Should the world finally declare war to end the Communist Party of China?

Should the world finally declare war to end the Communist Party of China?

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Were you on Habbo earlier?

Go ahead op. You can die in that war

"We British in particular can draw full warning from our past against the errors which all Europe is now committing. It is not a matter of theory but of fact that the chief industries of Britain were ruined in the twenties and thirties by the exploitation of cheap labour in undercutting competition, not only on world markets but by import of their goods to our own market. The experience of the cotton industry of Lancashire and the woollen industry of Yorkshire is evidence of what can occur when advanced countries export machinery to countries where finance can exploit labour with lower wages to compete disastrously against them. The uncontrolled competition developed by a greedy and anarchic capitalism within the Empire from India and Hong Kong, and without from China and Japan, was responsible for the ruin of Britain’s main industries in its primary effect, and for the throwing of China to communism by the ruthless brutality of the exploitation in its secondary effect."
-Oswald Mosely

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>b-but mah grofit

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and what i mean by that is, it is the west fault that china fell into communism. our lust for profits from sweated goods literally wrapped china up in a box and put a god damn bow on it for international communism.

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We should help hong kong get their independence and from there fuck China and establish a new regime in which communism is outlawed and every single person that believes in that ideology is executed, happy ending for everyone.

I just love it when Yas Forums gets all 'novus ordo seclorum' with us.

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Napoleon Bonaparte, 1814:

“China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she sneezes, she will shake the world.”

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what example does that set for the rest of the world? that anyone can just spout some antiquated "enlightenment" era cock and bull about muh democracy and muh freedumbs and disrupt a society to the point that it is hurting people and america will just come in and say BOMBS GO BRRRR

China has lost every single war they were involved

If we don't destroy China now, we will pay for it later.

Chinks already made their move, they are profiting of this crisis, selling mask with covid and shit, they should be made accountable and if bombing is the only option so be it, fuck them, communism is a disease.

Nah, they have nukes its to big of a risk

You were shitting yourselves when you thought you'd be shipping out for war with Iran in January. So, no, just accept that the sphere of influence is tilting *away* from the neoliberal west.

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Yes, I agree with you that communism is a disease and we must stop it by any means necessary.

that being said, communism is the inevitable end of rampant uncontrolled capitalism. wall street and london got rich off of the suffering of the people who made these cheap sweat shop goods and were surprised when communist offered them a stick to hit capitalist with.

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greedy capitalist who put their greed above the good of the volk get the rope too

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pick one.

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You should read more Theory.

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Chinese communist

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a communist who get's rich off of capitalist are still communist. that's what makes the Chinese different from other reds, they are smart enough to play ball.

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Ok rabbi

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The US are too poor to even afford food and housing, there’s no point in starting another war and killing millions of normal citizens who don’t even believe in the regime

I am ignorant but aren't most things made in China because of how cheap it is to mass manufacture products over there and also because of their leniency with Western/American businessmen/people?
Don't they got us by the balls?
Or non?
I simply don't know so fill my head with your ideas

That’s up to the people of China, not some retard posting repetitive threads like these.

i read a lot of Strasser, and Hitler is no angel. also wars cost a lot of money.

Strasser represented national socialism better, but lacked the strength and charisma to lead a nation.

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The vaporwave aesthetic is considered 'modern art' even while using traditional art as a backdrop. Thus, it would be rejected by the Reich for the same reason as Fraktur was in 1941.

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>read outdated boring book by a crazy bearded lunatic.
Classic tankie

Waste of time. Change must come from within, or else no change occurs. Killing the commie leaders will do nothing. The people recognise that style of leadership, so it will just reappear again in some other form. Nothing will change. Only if the population decides that they themselves want something different will a change occur. Can't accomplish that with war.

redpilled and based

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Strasser (poster-child of Nazbol) was just as much a fascist as Hitler, he just though he could make it more approachable by using Jews as a class rather than Jews as a race.

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This guy gets it.

Communism is a disease except for the fact that everything I own was made by communists.
It's a disease even though my personal success literally depended on it.
It's evil except it's the only thing that made my life affordable or possible.

1) nazbol is a meme

2) Juche is better than bolshevism because of its focus on social cohesion over class conflict.

3) i still don't trust the heebs

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Deliver Trump. His attempt was failing. Now it strikes back. No place for losers.

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oh, isn't that precious... from your comfy position of living in a developed nation that (usually, without retards hoarding paper towels, that one fucking thing i still need) usually has overabundant resources and most importantly, PERSONAL FREEDOM and even support for being any sort of defective loser these days you offer a little "self-help advice" to people living under a regime that if they say the wrong thing, they won't see morning and might spend the night being tortured to death for fun because rats are evil, inhuman scum.

"must come from within". within WHAT? the inner commie party of china? they'd eat babies alive to be in the club. DPRK? within fatboys ass while he rapes little girls, drinks cognac and nearly kills himself eating too much cheese while his people are full of worms, eating grass?

it'll have to come from some hero to save them and the whole world from them. look at how china is trying to make fake islands dispute territories, own nations that want to be free, etc.

they're fucking awful. they're actually worse than the fucking muslims who just love destroying everything and everyone. at least they don't have much reach.

Define everything you own, faggot.
That's part of community remember you can't own property, right?

Jews go first

Yes hello, based department? this guy right here.

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paying white workers a living wage instead of relying on cheap sweated goods.

it will be hard at first, but will be worth it.

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>US-made virus
>released in Wuhan, killing millions*
>re-released in Italy and Spain, killing thousands, and destroying two already rekt countries to the point EU is on the verge of collapse
>and still taking advantage of it to hit Trump
>and still working to build an excuse to attack Chinks
Oy, vey! Well done.

* ~20 millions telephone/cellphone numbers were deactivated in Wuhan area in the first 3 months of 2020. That's way more than just "business shutting down" cases.
Satellite imagery caught a bizarre all-time-high sulphur dioxide outbreak. You know, crematoriums working 24/7.

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Within as in: the people organising against power. That's the only way democracy has ever become stable, anywhere at any point. The population deciding it's a good idea. The probability of successfully implementing functional institutions through war is practically zero. It is possible to do so, but the effort is costly and improbable to succeed.

>thinks communism should be outlawed
>wants to prop up a (((democracy)))

you're so close. soooo very close.

Even better, all American workers. Give everyone Independence, and no one will need to rely on you.

Throw everything away you own that was made in China or made by a Chinese company.
You will have very little.
Coomunists own plenty.
The only real communal property is real estate and business licences in PRC.
They're smart enough to see the link between poverty and homelessness and crime.

well the blacks need to go back to africa. the asians and beaners can stay.

I thought it's 20 billions, wait what no so many population in China? They must hide their population too.

Look who we have here a fucking chink posting fake propaganda, fuck off.

I'm pretty sure that the USA is just acting butthurt that they are losing the trade war

You have to export things in order to participate in trade.

We're too intertwined. Been that way for more than a hundred years. Gotta accept them and help them if you want to succeed. Can't have anyone weighing us down. Accepting that and figuring it out after the problem. Think bigger.

you're right. we need to bring back slavery. thanks user.


>t. "I'm in denial"

>t. "I'm even more in denial"

good goyim

Sure. Good luck with that. How many white people after you willing to let die for an impossible fantasy?

In order to kill Communism, you need to restart the war economy