Did anyone else get their covid checks yet?

Did anyone else get their covid checks yet?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 8.38.04 PM.png (449x473, 228.53K)

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What did you have to do to get it?


Thanks for the meme

Suck Trump's little orange dick.

nice photoshop

decent at photoshop but can't spell treasury

Learn to spell...


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No, but remember that your going to have to pay taxes on it, so save atleast 1/3, or $400, because when its time for taxes, its going to throw you off.

nawh i dont exist

no but i got a $930 doctor bill to get some swabs tested


Gay and fake

I find the covid check more believable then the "fact" that someone spend 300 on a free porn service.

I got mine yesterday morning


LOL, somebody needs to fix that before we start trolling with it on other websites


guys pay hundreds for panties in the mail, most of which are sold by men who buy panties and spray some perfume on them

lol nigger my insurance covered it 100%

Wow and we care because...?

>mfw it's like gta5

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My dollars are going to get diluted so you can buy pr0nz. Fuck my life.

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Why would you make such a shitty shop when you could just dev tools in browser and change it up.



>buying porn

It's tax free, genius. Takes all of 3 minutes to look it up.

haha good eye, can't fool this guy.

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The $1200 is a tax credit for your 2020 filing, which you'll do in 2021. You're not paying taxes on it.


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Have a tax return filed for 2018 or 2019

Married with 5 Children. Mine is stuck on pending.

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They won't start sending them out until April 9th and then apparently some people won't get it till September.

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>tax free
Of course it is.
You're voting for GEOTUS again, aren't you?

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Fake and Gay.


I got £3,500 ($7,000nzd) from the new zeland government -
ive only been here for a few months working full time.
guess this is what its like to be in a country that cares about its people

If they don't have your address and you don't have recent Direct Deposit on file will be the longest delay.

They will be setting up a web portal to update your Direct Deposit information. I owe taxes, so I made a partial payment in hope that gets the new bank info to them, but I'll update it on the portal as well.

Fuck the 1200,sure,I'll take it,but as laid off I now get $300 pennies check plus $600 on top of that up to 16 weeks,and Trump hinting doubling down..I'll be flush with neetbux!

Remake it, but don't cross stuff out and make payments to weird places buying dragon dildos and stuff.

Why bother. We all know it's fake because ACHs generally don't process over the weekend.

fuck off Randy!

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Is there anyway to reject or send back the check when it arrives? I don't want to accept money from the governemnt because that would be communism.

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why are libs so obsessed with penises?

Send it to me

IRS is responsible for who gets what and how. If you filed online, you'll get your check online. If you snail mailed, expect to starve or run out of tp soon.

How can I actually trust that they'll be able to direct deposit this into my account? I feel like they're just going to claim they don't have that information and try to fuck me out of getting it even though I've used direct deposit every time I've done my taxes in the last ten years

There will likely be a second wave of checks here. Not because they care, but because this is a wake-up call that:

-Our sick leave policy is a joke.
-Pairing private health insurance with employment is not in the best interest for workers.
-1-2 months off a year is standard vacation time in many countries.

Some temporary cash will appease enough people to avoid a critical support percentage that would lead to structural changes.

Workers should benefit from wealth generated in a healthy economic system. The amount of wealth being generated is artificially inflated and stacked towards investors and bonuses.

Multi-millionaires are not a problem, you can get that from a lucky break from lottery to a book that gets an unexpected endorsement. That's enough money to generate continued wealth if you use it well.

Just like .1% mortality and 1% mortality, and a spreading rate of 1.2 to 2.0 seem statistically small, but it's absolutely enormous when it comes to growth rates after 2 weeks.

Billionaires are an easy target for anyone on the left wing, sure. A lot of arguments are total boogey-man bullshit. But the truth is they fundamentally shouldn't exist in a healthy economy. These checks will try to keep them there.

My firm belief is that for-profit fundamental healthcare, prisons, and essential education are antithetical to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.There is money to be made in those fields, but not in the foundational rights built into our constitution.

No, that would be stealing. I must return it to its rightful owner.

This is the best meme ever

>300 pornhub

try not being so paranoid and afraid of your government. it works for me every time.

It's fake

Just shred it. Be sure now to claim the $1200 tax credit when you file taxes next year though, you fucking liar.

he was attempting to lick some e-girl asshole. she ended up spending it on a boob job and user immediately switched to redtube afterwards.

Just because you sold your patriotism for $1200 does not mean everyone else has to.

in not that poor my biweekly checks are 3,800

I'm considered essential, so I'm at work every day. I won't be getting one.

lick that boot

Nope. No taxes on it now or for income tax next year.

>not shitting your pants over everything = taking it from behind
spoken like a true schizo

The typo coming from Trump's administration makes this more realistic.