Fill me in, Yas Forums. I could never get an accurate read on it

Fill me in, Yas Forums. I could never get an accurate read on it.

Why do you hate jews so much? I'm genuinely interested.

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Other urls found in this thread:

8-kun. top

Lurk a bit and you'll see

I cant even spell it properly because of the coward sellout codemonkey, try typic that together, youll see, go to the politics and news board.

I fucking hate you stupid chinese soyboy shitskin I wish you were in front of me so I could tear you with my bare hands.

Zoomers feel edgy LARPing as antisemitic

You jew rats never leave the house, try telling that to some of us, see how much of a larp it is.

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You sure can tell when the schools are all closed.

Kill yourself kike.

Long live to Bowers

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I don't hate Jews. I have Jewish friends. I hate israel, the government, Zionism and jewish supremacists. The world class crybullies, the crisis actor supreme plague.

ok, zoomer

Read the first 20 pages of the book, it will tell you all you need to know.

Kike is to Jew as nigger is to black. There are good and bad in every group or religion. Every religion has their cultists. Kikes are bad people, by choice.

Oh and it's not a race. Cry wolf more and see what happens.

i honestly don't care
it just so happens that because of saving shekels they're all over the upper class. but you can say the same about sheikhs or expand that to white people

>How to type without saying anything

sorry to debunk your boogeyman

Wow you are easily influenced.

To debunk him you'd have to have knowledge of something, you just some generalistic shit that anyone could spew.


Hope that shekel is deposited to your account this month.

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I dont get it, you can read it and not believe it, but dismissing it because you dont agree with the message is a bit biased, wouldnt you agree my long nosed friend?

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maybe do some research and see which of your favourite companies belong to a man in turban or sidelocks
also that interview with an orthodox jew about why all nonjews work for them

>he does it for free
the jews really need to take some lessons from hitler in that sense. 80 years later and people are still spreading nazi propaganda for free

My guess would be Zionistic globalism is too complicated so the simpletons blame the human shields they use. For years the best anti-Zionist shit came from the Israeli free press. Gods chosen people are useful idiots like the rest of us, that whole chosen thing is a big part of the scam.
We are all kept squabbling about the wrong things to keep a long con going. The real players fly no flag and care little for race or tribe, only power over others.

This book is one bomb after another.

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Dont forget this website is FULL of these little goblin kikes trying to shut us down.

Forgot the pic

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if you could stop shooting up synagogues and driving through protests then maybe you wouldn't have to worry

Long noses btfo

Easy to read and summarized, your best weapon against forced ignorance.

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Boohoo ! Poor kike playing the victim yet again.

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When the kikes see themselves lost in an argument they quickly leave the thread and flood the board with nigger/request threads.

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Vast majority of violence is done by non-whites. Keep lying and crying though, Pinocchio.

They are paid for that after all.



Another bamp

shut the fuck up you fucking cocksucking faggot. i have a big nose and its because im fucking french, not a jew, and even if i were a jew theres nothing wrong with being a jew.

its because autistic retards such as yourself we live in a retarded fucking world full of useless hate.

seriously fuck yourself


Thanks had a laugh

shut up jew

Read it and get uncucked

Not Jews. Powerful zionists.

Its over kikes, people have realized all the social faps, niggers, requests and other retarded threada are YOUR doing.

But the jews defend them, thats the problem.

Well said.

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Check out my new thread


Yeah it's all a mess. The few at the very very top are working on getting the population reduced by quite a bit and those few aren't just zionists I think. One of the steps was to dumb down society and that's worked like a charm. I've gotten to where I think I'll just try to enjoy my life mostly outside of society. So Jews, zionists, whatever.

You should plant the seed of the truth in someone else.

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04/06/20(Mon)21:07:02 No.824637513
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Oops big fuckup

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Because Yas Forums is full of lonely, angry, white people so tired of society that they blame the Jews for the world's problems

Cant even post the link to the fb....


FB> Giovanni Gasparro > 7k comment pic

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> White people's anger
> not your fault mr. long nose

Nose is long with this one

prove you aren't a jew first.

post nose.

>Not your fault Mr. Long nose
It isn't. It's greedy CEOs, and the system that benefits them. Anytime someone tries to stick it to them, though; you fags sperg out because the people who try to unrig the system are nice to brown people

My great grandparents were nazis in ww2. Why shouldn't I hate jews?

Fun fact: Karl Marx was jewish :^)

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Not an argument

>not your fault
> it's the CEO's fault and the system that benefits them

You can't eat a cake and have it too

i dont hate jews but saying i do makes people mad and i really like that

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1. They are more wealthy than other's (historically money lending was considered unchristian and faul so they where basically given the keys to the treasury in the west.)
2. They're close knitted and value good education as a sociolectal norm.
3. They have on average higher IQ than most other peoples.
4. People in general are at least somewhat envious by nature.
5. People in general tend to easily dislike or at least be somewhat vary of strangers and those different.
6. People by nature look for patterns and for agency in all things around them. This is what drives our intelligences as a spices. Unfortunately this also leads to many people seeing patterns and finding agency where none exist because evolutionary it is usually better to see and enemy where non exists and try defend against nothing that it is to not see an enemy where there actually is one.

Ad 1 to 6 together and you have your answers.

>Every CEO is Jewish
If they are, then stop voting in people that benefit them, simpleton

ok jewmer

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