How does this timeline feel?

How does this timeline feel?

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alternate version

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Alot of innocents had to die or toil away in slavery to get us all here but otherwise, yeah, it's pretty swell

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Are we talking about that douche nozzle content cop? That dude has always been a soiboy on the down low, except now he's an emasculated soiboy. I saw his shit, I laughed at his videos before, but this ain't youtube entertainment. That's who he is at his core, and you can't change that.

Very odd, nothing makes sense. I see those conspiracy threads pop up every once in a while where they say the world actually ended in 2012 and we live in some weird parallel dimension now.
I mean just in the videogame world as example:
>Shenmue 3 released
>New Half Life game was released
>FF7 remake is about to be released
>Doom was rebooted successfully and we're two games in of nudoom
>No More Heroes 3 was announced
>Deadly Premonition is getting a sequel
>Metriod Prime 4 is in development
>Ridley, Banjo and KRool are in smash
I can go on but this is insanity.

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> That's who he is at his core
The truth I never wanted to learn.

There is no way I am a cuck enough to actually give a fuck about this shit you like to spam on /b nowadays.

I don't know if you like beating your meat to his whore of a girlfriend, you despise him for being a cuck, you have something personal or you just don't like the guy and feel good trying to bringing him down.

Everybody sorts his own shit as he see fit. Those who indulge in judgement like you belong to 2 categories.

1) you are a demented zoomer, like 18 years old, and you can't possibly know anything about the world. You should just stfu.
2) you are a sad creep, like those who browse "celebs" thread and actually give importance to this shit. Whatever your age is, if this is the case, killing yourself is the only thing you need to do, for a tremendous amounts of reason I'm not gonna waste my time typing down.

Stay in your house and, even in these days of isolation (unless you're a moron and you're not isolating, kys as well in this case) learn to live your fucking own life instead of sticking your nose in stuff who cannot possibly personally touch you, and you'll be fine.

Kys if you're intrested in this useless forced meme.

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Why do you sound like a colossal faggot?

I have a bunch of edits to make. I don't know what I can make of it, but I guess il go for another run

Keep seething shill

/pol behaviour.
Slide thread.

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You're 100% wrong about Yas Forums. Or "sheeple". Freedom of thought is deciding to judge you a faggot, freely. Not this cockamamie bullshit about not criticizing some faggot, freely, or else, kill yourself.

Perfect. That's exactly what /pol wants you to believe. That what you'll find therein is "freedom of thought". ... Hope you don't get transitioned too soon.

Freedom of thought is not giving a fuck about this crap, and all the crap you like to plug into your brain in order to cope with your pathetic life.
But it's not going to work. You're only a tiny man in his basement trying to judge people behind a monitor, with irrelevant pranks or "meemz" you think it's funny to spam in order to feel better.
It won't get better. I promise. Especially if you browse /pol. You already chose to redpill yourself, then you'll go thru the blackpill, then maybe if a spark of sanity still survives into you after several years of loneliness you'll manage to get out of that shithole.

I know it too well. Good luck in the neverending echo-chambers. Keep yourself believing you'll be free. You'll remember about me if you manage to cleanse.

But I sincerely hope you kys beforehand, it would be really better for you and the people which are forced to be in your proximity.

>Defending whores
Holy shit what a fucking display.
>you are a demented zoomer, like 18 years old, and you can't possibly know anything about the world. You should just stfu.
Yeah, shut the fuck up you big meany! Stop calling people hypocrites and whores on my christian imageboard! This is not acceptable behavior on niggertits OP!
>You are a sad creep,
Yes, the people who consider pornography degrading. I can't wait for him to have kids and have to explain why their bullies all have pornography staring their mother.
>you can't possibly know anything about the world.
Hi Idubbbz, you have a broken, idiotic sense of how the world works, not the millions of people who live in the real world, and not nonsense youtube land, telling you this was effectively suicide. I look forward to your downard spiral.

>That's exactly what /pol wants you to believe
Can you shut up? I haven't been to Yas Forums in over 5 years; Yas Forums doesn't tell me what to think. You don't tell me what to think.

Freedom of thought is not giving a fuck about your shit-filled take on what exactly is going on inside of my head, and proceeding to call you a faggot, of my own accord.
>You're only a tiny man
>you think it's funny to spam
>It won't get better
All this bullshit what I've never done, you dumb nigger. You know nothing. You waste more time fantasizing about the imaginary strawmen you construct, than addressing reality.

You're a dumb faggot. iDubbbz is a cuck, deal with it.


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diablo 4

I didn't defend any whore. Show me where I said "nobody mess up with idubzz whore guys"... I don't give a fuck about idubzz himself. Watched his videos, yeah, filthyfrank was entertaining when I was younger.. yeah. None of this crap is relevant to me.
I don't understand you. How can YOU possibly give enough importance to these people lives. They don't even know you exist or that we're discussing this matter. How could this possibly be a discussion? Why do you care about a youtuber being a cuck?

Everybody's a cuck. They ALL cheat, anons, with no exceptions. And nobody is special, nobody is out of this. I cheated. I've been cheated on. What's the point if this happens to idubbz or not? He tells he does not give a fuck if you fap on his gf pics. Do you care? You actually do. It's me, I don't care and I'm asking myself why you do care.

Dude, if there's a thing I learned browsing this shithole and /pol itself it's this: /pol is shit
You may think /b is shit but /pol is worst. Pol is worst than /a, /fit, /x.. yes it's worst than /x. X is useless as fuck and stupid, but /pol is worst. It's where all the most idiotic retards on the planet gathers.

So, since you like it so much, let's agree we disagree, and fuck off to /pol if that's what you desire. I'm just sayin that if you care about this stuff you're probably a sad creep. And I confirm it.

>Everybody's a cuck.
>They ALL cheat- I cheated. I've been cheated on
I'd say you're huffing your own farts, but I don't know if aerosolized soy even counts as a fart.

>Everybody sorts his own shit as he see fit.
>Those who indulge in judgement like you belong to 2 categories.
Pretty black and white, idiot. His judgement is "wrong", and it can only come from a place of personal failure, apparently, and not the understanding that having your wife do porn online is a bad idea.
>I don't give a fuck about idubzz himself.
Sure buddy. That's why IIDF had to swoop in to his defense. Your attempt to pivot away from the argument was a big fucking mistake too, because it clearly shows your intentions.
>How can YOU possibly give enough importance to these people lives

keep crying that i looked at your girlfriends pussy and enjoyed it

>Dude, if there's a thing I learned browsing this shithole and /pol itself it's this:
>I'm a faggot
Nobody thinks you're an authority, and pretending to be one speaks volumes about you.

Want to keep extracting context from what I'm saying or there will be a coherent reply someday, fucking nigro?
And you keep giving me what /pol would, because you are a poltard in denial, probably, and talking with you is a fucking waste of time. So? Your point? Aren't you a little sad wanker or nah? Before the end of the day, faggot, possibly.

Because faggots like you repeatedly piss and moan about how meanies are attacking your beautiful boy iCukzzz day after day, after day, after day, until some of us eventually learn about this god-awful shitshow, piecemeal.

You give a flying fuck, you thinly-veiled, stanning simp. I knew exactly one faggot out of all of this until the last few weeks, and that was iCukzzz. Now I know about his wonderful partner, and whatever the fuck an OnlyFans is. I could not care, but Christ alive, there you go again. And the response. "Stop bullying iCukzzz, you incels! Have sex! You're just jealous! You alt-right virgins!"

Eat shit, this is the Streisand Effect. Everyone and anyone of any persuasion will chime in and tell you you're a faggot for wheeling this out and about for as long as you've been. Go the fuck away. It happened to the niggerfaggot, whatever. The more you try to frame it as totally not being a problem, revising history, or all that other bullshit that you just tried, the more people like me are going to call you a faggot for it. None of that stands up to scrutiny. I will tear you and that cuckwad a new asshole if this keeps up.

"Dude", I don't care. The containment board was shit long before this. You're a fucking newfag, don't tell me about Yas Forums being shit. Don't even "dude" me, I'm not your "dude". The fuck are you going on about what boards are the worst? Fuck out of here.
>since you like it so much
The fuck do you mean? You're trying to suck my dick by saying that Yas Forums is shit. It's shit. The fuck would I start going there? Why the fuck would that be any sane person's desire? Are you retarded?

Please confirm.

>Gaem released weird timeline

I didnt even know there were discussions about this beforehand in the first place, because you know since I ACTUALLY don't give a shit I'm not so sure I even know exactly everything about this.
I'll try to treat you like a normal person and go with the easy questions I'm intrested in. Soo, why do you care then? Is it because you fap to the whore or because you're sort of a disappointed ex-idubzz fanbase?
The only reason why I'm still here is because I want to know what exactly brings people up to get intrested to this topic. Just to understand if I have to sort it under the cathegory "stuff people faps about" or "stuff people argues about".

>Want to keep extracting context from what I'm saying
Stop talking about yourself online you fucking retarded nigger.

>His girlfriend makes a living by selling a fantasy to guys that they could fuck her
>This will never happen, it is just a fantasy
>But their fantasy is his reality
>Somehow this makes him pathetic
I genuinely don't get you fucking nerds, other than you're just that completely fucking insecure.

Never said I'm an authorithy of any kind, but I do pretty impressive blunts. That's the only thing I'm an expert about, so you can imagine for yourself I'm pretty concious about my place in the world. Not so sure you do, tho.
And btw pls spare me the newfag-oldfag bragging, there's no way to check it out and there will never be one. This "you're new I'm an oldfag" meme lasted long enough. /pol = shit is just common knowledge. I can just confirm it's true.

>I didnt even know there were discussions about this beforehand in the first place
Yes you did, you little shithead.
>There is no way I am a cuck enough to actually give a fuck about this shit you like to spam on /b nowadays
I'm looking at it right now.

>I'll try to treat you like a normal person and go with the easy questions I'm intrested in
Fuck right off, you cherry-picking nigger. You bring attention to this. I call you a faggot. The more you do it, the more I become motivated to tell you why you're a faggot, and the more I grow to resent iCukzzz because I've been so moved to research why the fuck any of this is news.

And I found that he sent his fans after someone, which is a faggot thing to do. I'm not ex-anything. I just see faggotry; don't feed me that false-dilemma bullshit.

>The only reason why I'm still here is because
You're a fucking faggot.

Look, here's another one.

who gives a fuck
stop worshipping these corny ass c list celebs anyway

Well yeah. I would never allow my girl to do that if I were in his shoes, but I'm not and I'm not intrested in knowing about. I would not certainly stop my girlfriend from doing it for the reasons these faggots project, tho. They clearly think idubz is a cuck because they fap to his gf, it's exactly what I'm saying, or nobody would give a flying fuck.

You're such a fucking loser holy shit

Uh clearly I missed something. What happened with Idubbbz now?

Bite me, Becky, you're on Yas Forums.

>if there's a thing I learned browsing this shithole and /pol itself it's this
>And btw pls spare me the newfag-oldfag bragging
That is literally what you did you shiteating nigger, now go fuck your ugly girlfriend, so you can pretend you're better than somebody.

So, if I read this correctly you dedicated your life in.. calling those you think are faggots.. a faggot. Is that correct? I mean, you.. see faggotry, you call up for it. It's like you trained yourself in order to achieve this. Right?

>if I read this correctly you dedicated your life in
You didn't read it correctly. Christ, or even type it correctly.

Take a random guess, as to why I can tell you're lying through your figurative teeth.

>you're on Yas Forums.
and you're just stopping by because of the google alert, right? You're so transparent it hurts. Literally the entire board has basically taken turns slapping you on the ass for an hour now, reminding you of how much of a loser you are, Idubbbz.

You should kill yourself. I mean really. Ritual, honorable suicide over your pathetic youtube career Joji threw away for money.

I'm not intrested in feeling better than somebody, but I guess it does not require a lot to feel better than you do.
I presume you have a lot of stress built in. Unfortunately this timeline is not helping you for sure, you seem to have desperate need to somebody to vent with.
Pls consider going all out in this very thread and telling to your /bros who hurt you.

>I would never allow my girl to do that if I were in his shoes
Honestly the only real reason I would say no is the risk that someone would become like a stalker, or similarly obsessive.
But if the girl I am fucking is able to make money by being hot, and I'm still the only one fucking her, why the fuck does it matter? Like, oh no I'm so pathetic that people pay money to pretend to be able to do what I do all the time?

>and you're just stopping by because of the google alert
You don't think I come here regularly?
>You're so transparent it hurts
Apparently not, because the zinger was that I come here regularly. Woo.

No shit, Sherlock.

Oh, I see. This is bait.


As I suspected. Wailing widows are really the worst kind of fanbase.
Still mad about 2017? Frank will never come back.

I would not allow it because I'm jelous, but not insecure to the point of obsessing me out of my mind. People here probably see in this a double stab to their back.
First off, being them mostly unfuckables, they cannot even conceive something like that possible, because the first thing an incel would do would be shriveling all his insecurities on the girl and get mad at her for texting with friends, think about what they could do in a situation like that.
Second, they probably see something like a guide in idubbz (facepalming so hard right now) therefore this event brings their consideration of their former idol idubzz so low their admiration becomes hate, and creates this thread.
I think I gathered enough from this. This is just sad people being sad. As usual.

Can you crawl back into whatever shithole you came from? Reality is not your fanfiction over incels and people you don't like.

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>hate created this thread
Shallow and smoothbrained.

I'm happy for Joji, but his story is a lie. If it's about having a "music career", that's bullshit. I don't buy stupid medical reasons either, because what he does now is clearly more stressful as its a more profession scene. He's out for other reasons, probably because he didn't want to be known his whole life as a jester, and he's still doing everything he can to balance out his persona before he stops existing in the public eye entirely. Good on him. I'm not going to lie, it sucks without him, especially in terms of the power vacuum being taken up by lesser people of less integrity, but he doesn't owe me or anyone anything.

Idubbbz peaked with the filthy frank years. Its fucking pathetic how he's clearly unwilling to let go after everyone else moved on. Even Max has settled into something that works for him, but Idubbbz makes fucking squirrel videos.

Don't worry.
He'll make a new content cop and everyone will want to suck his dick again.

Oh boi, looks like we don't like freedom of speech anymore, after all..

Come on, now you gotta think about how to make that momey you need to buy idubbz girlfriend's bath water. Then you drink it, and it'll hopefully be over soon...

>I am okay with porn involving my wife being in circulation
You haven't actually thought this through, have you?

based tool poster

Dumb nigger, freedom of thought. Of thought. Who said speech?

Oh no, people will masturbate to the woman who pledged herself to me in ten years.

Idgaf about them.
They were snart enough to crack a still unopened safe and cash the most of what they could make of it. Regardless of how much cucked idubzz will ever be, zi don't care about him or about franku.

It's also normal to have a lot of people hating you when you do what they wish they were doing. It's natural. I always wanted to be an actor, but all I can do is looking at their interwiews on yt at the moment, or re-watch their movies, that won't make me an actor. Nor zi care about their own lives, exactly how I would wish people would do if I were in their place.

Speaking about good movies, there's a reason why in Seven with brad pitt and morgan niggerman Envy is the most heinous sin.
Getting rid of envy will cleanse your soul most than getting rid of any other minor vice and bad habit you may have.

You ever hear about how the best feeling in the world is raising a proper child. Your children will never be anything more than emotionally broken mongrels because they will constantly get bullied with porn of their mom.

whoever he makes the content cop on will just replay with

>at least I'm not a cuck
>at least I'm not a simp

and win. content cop is dead. idubbbz is dead. my biggest issue is how did ian not see this coming. he spent most of his life following yt drama and memes. This whole fiasco made me lose alot of respect for him for multiple reasons. also all this reminds me too much of spoonyone's fall.

literally whomst?

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>I always wanted to be an actor
That explains the vapid nature of your demeanor.

Everyone is not you. Don't project your shortcomings on us by insisting that everyone else must be envious of said niggerfaggot.

Are you speaking from experience here?

If I said yes would that get the point across?

Experience? Try an ounce of intelligence and foresight.
