The WHO confirms the Coronavirus won’t “just pass”, it will only get worse, and it will be a forever thing...

The WHO confirms the Coronavirus won’t “just pass”, it will only get worse, and it will be a forever thing, and so will quarantine.

But I’m fearmongering and baiting about the end of humanity, right, Trumptards? Professionals are literally saying there’s no fucking hope or brightside....yet we’re just fearmongering. Huh?

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And you believe em?

It's still constructive to flatten the curve.

Yeah, you are fearmongering. Even the Black Death went away, and that was a hundred times worse.

It can’t spread if people aren’t near each other. Effective social distancing will slow the spread.

Yes, they’re the fucking World Health Organization. They’re professionals, not some moron who doesn’t know what he’s saying.

The leader of the WHO cowtows to China. He wouldn't acknowledge the existence of Taiwan in an interview. I don't trust information put out by this publication.

For god's sake, they categorized video games as a world health concern for its addictive nature.

I’m not. I’ve seen plenty of sources to prove you wrong.

I agree, that’s why quarantine should be a forever thing.

corona is confirmed just as bad as the black death

If there is no hope why do you care that Trump is president? Would Hillary have saved humanity?

Once summer sun comes, it will die down. Taking care of 60+ year olds on vents that socially came together in large crowds thinking it was going to be ok. Corona is killin em btw, 1st hand witness.

You do realize this would be the first pandemic in human history to "last forever", right? That has literally never happened once in the entire history of humanity.

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First time for everything.

Disobey quarantine. Claim your freedom.

Thank you

Herd... immunity...?
You good?

Exactly. All it takes is a cursory look at the publicly available data to see that Coronavirus is slowing down and will soon be over.

I don’t like Hillary, but Bernie would of known what he was doing, at least.

You’re retarded

Thank god I have a gun.

Cause Bernie is...? Lol shit the fuck up you little dick piece of shit

The thing about that is that pretty much every hard hit country went down in the number of new cases today.

It'll be okay in the end man

>Once summer sun comes, it will die down
It’s summer in the Southern Hemisphere and COVID19 is raging down there.

Then go out and get the virus, take your drug cocktail, bam... Immunity. Move on.

Alright, let's examine what you're saying. You're basically saying that COVID-19, which is literally just a mutated version of SARS, is unique among all the viruses humanity has experienced in that there will never be a cure or vaccine, nor will there ever be immunity, hell, even the process of natural selection which means KILLING OFF ALL HUMANS WHO AREN'T IMMUNE THUS LEAVING ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WHICH WOULD MAKE IT BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE TO GET INFECTED won't work. Even just a basic sanity check of your theory is enough to destroy it completely.

This! Thank you! Why won’t they just fucking except Coronavirus will never go away? The denial is hilarious. We’re all fucking doomed.

So you believe an organization who paid by China and whose head knowingly hid cholera cases just to get his position?

Can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.

Out of Biden, Sanders and Trump, Bernie has been the most presidential in handling this crisis.

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I wouldn’t go that far, but without decent leadership at the federal level, it’s going to be ugly.

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It's been slowing down for a while actually.

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Thank you

I'm sorry, remind me again, when did we cure the flu virus again? Oh yeah, that's right, we manage to fend it off on a yearly basis using a vaccine that barely stays relevant for one year. You have no clue what you are talking about and are therefore part of the problem.

>But I’m fearmongering and baiting about the end of humanity, right, Trumptards?

>Professionals are literally saying there’s no fucking hope or brightside....yet we’re just fearmongering. Huh?

it's hard to trust a word that those Chink-sympathizing fucks say these days.

Just be careful, wash your fucking hands, and don't go outside until this shit is drasticaly reduced.

And shame and berate any friends and family that are too dumb to stay indoors or listen to caution.

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Yes that’s proof that social distancing works.

And that’s exactly why quarantine should be a forever thing. Glad you agree, we can’t sacrifice people for fun.

COVID19 is about to ravage the Global South.

Quarantine will end in a month or two at tops. At a certain point it will kill more people to maintain it than to end it.

This guy who keeps sharing these is right. We need a forever quarantine. The Coronavirus is never going to end thanks to Trump.

This is the end and it’s all Trump’s fault.

its literally a biological weapon designed to usher in the NWO.
>get the chip vaccine or be a social pariah
the only bright side is this is the lead up to the return of Jesus Christ.

Probably so. Australia and Brazil haven’t seen anything yet.

Right wing media is full of lies

I think I've lost a few brain cells from this post. Go fuck your dog, chink

It’ll never go down, it’ll always go up and humanity is fucked. I’m so glad you guys are starting to outnumber these right wing tards


Also, cases aren't reported accurately over the weekend.

Covid-19 is a member coronavirus family
Like the common cold, mers, and sars
You know what all these have in common aside from being in the same family?
All have no cure.

Influenza (the flu) is a member of the Orthomyxoviridae family.
Has a vaccine.

It was never just the flu.

And India is fucked, especially with Modi in charge.

This is my opinion, not the media's. I haven't checked the news in over a week.

You good tho?

Who also said it couldn't spread human to human...
Also, swine flu etc still exist, they also don't matter as much now so...

Fucking thank you! There’s more evidence of the cases going up and never going down. Humanity is fucked.

Flu vaccines only work for a year anyway. The flu virus has been around for hundreds of years and there is no cure.

You’re an idiot

>the media is full of lies

They already did a lockdown in India so you know they’re preparing.

Based on what exactly? You got anything besides Ad hominem? Anything at all going on upstairs?


Theres def more evidence of Corona being a forever thing, that’s for sure. I love seeing retards outnumbered


WHO has been swallowing soynigger dick down to the root since the beginning of this shitshow, not surprisingly since they are heavily funded by China. I posted the link here before. Do your due diligence fuckbucket.

Unless it mutates, there comes a time when herd immunity takes over.

>It’ll never go down, it’ll always go up and humanity is fucked
We’re in deep shit for sure, but it doesn’t help to be alarmist. I think the doctor from the Time article is striking the right tone:

Looking further into the future, what do you anticipate? Will COVID-19 ever disappear?

What it looks like is that we’re going to have a substantial wave of this disease right through basically the globe unless something very different happens in the southern hemisphere. And the question then is: What’s going to happen? Is this going to disappear completely? Are we going to get into a period of cyclical waves? Or are we going to end up with low level endemic disease that we have to deal with? Most people believe that that first scenario where this might disappear completely is very, very unlikely, it just transmits too easily in the human population, so more likely waves or low level disease.

A lot of that is going to depend on what we as countries, as societies, do. If we do the testing of every single case, rapid isolation of the cases, you should be able to keep cases down low. If you simply rely on the big shut down measures without finding every case, then every time you take the brakes off, it could come back in waves. So that future frankly, may be determined by us and our response as much as the virus.

Remind me again, how many times have we been in worldwide quarantine because of the flu?

Flu is multiple strains and I'd comprised of multiple short rna fragments. This means each strain mutated easily and there are like four different flus common enough that we try and vaccinate for them.

This virus is a single strand, particularly long, and has a transcription check that combined means it's likely to be stable - more like measles than flu so a vaccine should work semi permanently.

Lol, if you would rather have COVID 19 than the seasonal flu, you are fucking retarded.

It was one expert the WHO has more than just one dude calm the fuck down

There are already multiple strains. Do some research.

Bro but are you GOOD tho??

Coronaviruses don’t usually mutate at a quick rate so what makes you so sure that a vaccine won’t be effective?

THANK YOU! the Coronavirus will never go away and will end humanity except Trumptards! I’m so glad I’m not the only one. We’re fucked that’s that, and Trumptards are idiots.

If you think it won't mutate a whole bunch of times with the number of infections going don't know much about evolution.

>WHO Expert

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Thank you. People don’t understand the COV-19 is quite literally the most deadly disease humanity has ever faced. Probably even worse then the lines of Ebola or the Black Death..

It won't mutate as rapidly or significantly as flu, because it's a different thing entirely.

Yeah, the problem is that India’s health infrastructure and administrative bureaucracy is so weak and corrupt that it’s going to be nearly impossible to contain the virus. Maybe Based Communist Kerala State will do a decent job saving lives, but the rest of the country is in trouble.

Seriously, I’m glad Trumptards are outnumbered, Humanity is fucking ending and no one takes it seriously.

Impossible to quarantine forever. That's not how humanity works.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about.


It will mutate ever more fast and worse, you retard. This is basically the deadliest disease we’ve ever faced. This is more then the flu.

It literally is the deadliest disease known to man and mutates really fucking fast

Bro? Bro??? Bro?? BRO ? ?

Pipe down there jr. I know the news is scary but that statement is patently false b8 and makes no sense. The virus will run it's course in about 2 months

How do you know that? Looking at the numbers right now, it’s not the deadliest disease ever.

>I believe my the media I consume and the politicians they tell me to like
get a load of this retard. all news media are liars. all elected officials are liars.

We need too, your suggestion will get everyone killed even faster.

Idk if it is the deadliest, but it definitely could be. And it definitely isn't going away anytime soon. 2 years would be a fucking miracle. I personally don't think we will cure it, but I suppose it is possible, with an advance in tech.

Dude? others have posted evidence in the very thread.

This is my first post in here. I don't have a suggestion, but you can't control all people. It's not possible. It will spread and immune systems will have to work. This is the way of nature, the way it has always been.

Exactly. I don’t think it will ever go away. I truly believe this is the end of humanity.

Chances are equally as good that it mutates to a harmless form.

You do realize that when people get a virus and survive they produce antibodies that prevent them from getting sick from the same viral again right? I understand mutations exist but they effect the body significantly less than the initial infection.
Yeah some people will get the sniffles every year but thats about it. The flu has killed more people this year than the corona virus. You are absofuckinglutly fear mongering OR just an ignorant little bitch

A immune system can’t defeat the most deadly disease known to man.

That’s what people were saying about SARS.

Nope. It’s just going to get worse

I think this is just the start. Climate change is about to ramp up, and lets not forget that we are causing a mass extinction.

Now you just sound dumb. Over 60% are asymptomatic.

Oh really, even more deadly than the Black Death that wiped out an entire third of Europe's population? Go back to school, retard.

All part of the NWO plan.

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That’s what they said about H1N1.

No they weren’t. COVID-19 is worse then SARS

You are just trolling at this point lol. If not, you are beyond stupid.

It’s worse then H1N1

That doesn't matter so much. It's encoded in one long stain of rna and the expressed sights that would be targetted by a vaccine are unlikely to change significantly or at all with occasional mutations.

Flu is comprised of 8 separate strands of rna that each have a change of mutating, which is why it drifts significantly enough to render vaccines less effective over time. Flu also has more than one operating sight expressed and used for getting to your cells.

I actually have no fucking idea what they said about SARS. I just assume it was bad since people are comparing it to this.