Rekt thread

Rekt thread

Attached: NiggaStove 3.webm (360x352, 970.83K)


Attached: headshot.webm (1280x720, 964.2K)

dis one good

dis one no wrekdt, just gore

We're coming for you, infidels!


Attached: strike.webm (800x450, 264.66K)

yeah, old but good, ty

please post something new, niggers

Attached: hang in there.webm (768x432, 1.5M)

Attached: Rami-Malek-His-eyes-730x410.jpg (730x410, 27.49K)

great contrib00tion user

Attached: Big brain.webm (320x576, 1.58M)

more like a spare but nice

i dont get it?
he shoot himself and call cops?

slow thread will be slow

he killed a nigger and died an hero

also great contrib00t user

oldie but goodie


Attached: 1585699677676.webm (352x640, 1.63M)

Attached: 1585592683228.webm (480x480, 530.9K)

Attached: 1585401036492.webm (368x640, 549.83K)

they can't work a stove but they have a security cam?

I heard the audio on this and he screams like a stuck pig. Not that I blame 'em.
But I wonder what lead up to this.

Attached: 1585607349903.webm (360x640, 1.96M)

Vote democrat

I was hoping they were gonna get shot or something. I thought this was a rekt thread.

Attached: 1585591642117.webm (714x400, 649.9K)

Ah, if the lockdown continues we can all do this

dafuq? where's the rekt?

this is how you pay for slavery
and it's only the beginning
prepare your anuses amerifats

Jertyome claimed he knew what he was doing.

Nigger wreak everything.

Attached: 1581001491118.webm (640x360, 1.85M)

Clearly they broke in and were cooking stolen food.


Attached: 1577826592954.jpg (540x540, 70.86K)

Will do.

South side Chicago when they canceled schools for the rest of the year.


This, can't wait to own a white boi.

Attached: 1577615273933.jpg (1250x2000, 261.04K)

where do I cop this book?


Attached: 1581606365288.webm (368x688, 1015.27K)

I was really excited for a second when I thought they were going to give him the Triple H pedigree

Attached: 1585344851739.webm (352x640, 1.97M)

found the nigger

Attached: 1585171711438.webm (368x640, 1.12M)

Attached: 1584650115987.webm (528x400, 466.73K)

You've been thieving degenerates ever since you were freed. How much longer you nigs got til you feel even?


Attached: 1584989334723.webm (640x360, 998.41K)

Attached: 1585144186042.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

What is this one?

Niggs gonna be niggs

i want proof this is real. news? something

Niggers Hahahaha.
Every country outside of shithole Africa pays for slavery anywhere a nigger was left and not shipped back or lynched.
The negroid can’t into civilization

Attached: 1584222329931.webm (640x360, 1.96M)

Attached: 1584796974843.webm (220x400, 703.05K)

>I heard the audio on this and he screams like a stuck pig. Not that I blame 'em.
>But I wonder what lead up to this.

Based on he was being held, they had done that exact same thing before. So I am guessing that he didn't do enough to deserve that in particular but he did enough of something to get noticed.

Those are "Cartels" which managed to mix in as drug traders enforcing trade through violent brutality with Mexican-Boxer grade ferocity (see decades of Marquez and Morales beating white-featherweights stupid), with 1950's nun-type Catholicism, with poverty stricken anger being unrepressed, with a coincidental vigilante status mixed in after all that.

The cartels had been bullshiting the population with this "we the people" bullshit for so long, that they actually started feeling like the good people being oppressed by a bad government and stepped in to deal out punishment...Juarez Style.

There are THOUSANDS of similar instances. As you can see, they had fun with it.

Attached: 1584743352193.webm (626x352, 1.82M)

or an atomic wedgie, someone legit died from one of those bad bois

Attached: 1584765722779.webm (1020x730, 1.6M)

is ded?

Oh gosh, I hope he was able to walk that off.

hory shit. That timing and execution who could have seen it coming

source? Maybe not censored

It happened so much that there is a compilation of people jumping over that exact part of the escalator because they feared that happening to them. So yes it's real and it's due to faulty, cheapscape chinese engineering.

He wishes he was.

Attached: 1584650135573.webm (320x576, 845.82K)

like a boss

Attached: 1584124857228.webm (352x640, 538K)

Attached: 1584766042378.webm (524x362, 1.81M)

oh lawdy

Attached: 1584192709892.webm (326x180, 771.6K)

Attached: 1408136019174.jpg (1100x1380, 239.73K)


Attached: 1584040790146.webm (568x728, 1.96M)

They're just putting the flames out

Attached: 1582828974667.webm (320x532, 1.9M)

Attached: 1584118967839.webm (270x360, 1.73M)

Attached: 1581202214490.webm (480x882, 1.81M)

what the?

that gets me hard

Attached: 1584552206615.webm (300x168, 779.26K)

Attached: 1579632605416.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

Attached: 1585343869684.webm (480x848, 1.96M)