Do White leftists seriously still exists in 2020? I am particularly interested in hearing if there are such people on here. Considering they are on this website you'd think they would have found Yas Forums by now and gotten smarter? Left wing niggers and non-whites need not reply as this is not for you.
Do White leftists seriously still exists in 2020...
I think most of the lefty posting on here is just paid propaganda.
>first option
Some crazy asshole
>second option
Army army everywhere, further disasters
Don't worry, we can have both.
I came here to say this, thank you
The guy on the right is just a regular country boy, not military.
>he thinks Yas Forums makes you smarter
We should probably just leave it that before this becomes a shill thread
typical Yas Forums fag
Just look for the posts illustrating what a colossal, disgusting mess Trump is and arguing their case with coherent language while using facts (& providing sources) and you're probably seeing the words of a white leftist.
Because only Russian bots defend Trump, post "white girl/BBC" threads or say utterly retarded shit like "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong". It's all shitposting designed to get us to hate one another and feed the alt-right fears of the "white replacement conspiracy" hoax being true.
Considering I'm a white middle-aged straight man who's also an Army veteran (82nd Airborne), the fact that I believe white males are the cause of a great deal of Western society's troubles disproves the implied choice of your image. And that's not even counting the dishonesty present in your image considering the guy on the right isn't in the military (that we can tell). But assuming he were, or the picture had included someone who actually WAS in the military, the fact remains that the two are not mutually exclusive.
That means it is possible for someone to belong to both groups. I would know.
The right posting is never paid propaganda. Also Qanon is real. And Trump has a coherent plan to deal with this crisis created by.... his son in law after brainstorming with his buddies on facebook.
This is what they want you to believe, speaking of coherent language. Do you think a Yas Forumstard would try this hard? The trolls have no place to hide anymore, its just shills now
The only problem in America is jews
these are liberals not leftists
Not army dipshit
>Yas Forums
Also, fun fact: The two greatest conquerors in history, Caesar and Alexander the Great, were a latino and a "sandnigger", abd bit were at least bisexuals.
Cucked again, retard
/thread, leave while you can or lurkmoar and realize most people are not here by choice but by design
All leftist posters do is fling insults and post HIGHLY biased left wing media clickbait links. They also post the same thing, over and over, for literally years. Anyone that is native to here knows, you can't force a meme.
There is no right wing propaganda here.
>found Yas Forums by now and gotten smarter?
>cause of a great deal of Western society's troubles disproves the implied choice of your image. And that's not even counting the dishonesty present in your image considering the guy on the right isn't in the military (that we can tell). But assuming he were, or the picture had included someone who actually WAS in the military, the fact remains that the two are not mutually exclusive.
>That means it is possible for someone to belong to both groups. I would know.
You’re a fucking faggot
I dont really care for all the things that aggressive racism comes with so
I'm not really a full on leftist anymore but I'm left leaning.
Wtf did i just read. I might have just discovere d the only reasonable left on this site
>HIGHLY biased left wing media
That's true. Reality has a strong leftist bias
>"white replacement conspiracy" hoax being true.
OP here and this is the part of your views that I want to address. How can you say it's a hoax when there is also much evidence? Just browse Yas Forums or any WN site such as I don't necessarily have a problem with universal healthcare, socialism (as long as it's national), or most of the other economic views but I do with you enabling hostile negroids and non-whites to harm your own people.
I would bet good money that those making those racially antagonistic threads against Whites are not Russian bots or alt-right men as I have seen claimed but rather anti-whites, almost certainly non-whites. Why would a far-right person racially antogonize his own race? That makes zero sense. We don't have to amplify enemy rhetoric, they do a thorough job themselves of letting us know know how much they hate us and would love to destroy every last one of us, right or left wing, it does not matter as they only see your race and not your views.
2009 was a far different time to today. I counted myself among them, when they were moderate.
there's only one man in this pic though
We're here. I mean our numbers might be small, because we like to use care and forethought and some planning before establishing families. But as we're mostly urban (though we love farms) are numbers are pretty high. We're getting a bit of a hit though as Trump has royaly fucked up taking care of America given the present pandemic.
God bless, stay safe.
The Actual Left
Sounds like you're someone who took a lot of black cock in the Army.
Probably sucked your drill sergeant's cock so hard they gave you a fucking medal
Nigger get out of here
>thinks rebuttal is what you give to get a reach around
Your entire statement is one giant contradiction.
Restart the war economy, like good old days
Pathetic without trump you would lose all identity because none of you can form a sentence without bringing up your opinion on him. This is what you wilk waste at least 11% of your lives on
>Talks as if "the world" and America is synonymous
>implies that anyone who doesn't agree with the political views he picked up in a reverberant echo chamber is either stupid or a shill.
The American "left" aka liberals aren't actually that leftist, only focusing on "social issues" that can be commercialised to fuck. Both poles are retarded and only focus on shit flinging the other side.
You would know this if you say, knew anything about history, considered the rest of the world as an actual place rather than a magical fairytale and/or wasn't a massive retard
We're a great cause of the grand society we built? Nice self-hatred
Hahah damn, i havent seen it said so clearly before. Bravo
You're not interested in what anyone has to say about anything. Combative fanatics can be spotted a mile away, and are easily defined as this:
Fanatic: someone who can't change their mind, and won't change the subject.
The first error in your post is the first line: he was Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. You didn't even get the name right
The rest is pure bullshit in the same way
Im not american and i just want to say that i dont envy you guys.
Leftists are retards everywhere but the american white left is the bottom of the barrel.
I feel bad that sane americans have to deal with them.
So i wish you good luck for the future!
Based centrist
his legs are stuck that way because of chronic injuries from fucking your mother
Sexual orientation in the classical world was a "penetrator/penetratee" model instead of gay/straight model. Still what we would call kinsey 1's and 2s were conquering the world while the anti sexual monotheists were being pwned. (were client states)
I second the basededness of this user
like I'm about to debate some rich assholes brainwashed pawn, read a book kid.
people on the left are fucking retarded... the problem now is extreme government control and socialist economic policies from BOTH sides
You moronic Keynesian dems should love his plan... it's basically socialism
End this shitty thread here
Left 100%
yes, we wilk.
uh, not if you can read.
>HIGHLY biased left wing media
There are only two types of media:
>legitimate news media (the type that wins journalism awards like the Pulitzer and the Peabody)
>Fox, Breitbart and Reich Wing conspiracy sites
Pic related.
>How can you say it's a hoax when there is also much evidence?
>confusing bullshit talking points and fear-mongering coming out of known anti-semites & racists with actual evidence
>sounds like someone who is too much of a pussy to actually DO any of the stuff in the military
>but has zero problems claiming to "support" the military
>until a member of that military disagrees with your stupid, ignorant points of view
>then they're gay & sucked their DS's cock
>because you have no argument, you know it, and personal ad hominem attacks are all you have left
If you're white/male/straight and you don't feel at least SOME remorse for the minorities these 3 demographics have subjugated for centuries, then you are utterly without a conscience and should do the noble thing and anhero. You can't call yourself a human being because you lack critical qualities inherent to being a fucking human being.
You didn't build shit
Found the fascist
good nigh left side
i'm not the other user, or a conservative at all, but good god you sound as fucking retarded as they do.
feeling guilt for what other straight white males have done is the same as feeling pride for what they've done. i.e. fucking retarded
Person in the left died. ;)
yes, clearly there is no middle ground only you polar extremes
So my first choice is a pussy who won't wreck the economy over a war on hats.
My second option is a violent sociopath who volunteered to join an organization that kills people over their hat preference.
I'll take women looking like bowling pins over the past 20 years of US history.
>then you are utterly without a conscience and should do the noble thing and anhero
yeah look at all this "middle ground" you're spouting you fucking idiot
He's not in the military, you massive, gaping-hole-in-brain.
Found the liberal, how's Biden alzheimers doing? That poor old man can barely talk.
No one should hold pride or be held accountable, because it wasn't anyone today who did shit. But also you can't expect certain groups to recover in 1 or 2 generations. It's a process. Just think how long it took Celts or the barbarian kingdoms to recover from being subjugated.
I have seen him referred to as Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. Either way it does not matter as I simply call him Piece of Shit as that is what he was.
>rest is pure bullshit
Prove it.
Ironic since a lot of rich people kids are socialists
He wears camo everyday.
He's not too far off from his "go kill brownies so you don't kill citizens you fucking psychopath" welfare check.
He's in a SEARCH AND RESCUE type of situation and he's wearing clothing that make him impossible to sight if he gets caught in the flood.
Fucking retard.
well the word used in the other post was "remorse", thus guilt is implicit.
Sympathy? Sure, I have sympathy for anyone having a rough time, of which plenty of white people qualify as well. I don't give a shit what 'group' they're from....that kind of thinking is what has led to such a shit society in the first place.
Thank you for proving my point.
The point being?
That woman should've left her house when they told her a flood was coming instead of depending on a chad to save her.
I'd rather the stupid cunt get electrocuted from her flooding house than choose either of them.