Listen, I know you think that Trump is doing a horrible job managing the pandemic. But don't forget...

Listen, I know you think that Trump is doing a horrible job managing the pandemic. But don't forget, the alternative would have been fucking Hillary.

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I do not believe anyone would have to fuck Hilary as an alternative to having Trump as president.

is that now your excuse? pathetic.

trump supporters have spent 4 straight years in miseray still complaining about hillary.anyone would of been better at handling this then donald trump.even hillary,since democrats would of used science to develop a vaccine instead of republicans using their bibles to fight coronavirus instead

Would have gladly fucked her if she were at least 40 years younger.

If Trump hadn't gotten elected he would be fucking Hillary. Got it.

You got that backwards,libtard

why fuck a democrat "women"when you can fuck a real conservative women

Lel and even SHE would have done a better job as she's not a draft dodger, liar and failed business man that had everything handed to him.

Honestly, I'd rather have a neurotic soccer mom with an annoying voice calling the shots than this clown.

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trump would still be trying to find his cock while his eurotrash trophy wife fucked other men

how cute,you think libtards are any different then people who voted for donald trump

This scene literally is literally what happened

maybe in november,when you lose you did in the house majority in the midterms.that lump of shit you call a brain will get it

republicans hate donald trump,they care about the constitution,not time,choose a president who is a republican.not a pile of democrat shit like donald bone spurs and his family

shut the fuck up u fucking cuck

Shrill cuck bitch

You just know.

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So? What significant good thing has Trump done that Hillary would have dicked up worse? At least she is a career politician. They’re BOTH corrupt billionaires. At least she had SOME experience with the shit stain of a govt that we deal with. You faggots voted in a Degenerate rapist TV personality billionaire cokehead as a meme and are acting surprised that he’s a terrible president. Btfo


know what? that he slid his cock into his asshole in rikers island before he died?

>me love trump,hillary bad,trump good

Terrible president? He's the best world leader we've seen in 30 years.

I seriously doubt Hillary would have dismantled the pandemic response department and shoved it into a closet, nor would she have ignored researchers and intelligence agencies warning that China wasn't being truthful about the nature of the disease and the number of dead.

But why even argue? Trumphumpers will defend their Lord and Savior to the death. Trying to convince them he's an egomaniacal, narcissistic windbag only concerned with himself and his image is like trying to kick water uphill.

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Epstein would've straight-up had a cure in a week.

You are so retarded. Please die of covid

Go on... Bet you've not even lived half that.

I still have faith in you, Mr. President! Like you said, it's just a mild cold that will go away. It'll be a miracle.

Imagine unironically believing this.

>deteriorated foreign relations to the worst they’ve ever been in recent history, >signed arbitrary executive orders just because he could
>disbanded environmental protections and pandemic response team
>blew all of our money on failed liquid injections to the stock market
>Member of Epstein sex cult
>An actual nepotist
>Empowered the swamp he was supposed to drain.

The only good thing he’s done is eradicate Isis and scared Mexicans from immigrating here. You could have made a case for the stock market until literally 3 weeks ago. He’s terrible.

"opened up and just raring to go by Easter"


>pandemic response team

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Ya, she's a real classy cunt:

a holes a hole son

Who cares? Our president cheats on supermodels with pornstars and has been accused of rape like a dozen times. The idea of a leader with class is out the window. At least Hillary is funny now that she lost and doesn’t give a fuck. The fact that she’s been funny lately has actually given her the tiniest shred of likeability now. Cry more.

i thought it was hilarious how her husband cucked her with a slam pig and he got caught with his cum on her dress, lol how embarassing

he says,while thinking america is the only country in the world

he hasnt lead shit in 4 years.he's just like barack obama,the only difference is.barack obama got criticized for his lack of leadership,donald trump gets praised for it

lets hope after you thump your family with your bible after they get covid 19,that its less trump voters in society after you see that faith didnt cure them


lol,you think that ugly eurotrash who cried the day donald got elected(and not tears of joy)is a super model

i guess when the only women you've talked to and had sex with is your mom and sister you'd think an ugly eurotrash like melania is a supermodel

also,there's nothing funny about hillary.whats funny is making fun of trumptards who have spent the past 4 years still bringing her up

It was even more hilarious how she had to keep his name to run for the Senate because nobody gives a fuck about Hillary Rodam.

I think the fact that her actual profession was a supermodel makes her a supermodel you absolute fucking retard.

Hillary would have never thought to get Kushner involved. He'll save us all.

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Considering that she headed a Healthcare task force under Bill's administration, I think that would have been a preferable alternative to somebody who thinks the flu vaccine and fish tank cleaner are effective against the coronavirus.

if the electoral college didn’t correct the popular vote it would’ve been Hillary unless the DNC didn’t rig the primary then it would've been Bernie
the US isn’t allowed to elect a competent president

Thanks for offering.

whatever trumpshit,take your feelings somewhere else.i dont have the time to deal with snowflakes today

>But don't forget, the alternative would have been fucking Hillary.

The alternative to Wu Flu would be having sex with Hillary Clinton? Get me a paper bag, I'll take one for the team

ouch! you sure showed us!

What is your point? Trump cheated on his bitch with one of the ugliest pornstars he could have. Stormy Daniels is nausea inducing. Billy Boy got his knob polished in the fucking Oval Office, got impeached, and still got to finish his term. I don’t care that Hilldawg got cheated on. It’s just funny that she’s mocking Trump and making you all wet your trousers. It’s 4 Chan and you’re complaining that her tweets aren’t ”classy”

An hero for all of us, please.

he says,while thinking that bitching about the media or hillary is any better

hope you die a coronavirus death.that would really make america great again.since you morons didnt learn from losing house majority in the midterms.take your orange turd and leave the republican party,we dont want you or trump

2 terms will be the next thing they have in common lol, try not to sound completely assblasted when you respond to me

oh please stop being so mean sweetie it's hurting my fee fees


My point was that these faggot Trump supporters sound retarded complaining about someone else being classless while simultaneously supporting Trump but leave it up to a liberal to completely misinterpret someone’s comments. Moron.

it might be your massive hypocrisy we're laughing at, and you might be too simple to understand that

I was hoping something funnier than you idiots calling each other trumptard and libtard

may you all get coronavirus and ass cancer

Have you read the court documents? He testified in defense of the victim. Pretty interesting read, only 15 pages.

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trump supporters shouldnt call other people morons,your the ones who elected this piece of liberal shit

2 terms won’t change that most people in the country and the world will recognize him as one of the single worst leaders in human history. The only people who like him are Russians, boomers, and Yas Forums.

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maybe you should start another thread on/b/ then, it's not going to keep him out of office but at least your contained with us as our amusement

As someone who absolutely loathes Hillary and sees her as the embodiment of everything wrong with the DNC (Which, let's be honest here, is controller by people who arn't progressive and are mostly just "Republican Lite")

Hillary would atleast know the system well enough to get shit done faster. Trump spent literal weeks calling the whole thing a hoax and dragging his feat while other countries were already taking measures to combat the pandemic. Now we are neck deep in the shitstorm and we literally had to shame the fuck out of him to get him to do anything, and then again to stop him from pressuring the populace back to work for the sake of the "economy" (Which, news flash, will tank even worse if a shit ton of people fucking die).

I'm sure Hillary's response would have been lackluster too, but I'd imagine it at least be more immediate and cohesive then Trump's has been.

the only people that believe that sad basic drivel are you and your pansexual genderfluid life partner and not even all fags are pieces of shit like you, you're a real special demographic, we call it NPC's

The chinks were welding people’s door shut while this motherfucker was telling us to treat it like the flu

your clearly a trump supporter,since they are the only ones who still listen to that orange idiot in the first place

lets hope their's a bible shortage so you dont have anything to thump at the virus

At the very least I doubt she would have gone off about it being a hoax designed by the opposition to impeach her.
And fox news would have been too busy criticizing her to call it a hoax as well

Hes going in the history books next to Idi Amin and Mussolini.

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>political scientists

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>says the redneck who never finished high school

Yeah, one of Hillary’s poops would have been a massive improvement.