Nostalgic games
Nostalgic games
Excellent choice user! Played that shit on PS2 for hours. Never understood what the game was about but just ran around slashing the shit out of hoards of people. Still don’t know what the game was about honestly. Was there a storyline?
Dynasty Warriors 5 was great too.
Never played it lol. I only played dynasty warriors 2 cause my cousin had a PS2. Wasn’t allowed to have video games as a kid...
Another great choice, did you play the modern reboots? I didn’t find them as enjoyable, but maybe nostalgia got to me.
I haven't played the newer games, but I've heard a lot of people complain about them; and I've seen some game play.
They never seemed that enticing to me.
It is still the best action game ever made.
Yeah, EA got money hungry so that ruined a lot of the enjoyment really. I also played the newer ones on PC instead of console so that made it weird.
>I also played the newer ones on PC instead of console
That seems like it would be odd.
I've never played any of those types of game on PC, only console.
I only got my own PC a few years ago and haven't played any games with other people.
my nigga
Those old Lego games were so fun.
Back when they made games for these lesser known and original universes they were amazing. Ever since they acquired licenses for these Batman, SW, LotR etc. They became average at best
I thought that later games you mentioned were still fun for the puzzles (at the ones I played).
Some are ok, but they have lost all the charm in my opinion
I can definitely see your point.
Yeah, I started PC when I finished college and got that engineering dollars, it’s just so competitive and hostile. Console was like “hey let’s smoke some weed and play video” pc is like “I must be first and post my replays on YouTube”. I just game for fun, unwind and goof off type shit. Made battlefront all about the unlocks and upgrade instead of just finding loopholes and funny shit, ruined the experience for me, but that’s just my background, can’t speak for everyone by any means.
I played this shit when I was like 7-8yrs old, kicked ass.
>the PC VERSION. my nigger.
hell yeah
Same, except I had no idea it was dynasty warriors I just saw this weird military game
Original was great. However I sunk a stupid amount of time and playthroughs in this game.
>I just game for fun, unwind and goof off type shit
Seems like we would get along well, user.
Icicle Pyramid was the shit.
Highly underrated in my opinion.
i might be a zoomer but this was the first game i remember playing this one is great.
Played it and loved it despite its flaws.
Feeling like a jedi.
When Lucasarts was good.
Still my favorite gane ever
dude champions of norath was the fucking shit, better than diablo and on ps2
The good version. Never got into WoW but loved W3
Forgot pic
First of all, nice quads there. The first Killzone always strikes me as a game that looks so much better than it actually is. I remember playing it and thinking it wasn't great but then yet it looks like it would be a good immersive FPS game. Especially back then when its graphics could be seen as cutting edge. I might try it one day just to beat it since I did like 2 a lot.
I never had access to my brother's PlayStation until I sucked his cock. A 9 year old girl will do anything for PlayStation though, plus I liked the taste of cum.
He was 13.
Love it, but after trying to play it again recently I got bored as fuck
tits and timestamp or gtfo you know the rules
good shit
Yeah, I know what you mean.
It wasn't the best game ever but it was fun.
looks stolen
I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan (I saw the movies but never read the books) but I loved this old PC game.
Pic very related.
Play this one as a kid, tought i was on mars or something
It does take a lot of patience to get into it. Plus, it gets hard to go back when games look as good as they do now.
Mr Bones Wild Ride...
vae victis
Story is still great but everything else just seems tedious. I dunno if I should feel ashamed about fallout 4 being the only fallout game that I can get pleasure out of I present time
Crash Bandicoot games were so much fun.
It was like a dumb fun fighting game. Not another boring simulation game like today.
Fucking loved this game.
Best lucasarts game by far
Smackdown was definitely fun, as ridiculous as wrestling may be.
I don’t normally even like fighting games, but this one was goddamned original, as befitting any title from Squaresoft’s golden age.
discord vHCFVB for games
Agreed. It was challenging as hell too iirc.
I completely forgot about this gem
I miss Sierra
Also Blood Omen and Soul Reaver.