He plays as a girl because he wants to "stare at the ass" even though not a single ass can be seen in the game

>he plays as a girl because he wants to "stare at the ass" even though not a single ass can be seen in the game

Just admit it, you want to trans.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>"The girl has more customisation options"
Just like you with your dresses in the closet, eh?

Girls playing as boys is something that happens all the time and no one bats an eye, but men play as a girl and oh nooo the horror, there must be some secret agenda going on! I don't understand, when I was young and played the first Harvest Moon I even married the girls and would discuss with my mom who was the best wife material, and I'm not a lesbian or tranny or whatever, so why do dudes freak out so much about others playing as girls? I really don't understand.

I don't get it either. My friends that do it say they don't see it as a self-insert.

I'm not gay but playing as a boy and dressing him up as you like sound kinda gay to me

i can't self insert as a 10 year old fetal alcohol syndrome baby anyway so why not pick the better designed one
in XY and swsh it doesn't matter since both designs are awful

>Girls playing as boys is something that happens all the time
Yeah right.

The dilation station is open tranny

I don't say I look at their ass if there is no ass. I look at their hair, faces, clothes, arms, and legs, since I prefer the company of women.

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Can't people just pick the design they like the most and leave it at that? I choose the boy in RSE because I like his design, and I choose the girl in DPPT because I like her design too.
It's fucking pixels. Nobody cares.

If nobody cared then the thread topic wouldn’t pop up as often as it does.

The only people who care are trannies who want to push the "ur an egg if u like girl thing teehee" bullshit.
I'm going to play as whoever I want and god cannot stop me.

Why are trannies so obsessed with trying to convince anyone who isn't a perfectly manly man (or womanly woman for that matter) to transition?
If that's what you want for your life, cool, but you don't need to make everyone else join you; it's a life-changing decision and not an easy path to walk.

yeah those people are fucking subhuman
they really bring down the ones who just took hormone pills and want to live a normal life
tbr i think the ones that go AAAA YOU LIKE PINK THING BE TRANS LIKE ME are just schizo or have ptsd or whatever and they use transitioning to avoid dealing with their mental illness. everyone ive ever known who gets obsessed with lgbt culture bullshit is mentally ill in some other way, while all the normal functioning trans people stay the fuck away from it

>he never played BW

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It's a cult much like Pokemon itself is now.

>normal functioning trans people stay the fuck away from it
No such thing as a normal functioning tranny

Nah, normalfags like to make fun of the guys who pick girls as well. This is a holdover of that.

Wrong, normalfags don't play video games beyond whatever is on their phone. Try again.

>he thinks normalfags don’t play Madden or FIFA

I play as a girl because i want to be the little girl

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Are there even girls in those games? I only remember playing Madden as a kid and I don't think there were any girl football players.
I was really dumb and made some players based on Fairly Odd Parents though and it was ugly as shit

>Just admit it, you want to trans.
Well yeah, who doesn’t wanna be a girl?

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There’s not, but the argument was that normalfags don’t play video games that aren’t phone games, which is wrong. However, you’d probably get mocked for playing pokemon as an adult, and then doubly mocked for playing as a girl if you’re a guy.

But normalfags are retarded hyper-conformists and you shouldn't waste your life trying to appease them

i play as the girl because girls are cute as fuck, sometimes i play as the boy because boys are also cute
im comfortably bisexual but hate trannies and theres literally nothing wrong with that

Your mom, probably regretting having a genetically impaired son.


What the hell kinda country so you live in that you get mocked for stuff like this? Back in college I was the only person who played games, my classmates didn't even know anything but the PS4 existed in the first place, and yet they were pretty cool and we could talk about our hobbies with no worries. I told them the stuff I played and what it was about, and they were genuinely interested and asked more about it since they really didn't know anything. I would have some nice conversations with them back then, so this whole "you'll be mocked thing" is so weird to me.

i dont, because then i wont have a dick

ITT: insecure masculinity problems

>haha I haven't actually read the replies

Go die in a fucking fire you cuck

>tfw you play as a girl because it feels like you have a gf and you're playing along with her

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>yes I’m playing a girl
>n-no it’s not because I have gender dysphoria
>it’s actually because of the customization options! and the ass! yes, that’s a good excuse, I love dressing up like a girl— uh, dressing up cute girls!
>a-and if you say anything bad about it you’re just insecure!

if you aren't severely mentally ill, you can look at a character on a screen without feeling like you are that character

Pathetic but kind of wholesome. Is your favorite game the one with your favorite pokegf?

user I'm sorry but if you go through so much mental conflict then that's your own problem. Doesn't mean everyone else is the same. I actually feel sorry for you, the fact that you can't just play a game without overworking yourself like that, that you can't just enjoy life.

mad projection, but I’m not surprised

mad projection, but i'm not surprised

I'm I don't need to project anything, I just don't understand why men become so irrationally angry when other men choose to play as girls. It seems to me you're the ones with unresolved issues.

Wanting to be girly and wanting to be a girl are two different things user.

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yeah because girls don't usually do it for coomer/fetish reasons

>nooo you’re just angry im mentally sound i swear
t. ranny

Look at hilda throwing ball

Girls don’t play the opposite gender as often as males do. This is why it’s so easy to shit on the guys who do that - because there’s so much more of them.

What is Mario, Zelda, and literally almost every game in existence. Girls play as men all the time and that doesn't make them tranny lesbians.

I don't stare at the MC's ass, I stare at Pokemon ass

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I don't roleplay.
Roleplay is gay.

You know what's worse than trannies?

Furries. Truly the metastasic cancer of society.

because girls are cute and I want to be cute, that's all

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jokes' on you user, a crossplaying furry is replying to you right now

this is true actually
ive met good transgender people
never once met a decent furry and i know way more furries

I play as the boy and have a full female team

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I know good and bad people of both

can you describe the good ones

Im not bisex really, but i play as both, depending on the mood. I dont see the character as me. I play as the chatacter i like.

the good furries are the ones who just treat it as a side hobby and have enough other interesting personality traits that it isn't their entire lifestyle. Most of the ones I know are also kemoners but I think that's just because of the communities I'm in

the good trans people are the ones who have usually already been through it for a couple years, so they aren't going through as many wacky mood wings and/or have their depression mostly under control. Again, you want to look out for the people who have more of a personality than just "is trans"

try befriending people who have more creative hobbies who don't just mindlessly consoom all day

I'll take boys and girls on my team

i also like covers by bart sears and frank frazetta

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