Why were you banned?

Why were you banned?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Someone elses' ban when i swap

celeb pics w copyright claim

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because 4 chan is fucking retarded when it comes to floating IPs, such as at&t. go from using Yas Forums one hour, and the next hour youve been banned for the last 3 months with another 3 months left, and the next day you have full access. fucking jannies need to get their shit together or kill themselves

Never been banned from Yas Forums. Been banned from plenty of other places though.

Being a pedo

banhammer in 3..2...

Because I don’t like niggers?

>participating in a doxxing thread
Someone posted a video of a guy physically attacking a woman recording a protest. I posted that this guy looked like a lanky faggot

Posting my GFs tits on a blue board.

Posting pictures of the cow sucking some beaners bean pole

>offering a jew a free shower and a free train ride to come get it, since I know he loves free shit (racism outside of Yas Forums)
>posting in a thread I just clicked on without updating for 10 minutes back before auto-update was a thing; it turned into a pizza thread (banned for bumping illegal thread)
>banned from Yas Forums for posting the classical clarissa comic, because Yas Forums's mod has a gigantic stick up his ass (off topic posting)
>banned for posting NSFW content on blue board (man with penis stuck inside of rifle)
>banned for spamming, because I was talking about videogames on Yas Forums and Yas Forums's mod has a gigantic stick up his ass
>banned for saying nigger on /k/ way back when /k/'s mod had a gigantic stick up their ass (racism outside of Yas Forums)

All over a 14 year period

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I got banned from the blue boards just for saying Faggots and posting this. Kinda overboard imo

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trolling faggots by calling them insufferable on lgbt for saying that they were outardly flaming homos and anyone who doesnt like it should just move away from them. I still stand by what I said. Now i subtly demoralize trannies who are paranoid about not passing in one way or another, but only if i deem they deserve it. Deal with it faggots.

Posted how I would never let a Nigger touch my food on a blue board


Which is bullshit because this says otherwise

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Let me guess: permabanned?


Seriously i can't even appeal a ban

Cub. Or zoo?

got banned once for hinting at the urls for sites for pizza
not because I wanted to "share" my shit but I was talking about how seeing it really fucked me up. I have since reported like 20-30 cp sites
I also got banned a second time for, spamming? but I think it was someone else with my IP

Brooke Sheilds pics

I got banned for posting this

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Can someone explain this to me? Doesn't a DHCP sever prevent this? how can you match with an IP that was banned?

Accidentally posted porn on Yas Forums

Some Chinky Chinaman captured my ip via a tricky discord link a while back and occasionally uses it to spam. I get 3 day suspensions on the regular now...

twitch raiding

That's so bad, You were supposed to post it on /polrn/

because i was discussing age of consent.... didn't post anything, simply replied with information about different age of consent in specific countries.... this place is going to shit and is becoming PC

Not even sure. Got a 3 hour ban for "Replying to unrelated topic".... I mean what in the actual fuck does that even mean? And why ban over it?

I posted child pornography.

No idea

Just came off one for posting in a thread where apparently a faggot requested personal info.

I not only remember any faggot asking for any info and I sure as hell don't remember asking any for any myself.

Why should I take a ban because of something an OP requested? Mods are faggots apparently......

Oh right, this other ban was for this. Replied to an AOC thread with pic related. Instant-ban.

Fucking snowflakes and roasties it's what it is.

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I said faggots go to hell in r/lgbt

I replied to some faggot and it showed some cc deets

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I got banned for showing a picture of a medical condition called phimosis: The foreskin or prepuce covering the head of the penis gets so tight that you cannot move the skin downward the gland. The dick in the picture was not adult apparently (didn't even pay attention to that) and the mods decided that it was deserving of a ban. Not contesting their judgement, I should have been more careful and maybe select a dick with lots of hair in the way instead.

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I got banned from a FB group for saying "I voted for Bernie because I am a terrorist & want to see America be destroyed"

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Those pictures of kids dick with phimosis is all over the place when you google image search...

Google: It's fine, we will allow this.
Yas Forums mods: Unaaaacptaaaabbleeee!!!

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Y'all realize that avoiding a ban will get you banned again, right?
Half the posters ITT deserve to be banned again.

I got banned for posting links to bestiality.

My mobile ip is banned and Im confident I did nothing wrong.


Shitposting webm's of bestiality in a fur thread, got banned for a week. Also got banned for 24 hours for literally no reason

i was shooting the shit in a pokemon thread another user asked what level pokemon trainer i was. i replied “i’m 17”.
>underage b&

i said something that was true
it was so true that they gave me a dayban for "Yas Forums shit outside of Yas Forums" on Yas Forums

it was funny that i could get someone to dayban me for just words, especially ones that were true and not even pornographic

not allowed to respond to pedo threads or something

I like pizza....

Lets see em buddy

b& for poner on b

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In a "this body type" /S thread I posted a pic of a well known cam and I posted her username.
Next day I was banned for "requesting CP"
It was a solid WTF as I deleted all that content off my PC.
Turns out a few weeks later I'm back and she is in fact 20.
Mods owes me a new pair of underwear

Asking for pizza



Because someone thought "cheese pizza" isn't just a stupid meme and I was actually requesting CP

one time I got banned for trying to post a webm that was copyrighted.

good times

For jokingly claiming that a pic was of an underage girl even though she had a tattoo and was a widely available open web set.
Faggot mod must’ve got scared/over zealous and fucking banned me anyway.
Though, now the whole set is marked as “verboten” , so I think my joke may have got other people banned too.

Cause the retards decided my thread was off topic, when all they needed to do was read the op and some of the links to see if it was on topic. Why are they so fucking lazy?

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Did someone say cheese pizza?

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I regularly start a name that pornstar thread. You name the porn star and i give you her real name. I've probably post 1000 names and nothing. I downloaded a FB win torrent with a bunch of exposed who ares. 90% of them were from 4 chan. Some one had an exposed thread so I started posting some of the 300 I have. All pretty much old news. I was just giving op some support. Next day I come back and got my B& notice lol. Reason doxxing. Thought it would be for outing the 22 Jane Does from the GDP trial, Nofacegirl, Heather Harmon or Xev Bellringer. Click on b& post and it's just some exposed who are I give no fucks about that has been posted here 10 other fucking times. Appealed denied with no reason given...FUCK 4 chan B&

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