New millie thread

new millie thread

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She's 16 bruh

You're right.
She's too old.

Glad u came

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So did we decide whether or not she does actually have a piercing in the right (?) nipple?

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So I’m getting a head start, Hollywood is a dangerous place for a young girl with no daddy

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Any pics?

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didn't realize that was a thing

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No I don't have any, but there was a decent look in that webm of her in the white shirt with the older dude in the gray shirt. She's not wearing a bra and there's a few frames where it seems pretty clear that there's a bar through one of her nipples, or else the shirt is just pulled strangely across the area.

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well now you got me curious user

so are you doing okay young woman?

i have a feeling that isn't tru

Just wait for someone to post the webm. It's one of her pokies ones. The last few frames. Could just be the way the fabric is sitting of course.

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i love kindness millie

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oh god

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i thought u were coming up now? what the deal yo?

You’re really pushing this video out there and hung? Well good for you maybe one day you’ll upload the whole thing

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Nah i retain all the strength in my dick

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It's on reddit, easily available. It's also on her instagram page.

It's also not that interesting. That screen cap is probably the second most interesting thing that happens, and the most interesting thing is just a frame where she's bent a little farther and is showing more of her ass cheeks.

so you have no evidence of what youre talking about. good job retard

Thanks for getting us some stuff babe

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I do but I'm not behind enough proxies.

To be honest I don’t really watch videos of pictures of people with dogs and then , But I’m glad you and your fans are enjoying them who is that

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y u talk to my gril lik that? I done told u time 4 bed. com up now.

this dude is like a new wave white knight
the kind of guy who diverts attention away from what is being posted
youve seen it here first
this is the new face of narcissism

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People don’t usually order all this meat with their coffee

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ooh the big scary man took his shirt off

dont you have anything better to do

Yeah feel free to speak your mind asshat

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Yea fr, wtf is this shit mods. Delete this shit

I didn't realize this was a zoo.
Can someone get this gorilla out of here?

Check between 7 and 8 seconds. Full screen will help.

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I assume u have something in mind ?

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You can't white knight if you're a nigger.
Nigger-adjacent counts too.

I can't tell

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ok, ive seen a tiddy or 2 in my life, but i do know that the nips arent on the side of a tit

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I do. w u not come up yet?

she knows exactly what she's doing

Why does she act retarded

How can you tell if you have a milk mustache is you drink chocolate milk?

Yas Forumsros i figured it out

hes fucking kanye in disguise

honestly I was super dumb at 15 thankfully there isn't an online record of it

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Drake go home

Yea well, watch me jack off to this stupid slut

I don’t know I have a fast metabolism or something,Maybe so you can put your dress on me

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It's too late to pologize Kanye.

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You've just made me paranoid about whether or not myspace actually deleted people's accounts or if there's some record of my online profiles from when I was in middle school.

Thanks for being my friend and not a prostitute

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listen, I don't need Yas Forums to tell me that, I already know

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youre going to be bald soon

I don't need no china flu telling me where I can go bro. I'm going to the gym tomorrow.

Relax , no one Won’t even understand what’s going on here. Just didn’t do anything crazy illegal or post your address or something > lewd carrots

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My price just went up!!

Everyone says that but it’s simply not true it’s just the way my hairline is stop being silly please;p

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holy crap I was 17 when myspace was big and now I'm wondering if my cringy senior HS myspace still exists. goddamnit I don't know if I should check so I can delete that shit or if I even want to see it. I think viewing a 15 year-old snapshot of me will make me die of cringe

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did u go on koolkidklub myspace maylikat ? lol
is that y u are here?

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now yo listening here DB. It be time for bed now. come on up.

I don't even know what email address I used to make my account so I don't want to check. I figure that since I've never arrived to a job interview and been asked about the cringey shit I must have been posting then it either doesn't exist anymore or it can't be that bad.

If you never deleted it, it's still there trust me I was on my space less than a week ago and my account was made a long time ago.

lol I was around 30 when My Space was big. So many memories of hot young girls....

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no u come on up . daddy is always on top\

so wut? im glad i was doing work and putting in the grind ?

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stop making me remember my old social media.... holy fuck, was my 8 year old instagram deleted?

fuck fuck fuck fuck

you aspergers fuck

Oh god I don't wanna do it but I'm too fucking curious to not at some point. Dammit I think I'll do it when I'm more sober tomorrow and just delete the fuck out of it

whats that prove? that im a yung entreprenuer?
u gotta be init . 2 win it bud. stop being a cloutslut and come put in work

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I love Millie's fangs and I want her to bite me


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No u a bottom now, member?

want to blow my load inside her

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back to the task at hand...millie posts

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i just dont like ppl stealing my intellectual properties tbh fam

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who's kenzie? show us more