Why do you vote Democrat?

Why do you vote Democrat?

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Cuz I don't like being cucked by the rich like you faggots do?

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That's what I'm talking about. A fellow Ally.

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>as he feverishly types on his iphone


Be careful there, OP.

If you promote that "Nazis are bad", you will lose a large chunk of Trump's voter base.

Imagine goebbels if he could see fox news, he'd jizz his pants.

very based of ya

Nazism is socialist like North Korea is democratic.

>a large chunk
a negligible minority

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I vote communist!

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They call it national socialism, and add to it what they happen to believe themselves. Atheism, baseless racial assumptions, sadism... It's a fandom at this point.

Nazi Germany wasn’t socialist it was a dictatorship. Maybe learn things before posting things.

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neither are the democrats nor Europe

Because Trump is a socialist. He's giving every American money.

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He actually pulls that off. Kek

>thinks socialism means free shit
>forgot lazy people get sent to camps in real socialism

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sooo... the Dems are the good guys? huh... ok.

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Is Joe Biden a suicide bomb?

Yes we all know Joe Biden is a pedo.

Nazi is slang for National Socialist you dumbass.

This is wartime against the virus thanks to commie China. It's time for war money. Take an economics 101 class and watch a couple of YouTube videos about finance in wartime. It's free online, even the classes.

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I always find it strange that republicucks edit posts that were made about republicans and change 1 or 2 things, not seeing the irony that everyone can tell it was NAZI = Republican.
>hmm let me change the name to democrat
>hmm let me change hate jews and minorities, to whites!
huzzah fixed!


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They are waiting til October to have all the his Loli victims go public

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They're pretty much the same. Different kinds of dementia, though.

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yeah because Hitler took over the Nazi party... but all the National Socialists left the party after he took over.

It's just like the Republican party was the north and agains slavery. And the Dems were the south and pro slavery. They then switched positions...

I'd hope it's because Republicans have done more real, literal, not straw man bullshit, damage to America in one term than the Taliban has this Century. The body count from Trump's "Just the Flu" has topped 9/11 and it's just getting started.

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Gaslighting faggotron.

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>Why do you vote Democrat?
Because if you're not a liberal by age 21, you have no heart. And if you're not a conservative by age 30, you have no brain.

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you can google it... or read the source I gave you.

You know - some people know more than you. Well in your case - everbody knows more than you...

Most Jews are democrat

Because I'm intelligent, and don't want serfdom.

« Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit. »
– Anselme Batbie (explaining why Edmund Burke supported the American Revolution but opposed the French Revolution)

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No refunds

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Money has no political party.

Oh, look! Someone's offering a real difference!

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Yas Forumsecause I'm an ecofascist

Bernie tested positive. This atop his recent heart attack, he's a dead man

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The biggest coward who's ever held office. A little boy who acts out to try to scare everyone, and who can't get out a single sentence without some kind of lie or self-congratulation in it.

Anyone sees this drugged-up con artist as a brave, strong, successful, effective leader really needs to get back to skinning those squirrels and raccoons. Dinner isn't gonna make itself.

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>No guns

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I remember this chart from 2015

I love the ties. They need a mega.

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because i like seeing Republicans cry