How does this timeline feel? #2

How does this timeline feel? #2

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Imagine caring about what others do in their personal relationships.

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Imagine being this much of a cuck.

ever called someone a cuck on Yas Forums?


I literally don't care

>personal relationships
it would be personal stuff, if you know... she didn't put it out there for sale?

damn dude you really want attention for giving a fuck about a shitty e list celeb

hahahah cuckboi goes "just cause I grilled a person for being a whore doesn't mean i dislike whores you guys."

idubbbz is too edgy
I like the new inclusive, diversity appreciative youtube.
he's a relic of an older age.
time to go.
pewdiepie can stay because he's become a good boy.

*shits on idubzz cuck face*

imagine not caring about the state of the world around you at all and not even understanding purpose in life.

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too edgy to be real you mean

she posts nudes and gets paid
what the fuck does that even imply about the state of the world

People's opinions change. Except the fucking far left or right. You faggots will always wither be incels or cucks

obviously nothing means anything to you
he went from incel to cuck so... yeah you're right

why are you so upset a woman posts nudes

inb4 some profoundly retarded incel shit with a dash of iconoclast 50s family values bullshit

this reflects nothing on the state of the world herp derp

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OP, you're such a desperate cunt. Nobody gives a shit, you incredibly sad person

This bait is way too retarded

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no one cares about her its all idubz, his girlfriend never lied about being a hoe. Stop m'ladying so hard. It has nothing to do with the women
You too faggot. get off your hot topic horse. Its about hypocrisy

explain yourself faggot

they would love for it to have anything to do with the woman in this situation. Cucks are desperate to yell incel.

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You have to be 18 to post, come back in a few years

Does anyone have his girlfriend’s nudes?

This. The hypocrisy is the worst part.

ALTHOUGH, Justin Roiland's girlfriend actually doing BLACKED was pretty funny as well.

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I'm not here to cast pearls before swine.

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These faggot simps are just so eager to make any issue they can about women and try to yell incels and cucks. Morals and principles are nothing to them at all whatsoever. Everything is a political statement. For them if a moral isn't tied to abortion or some other thing in the news they don't understand it. They don't get virtue.

But yeah that WAS funny as fuck. At least he didn't pretend he was against it the whole times like idubbz and was just a pussy.

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Lets be honest, gingers don't have much of a chance outside of being cucks or in poly relationships. That or they can win the ratrace. Otherwise good luck to them, ever outside of someones fetish.

Sorry gingies.

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okay, what's wrong with him literally not giving a shit about what she does

It would have been easier to just say "I'm a Yas Forumscel so I'm angry all the time at women and j00s"

H3 be like

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damn she has a huge forehead... My girl Sakura doesn't have shit on that

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bait at this point
has nothing to do with women at all baittard

Imagine caring about a third rate internet celeb


Imagine being this dense

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>people disagreeing with me is bait
what a waterhead you are

Imagine being this much of a shill and being triggered off topic by a meme someone posted that has nothing to do with the conversation.

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Good shit

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projection king. No one is disagreeing with me by misunderstanding me and accusing me. There are people who get it. You don't. Sorry I'm not your teacher kid..

how much of your day do you spend on Yas Forums, honestly

keyboard warrior for "I don't have an argument"

I would say this is her.... only good.... ASS et

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Why does everyone care what this guy's gf does?

Who the fuck cares?

probably as many minutes as times that you ask retarded irrelevant questions or questions based on your inability to understand.

ima need sauce on that

no one is arguing, exactly. Keep struggling with it.

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no one cares what his gf does. Outside of the people who pay for her softies.

gross stomach wtf ive banged some unattractive bitches but that fucking stomach fuck

right, you just made a vague blanket statement about the "state of the world" and when asked to elaborate you instead unleashed a stream of meaningless verbal diarrhea

I get an opportunity to post this like every single day

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Very few people do. I think actually OP is the same OP as many threads. I think he idolised this gentleman to the point that he feels cucked by this situation. He's a sad and desperate little boy


>posting leddit memes

icucks destroyed
Leafy the new King

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yeah you show the state of the world quite fine. Obsessed with what women do and not giving a shit about holding people accountable to merit. Of course you wouldn't see shit when its replaced your eyes....

Are you typing with tears in your eyes? A bit misty? Desperate

vvvv v v, vvv, vvv. vvv!
v v v v v

holy shit this faggot is so new he thinks memes from Yas Forums regurgitated by reddit are original to reddit

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sounds like he might really be the reddick

Its funny he thinks he's even having an argument with me. The state of humanity has declined my friend.

Oh dear.

who's really to blame here then?

i'm going to keep watching his videos, could give a fuck less that his gf is getting paid by the real simps

Ohhhh the spicy bubonic burn to the eyes.

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more stupid questions. The saying that there are none is a lie chumpo. Keep playing the blame game.

First of all it is Idubbz's and his girlfriends choice what they do and are ok with.
Second of all it is everybody else's choice how to react to it- if they care, agree or disagree.

Personally I am disapointed because Ian seemed like a chad to me but now just looks like a cuck. His video, which he made to show that he doesn't care is in fact prove that he cares.

So in other words you've got nothing. Exactly what I thought.

The Game

A blacktrap

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Forgot my Gee Pawg

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