How do you guys think Drumpf is handling the whole coronavirus thing?
How do you guys think Drumpf is handling the whole coronavirus thing?
>How do you guys think Drumpf is handling the whole coronavirus thing?
Ask the voters in November.
How do you think, it's self evident. Fucking brilliantly.
I don't think anyone could handle is better
Dead voters can't vote Democrat, so in that sense he's doing well.
You can just thank fucking christ it's him in charge and not your precious shitty little community organizer.
This guys strikes deals for a living. Right now we need to make the best deals, for PP&E, medicine, vaccine etc.
Thank God he is our President and not some nigger.
Better than the Democrats.
Every death in america is a direct result of inaction from Democrats.
Who's to blame:
China 87%
Democrats 10%
Trump 3%
Oh look a Russian thread!
Those numbers are a touch outdated. Here's the most recent numbers:
How the fuck does that work?
He's the president! The buck stops with him.
He left it up to governors so I mean it is our bullshit community organizer running things while he does nothing
Democrats keep delaying essential legislation because of petty politics and their petty mentality
Love how u brain-dead maggots are still supporting this guy lmao. You're right, you don't need healthcare, just a good old purge. Cheers from a healthy European, maggots.
He's epically fucking it.
Totally out of his depth. Slow to act. Utterly ignorant.
Any progress that the US makes at this stage is in spite of his leadership, not because of it.
Thousands of people are going to die because of his disastrous leadership.
Great, Democrats keep self destructing, no one trusts the press anymore, and we are gonna get 4 more years.
Is this before or after Trump said that the US would have 15 deaths and then it would simply go away?
better than Obama handled H1N1
Ahahahah still talking about Democrats. God you guys are reaching summits of retardation. Sure it's the Dems fault, and the Chinese. And mexicans.
Hard to imagine anyone being more wrong. His early comments and actions set the tone for where we are now. Historically bad judgement
Trumps ratings are great... bigger than football
Better than Woodrow Wilson handled Spanish flu that's for certain.
Come November all the Dems have to do is just play his comments on a loop. He made it so easy
Based and full housepilled
Well see it is your job to explain how the Democrats would do a better job, and how Biden would be a better president.
If you can't convince people of that, Trump is going to get four more years.
(Trump is going to get four more years)
Amazingly well.
They said mIllions should have deaded, but he made USA stronger and stopped it. The China and Mexico travle ban helped stop the whole thing in it's tracks.
The deep state will make a hoax big mess out of this, but the truth is he is doing fantastic best then most other nations.
So he is doing very very fantastic job.
They may want to start a little sooner than November, but given their track record they are just gonna fuck that up.
Good luck!
Yeah I didn't get the memo. How are we supposed to know who is more at fault at the moment? I think it's the Chinese today, then the Dems, and the Mexicans are third on the back burner. They should make an app for this so I know who to hate more at any point in time.
His press meetings are a
Cringe party
Exactly as I expected. He keeps trying to make it all about himself. He has stage envy with a virus. Half of what he's doing is borne of narcissism, and he's still setting policy to please whomever happens to be in the room with him at any given moment.
In other words, he handling it like a narcissistic fool.
I think that maybe the Democrats wouldn't have said that it was a hoax. That would've been a better start, don't you think?
His incompetency will cost thousands of additional lives.
Better check Hopkins u numbers, brainless kid. USA n°1 ! Lmao
Trump is a Coofer.
Honestly he's doing all he can with what he has. Its not his fault some people are dumbcunts
h1n1 deaths somewhere at 3,500
covid deaths so far 4,500 & it's just starting
He’d have to pull the biggest inside straight in history. He’ll lose the popular vote by 10,000,000+. Possible but highly unlikely
He's doing okay, the more dead Americans the better
Hes truly and bigly the leader his voters deserve right now
It has already begun. Actual people that we know will die and our families will go to wakes and funeral services. Nothing will have a bigger impact on the election than the above two events. All of the bullshit political talk amounts to nothing after burying your family members.
Hahaha. Fuck off. He's been the absolute worst of all leaders worldwide
Prepare your anus for his second term
I don't think even the GOP are going to be able to fix this election.
Those $1,200 checks will be long gone. If we’re lucky maybe half the jobs will come back. Unemployment will be a point of two above Obama’s. Election Day will come 5 months into a recession. Half the red state’s population will suicide over no college football. Yeah he’s looking good
Look at how stable the stock market is. Smart money knows Trump has this under complete control.
Fucking moron. People are gonna die due to his inactions. this was the worse time to have such a fucking dipshit as prez.
h1n1 deaths somewhere at 3,500
covid deaths so far 4,500 & it's just starting
over 9,000 covid deaths for USA, almost triple that of China