thinks people losing their income is not real.
>nothing is real
>everything is great
>everything is great
>everything is great
>whew, I've made america great again
all hail our leader Trump! may we all reach the level of communism he has achieve!
fuck people!!!! YEAH!!
Extra extra! Hey informed right here!
Check this Mega /file/UJc2RaYb#JHWDzncVRpMpRfZLEnZCs62BzhVp924aj-hCAebIzkc u4iAaEYd
I was part of a class action against an openly fraudulent Chinese corporation whose assets are mainly in China. When Obama was president, these corporations were being forced to pay their American plaintiffs. As soon as Simple Simon took office, the Chinese stopped paying, and now defrauded Americans can go fuck themselves. You MAGA'd the fuck out that shit, moron.
>The economy, in the eyes of a 16yo.
If you started mid-2016 and just went into a Fortune 500 based fund until the market took off after the election and went strong on growth stocks, then used a hedge fund at the December 2018 correction, then bought back in on January, 2019, rode the train up to 29k, and used a hedge fund this past month, you would have literally multiplied your money by a factor of at least 5. And you'd be back into the markets this past week before the recovery started. Jesus, just today, you would have made almost 8%. In one day.
It's not rocket science.
well havent really felt much about Trump administration either way for the last four years but in the last 3 weeks I've whacked it every day to his manlet doctor so I guess that's sometimes
Yeah, neither do the Liberals, LOL! Funny how the party of "Inclusion" and "represents everyone" has nothing but old white people to represent it!
Oh, I love class action suits. They're so profitable. If you're one of the attorneys.
>It's not rocket science.
And it has nothing to do with the bullshit you were asserting about the trade war, retard
>your country BEGS the US
>your country
>if critical of Dear Leader ever for any reason
>if no suckysucky the supreme orange noodle
>must be from some durty poor country
>bc everybody loves the big fat retard here
Whitenigger, apparently you've missed the part where only a little over a third of the country isn't utterly fucking disgusted by his actions on a daily basis.
Many many competent Americans made millions suing openly fraudulent Chinese corporations while Obama was president. Now, that gravy train is over because MAGA faggots
Waaaaaaa I had my hopes and dreams set on a class action suit. Waaaaaaaa. You're worse than some Brooklyn dirtbag who thinks they're gonna retire on their eventual Powerball jackpot.
>Its better now that Chinese corporations don't have to be responsible to Americans, yaaaay Trump
Individual suits can net someone cash. Minus taxes. Minus the attorney's 1/3rd. But this is not an individual suit. It's a class action case. Only the attorneys win on those.
>Implying being poor stops people from fucking