Name a better root beer

Name a better root beer

>pro tip you can’t

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came here to post this


Aincientfag here, grew up on Hires. I Like IBC, Stewards, and Dad's. Barqs tastes more like a cola, Mug and A&W are too sweet and fizzy for my tastes.


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Bangs root beer

barqs is nigger shit you need to drink bangs

do any of you realize how American this thread is
root beer is hard as fuck to find in Europe and im in Australia here we have sarsaparilla

Bangs isn't a drink, doesn't exist.

Correction. I’m OP and you’re right. Thread is done

new fag detected

ok bud

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a true new fag doesnt even realize bangs is a well known Yas Forums meme

Do you remember Rondo? It was sold in California in the 80's. Lemon/citrus flavored soda I heard originated in OZ.


calm down newfag I know this is exciting for you

im LOLing at all these fags who dont like mug

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are you stupid or just illiterate?

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I honestly like all root beers, my favorite can change day to day based on my mood and what flavor I want.

I love Mug, I love A&W, I love most of the local craft/small batch root beers, and I sure as fuck love me some Bangs.


I still think this stuff tastes more like a cola than a proper sarsa-sparilla.

The fact that I am literate and can read cursive unlike you zoomers makes me correct


you understand that there is a difference between thinking another brand is the best and not liking something right. I've never had bad rootbeer

Got this shit at work. Pretty good. Kinda has a cream soda taste a little.

Didn't realize how expensive it was until I just looked up for an image.. Glad I stole a few bottles.

I hope you die of bat soup flu you fucking boomer kike.

yea there a soda called cresta that has a simular taste but its not the same

>some Bangs.
some Barqs

Why'd my image not post. Fucker.

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nice try buddy but it doesn't work that way

you are the one who got caught with your pants down projecting wont help you

A&W in a frosty mug

if im adding it to anything booze ice cream what ever than A&W is the way to go

Try Jones soda. God, that stuff is shit.

Vinesauce isnt funny.


we all know its barqs stupid but you are to new to know the meme and clearly you are the same dumbass replying to the other guys bate in here

You're a rapist

jones is pretty good.

here is the correct answer, fellas.

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Almosst any other brand is better.

For mass-produced, A&W is okay, but its sweetener is high fructose corn syrup, not an ideal choice.

Surprisingly, the best value with the best taste is Whole Foods' 365 Everyday Value Root Beer. If you do a blind taste test, you'll agree.

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this thread is based, btw, root beer is the shit

Bangs rootbeer fag

This thread truly is a mug moment.

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This an extremely local brand to where I am but it is absolute god tier

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I could go for a McDouble right about now

Holy shit it’s been since I was a kid that I’ve had that. I remember it being amazing too

y'all niggas ain't never had the good stuff

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all joel does is spout memes

How has this not been mentioned...

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Yo that stuff with some vanilla ice cream, supreme

I've always liked

That says barqs learn cursive zoomer.


root beer floats are supreme dessert

dude i love this shit.

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From the Dublin Bottling Works.

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It's great, mate.