With my permission my girlfriend created an onlyfans the other day. She has offered to stop numerous times if it bothers me, but it really doesn't. Should it bother me? Anything I'm not thinking about? Should I tell her to stop or just enjoy the free money coming in? Pic related
With my permission my girlfriend created an onlyfans the other day...
Double your money by making one too.
Yes Ian, it should bother you
I've thought about it, but who is going to pay to see a guy?
Not enough information.
Are you getting a cut? No? Cuck.
Are your T levels dropping? Yes? Cuck.
Is it porn or just suggestive? Yes it's porn? Actual Cuck.
post more for starters
We are splitting the money. T levels are fine and I can have her anytime I want, she always wants my dick. Her content is pics of her and some vids of her playing with herself. She's done some private requests as well
First message she gets from a guy richer, hotter and cooler than you, she'll start to question where you fit in...
You played yourself.
Digitalisation really fucks with relationship perception but as far as my mongrel brain can comprehend you're letting her send vids of her pussy to some dude to jerk off to. Draw your own conclusions
Something we've discussed but she's freaky obsessed with me and not really shallow. She's not easily swayed to be with someone just on money or status so overall I'm not too worried about it, but the thought is lingering in the back of my mind
>"if it bothers me, but it really doesn't."
>"the thought is lingering in the back of my mind"
And this is exactly why it's a shit idea. You think you're okay. You think it's cool.
It's not. It's gonna eat at you if you're not a cuck.
So unless you're gonna starve without the money, end it. Or accept the cuck status, save the money and way for her to leave you.
I've always enjoyed sharing her pics with my friends (with her permission of course) so I figured I might as well enjoy the money since I enjoy knowing other guys want what I have
So what's the link?
I mean, if you are cool with dudes jarking off to your girl, then ur all set i suppose.
You just answered your own question you imbecile.
The answer is NO!
Matter of fact, you should hit her for evening comming up with this idea. Become the boss of your woman and your life. Then send her to the street if she wants to whore herself.
Fucking hell dude. Can you just start the thread off saying you're a cuck? Instead of wasting everyone's time?
Yeah that doesn't bother me one bit
I don't want to see other guys fuck her, I just enjoy knowing that they want what I have
Can I have your permission to make love to your girl? I’ll be gentle and pay generously
See my post above
Lol clearly she's thirsty for the attention of multiple men that you cannot give her. Women who use onlyfans are modern day prostitutes and sluts with daddy issues.
If you don't give a shit, who cares? You're getting free money for your girl showing off. I see no downsides.
She's hardly a slut...daddy issues though, maybe lol
That's pretty much how I feel
If anyone wants to check her out, sunflowerbabexo. Let me know what you think
Her name Dani Amber?
Nope, no idea who that is
Dress like a girl.
I can't pass for a girl, nor would I want to. My cock is too nice to hide anyways
I didn't say pass for a girl. Crossdressing man won't get as many views as a woman, but will be able to make more money off of the views you get because of fetishists.
Just be careful- my gf and I started selling nudes at the same time, and she ended up being kinda upset when I made more than her
I’m gonna get my GF to make one and rake in that cash money.
Really? That's very surprising. I felt like other guys would pay to see me but I'm not into that. Maybe one day I'll get over that. Props to you for doing so well. Is your gf over it now?
If it bothers you, it bothers you. It's easy money from retarded men who will never get remotely close to your girlfriend.
I personally wouldn't give a shit, I would do the same if there were retarded bitches that would pay for it.
godspeed icuckzz
A quick thank you for those of you who replied. Hope you enjoy her.
Nice boobs, 8/10 would fap to
And she enjoys showing her pussy to strangers.
You're getting cucked. And if you don't think she's thirsting for other dicks, you're a deluded cuck.
I will never understand how the sad faggots on this board that pay to see girls on only fans see anyone other than themselves as simps. the guy who sleeps next to the girl you pay to jerk off to is at the very least less of a simp than your sorry ass
I wouldn’t care if I was just fucking her but I would never marry a chick who whores her body to the eyes of degenerates for cash.
I feel like in another 10 years you won't be able to find anyone like that. That part really doesn't bother me, I'm only the third guy she's been with as she's always been in long term relationships
You're clearly not in love with her, that's all OP. I'm sorry.
Ok guys i have a bigger problem here.. I can't find my lighter!
"Enjoy the free Money" like you will be getting some of it. You pathetic cuck. Imagine having a girlfriend and having zero intimacy with her
I've already received some of it. I have access to the account you douchecanoe
Post her
She's offering to stop because you're being a cuckold letting her post on onlyfans. Normal boyfriends with self-respect don't want to have a girl selling her body online. Not to mention the impact it will have on her faithfulness down the road
I have, the main pic is her ass and there's a pic of her tits in the thread. If you want to see more, go to her page
I would looooooooooove to have wife do that. But afraid to suggest it. I'm addicted to mfm porn and would love to fuck her with another guy but it could be too complicated or complicate things. As a safe thing I would love to have her whore out online (anonymised always). That way i get super close with thw fantasy without actually acting it out. She knows i have my mfm fetish. She sometimes role plays with me. The next step would be to get her to whore out on omegle or smth but too much of a pussy to ask her. Afraid that I'd be pushing it too far and weird her out too much. Any help on how to approach this?
I'm hardly worried about her cheating, she doesn't have it in her.
Lots of people will call you a cuck, but honestly, who gives a fuck what other people think. If you're making money and your gf is literally just posting nudes, seems like a victory to me. Although I might be worried about her getting an overinflated ego over it and starting to think she's too good for you.
Thanks man, that's pretty much how I feel. I'm not worried about her ego, that's well in check.
There is a market for couples, take advantage of quarantine while you can
That's hard to say. I've always been really open about my sexual side with all my girlfriends from the getgo. We sext each other early on, watch porn together, talk about things openly. This all came about because she discovered her cousin had an onlyfans page and she asked about what it was. I told her and she text her cousin to ask about it and she had made $900 in a week, and my girlfriend is much better looking so she asked me if she thinks she could make more. I said, let's find out and that's how it happened
We'd totally be open to selling videos of us playing around or fucking
Just don't show face and you're all good
Hello IDubbz
You are still a cuck
You also are showing that not only is it only your turn when she's with you, but it's not even your turn to be exclusive.
Sounds like a smart idea, thanks user
Except we are exclusive...it's all online and anonymous, not like she's getting with any of these guys