Tinder trolling as pic, get in. Dubs only count if you are the first dubs after a screenshot...

Tinder trolling as pic, get in. Dubs only count if you are the first dubs after a screenshot. Second dubs doesn't get shit.

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Let’s go!!!

Where did we leave off?

Don't even fucking think about it.

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You better fucking deliver this time

Heyyy I know this is upfront but I really want to suck your dick! And this might sound weird but I need you to dust my ass until it’s inside out too

Looks like you need to tuck your cock and take a picture, OP

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Poonis hard nigguh get up in my anal cavity dawg


Ask him if he’s willing to blow a load in your trap friends ass


She has a cute penis. You have to give a little to take a little. Have you ever sucked a dick before?


Have you ever seen a feminine penis? I have such a fembone for you right now

Tell him your doctor heinz doofenshmirtz and you wanna take over the tri state area

You make me want to go to Isla Vista and start a shooting tee hee

Fucking this
Do this please

Nobody expects the spanish inquisition

That’s so stupid.

this is so fucking retarded, do it OP

I think we've got him.

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there's to many honkeys in spain,we need to give em our mexicans

Holy fuck, he is actually interested.


Fucking kek

I know right? He's willing to suck on my chode lmao

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Ask him for his address

he was 2nd dubs kek

You wont nugger

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this guy must be a fucking sex addict if he's even considering this faggotry

Heres her female penis

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You even admit you have a chode penis lmao

This. Now.

"Ah yes perry the platypus!Just in time to show you my tinder datinator!With this i will immediately marry all of the men in the tri-state area and completely control the birth rates!AHAHAHAH!"


we really like to play together, but she is straight so I can't make her cum. would you make us both cum?

I can only get off if you prolapse my asshole

Send it op

SOMEBODY SHOP THEM TOGETHER QUICK! If not soon, we must abandon.

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He already sent a pic



Dude just fuckin suck my orangutang boner like holy fuck it's not that hard i mean my dick is

You fucking nigger


Your fucked. Just spam him with gore.

Dubs get

Quickly, we almost have this faggot by the balls

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Dubbbzzz fucking get

fuck shopping. just tell him, 'ok we will look elsewhere. but I kinda liked you. gl"

Fucking get dubz


Why do i feeel like he's browsing this thread right now



this! rolling

“If you don’t fuck my friend and I, we will kill your whole family”

Ok I didn't want to send this because I looked bad without makeup but its all I got. She's on the left

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nice, follow wioth this and we got this faggit

i get the same feeling.
just do what said

Looks fake af

so tiny

Come on



OP, the faggot he is, is of course ignoring our requests once again

I was doing damage control during the wait. I think we can still do this.

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"You ever feel like someone's catfishing you and getting all their responses from Yas Forums??"




Post this



Roll again

”raw dog my poop socket”
Oh yeah

Rollin on the river

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Send his reply before we roll again

Damnit, I think it's time to move on. We gave it a good try. New convo in a minute

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Are you trying to attract c onfused men w/tra ps?


Fucking roollll

show the cock at least and ask if she really wants her(him)

Every one text the faggot

This is OP, should we link him the thread?

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Fuckin roll

dubs says yes

Roll pla

This. Let’s call him too!

lnik it to him but do what said first

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You are rollin, I am not rollin, I am boxxy you see?? *mmmm*

win thread

"Honestly doofenshmirtz may be the strongest fictional character ever.Not only has he invented time travel,machines that violate the laws of physics and made machined that transport people to other dimensions,he is also able to survive explosions,being crushed by an entire fucking skyscraper,and falling from sky scrapers.He has been lit on fire and even hit by lasers.
Combining his super human strength and his intellect would make one think hes the strongest being in the universe,yet he just doenst use his god like abilities serious.
Doofenshmirtz is probably able to survive nuclear explosions or boxing with god."

Dew it

Roll, and give this man some closure my guy