What are your thoughts on the exponentially increasing amount of white women dedicating their prime years to black men?

What are your thoughts on the exponentially increasing amount of white women dedicating their prime years to black men?

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no thoughts because it means nothing

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they get what they fucking deserve.
Hepatitus F and handful of fatherless kids.

we have this thread every single day

they won't be fatherless, they'll be raised by white boys

do something about it then faggot

makes me hard

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I dont think about it, because I've never seen it. Only hear about here

At least they won't grow up to be niggers then.

niggers have massive beef cocks. that's the way things are

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She's in heaven

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Most girls go black these days anyways but how do i speed up the process for my sister?

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join a sports team. Invite rayshawn and the crew over after games

White girls should be bred black

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their cocks are ideal for injecting seed straight into the white womb

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That's where it belongs

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good idea

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shalom you fucking jew shills advertising blacked.com

Lol you can see the penis pump marks.

according to science, statistics, Tinder, etc their not.

>in fact, white men are the sought after for all races

I couldn't give a single fuck even if I tried

Tired of this post. Could you at least change it up even the slightest bit? Are you not you bored?

Its one thing for white girls to watch bbc porn in private but another things its to post it online for everyone to see

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Her name?

moar like this?

shamelessly talking about bbc in their social media

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wow epic

this girl is a QoS so its more understandable but still

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meds actually

it upsets me greatly

Fake news

Tired of seeing BBC threads?
Get over here!

Their wombs are so receptive to potent black seed

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sorority girl too, holy shit

even asians arent inmune

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this is literally the best

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what are your thoughts on your lonely life and how pathetic you are?

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Is there a Kik group or discord dedicated to snow bunnies?

It’s okay though because they’ll still marry us at 36.


if we are lucky

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It’s so much easier to just make peace with being a cuck. My fiancé has fucked lots of bbc in her past and was amazed and super happy I’m cool with it and like it.

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Posting fake account

Go suck on a monkey's dick, monkey loving faggot.

calm down chong

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Going to spend their "golden years" alone and with many cats