Would sex dolls be a great companion for this quarantine?
Would sex dolls be a great companion for this quarantine?
doll on the right is either the akira or the other piper doll
and the other one
They're a great distraction but otherwise I've been spending more time with my dog which if I didn't have I'd probably be going crazy right now. But yeah sex dolls are nice for when you're board of vidya or YouTube.
Mine's working out pretty well so, I vote yes
Still need to take some decent pics
Too many other projects going atm, have a vendor pic instead
yes, and they cost less to feed.
very nice!
They don't use much toilet paper either
we have other uses for TP round these parts
Honestly you people laugh at doll hoarders, but you really don't have enough dolls yourselves. The average person uses 1 doll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 dolls a week. Over 100 a month. Dolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.
These are really amazing owo
It's spring time and the flowers don't care about coronachan. Sneak out under the lockdown and grab a head or 2 for your doll's hair.
*you’re a board of vidya
Learn your grammer mate.
They made loli dolls illegal in my state LOL
What state and link? I can understand child looking toys but thats all. They allow dildos and vibrators.
cant trust them they might coof and your boned.
Love this pic
I've got some passion flower seeds but need some veggie plants
Are these green screened / with filters or live raw shots? Either way really good work
Not hat user but TN, KY, and FL last I heard
I'm guessing green screened and photoshopped
some quality shots in this thread
But coronachans a virus. That means the dolls are immune to her.
well that one almost certainly is, but you might be surprised at how many probably arnt. Lot of them look to be in japan and a lot of japanese owners take their dolls out all over the place.
TN bans child looking dolls. Jesus im not worried about pedos
That looks like a drawing holy fuck
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or what you're trying to say here t b q h
The way I understand it, everyone around the world that has banned "child looking" dolls, is doing it with no standards or rules set in stone, it's all just muh feelings bs
Yeah, well why not. It's not me that's going to have to live under an ingrained tradition of arbitrary law, It's the children.
>ingrained tradition of arbitrary law
I didn't come here for an argument, and I'm not trying to rationalize or condone it either, but please, do tell, what place on earth has this not been the case for 100 years or more already?
Please explain what has been the case for 100 years or more?
If you are talking about silicone or whatever sex dolls being banned, here is one from 1977, only 43 years ago. I t just happens to have been 1977 when the united states passed a law banning the sale of cheeze pizza in book stores iirc. If you are talking about bans on speech that depicts children in an erotic setting. There are obscenity laws that have existed in countries that never codified free speech in a constitution such as the UK. You can not just refer to "this" and "that" like some zoomer ignoramus and declare that things have been this way for muh 100 years lololo, and expect to be taken seriously even on Yas Forums.
Does anyone by chance enjoy fulfilling requests with dolls?
Cheese pizza was legal all over europe back in the 70s
>an ingrained tradition of arbitrary law
Yes I was referring to the bigger picture, not strictly dolls
Point being, you have already been living under such, contrary to what you stated here
Do they make them that bruise when you punch them?
Why are they all girls? Doesn't anyone like boys anymore?
I would think, that in order for arbitrary law to be a tradition, it would have to be a bit more celebrated than it has been over the 100 plus years you reference. But instead you find out that most examples of this type of law come from barbaric and oppressive enemy regimes. Arbitrariness is not viewed as a desirable quality in law, and is not eagerly admitted to by civilized societies. But then again, think of the children.
order one yourself and post it, or do you think someone who has collected over 20 female dolls will just randomly add a boy to the roster for some reason?
people have preferences.
I don't own one but I have product shots.
First and probably last Kek of the night.
Well played