Only low-IQ liberals pull the lever

Only low-IQ liberals pull the lever.

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can i shoot the trump voter before or after i pull the lever?

The funny thing is that by pulling the lever, the liberals will end up killing the same amount of people by not pulling the lever.


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What do low-IQ conservatives do?

5 million seems a bit.. high, doesn’t it? How could we possible run over that many people with just one train? The math doesn’t add up here.

mutlitrack drifting and hit both

I disagree with the idea that a systemic collapse would cause the satanists to take over fully. I would pull the because don't think it would end in the extinction of the white race.

Doesn't that pic belong on Yas Forums?

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Why's that?

It's a big train.


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>tfw a conservacuck called trump a liberal
damn, this timeline is hilarious.

Its fucking pointless now, if trump had the balls and the sense they would have inacted shoot you in the face if you are caught on the street quarantine for 4 weeks starting 1 week into February when the whole world had enough info to see this shit was serious. We would be done and clear and dominating the world by now.
90% of the country will be infected now and at least 1/3 of the population will die and theres nothing we can do to stop it anymore. This half ass quarantine that everyone is ignoring will accomplish nothing but delay the inevitable now.

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>it's only way you kill yourself

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This, cheeto lips will never admit it was an administration issue, they'll blame everyone else and create strawmans, scapegoats, etc. All to make their glorius leader seem innocent. This was an admin issue, plain and simple.

Emotional trumptards will throw out all logic.

Not to be cynical, but this is kinda the mindset America needs right now.

You didn't have to repeat yourself

>Obongotards in full damage control mode.

Economist here, you're a fucking retard.

Even if there were no lockdowns, people would stay at home if they can, our economy was fucked either way. Now if your glorious leader didn't fire the pandemic team and handled this issue like a leader instead of a used car salesman, we wouldn't be in this situation.

I can tell you now the historical texts of this era will point out a huge administration error leading to one of the largest economic collapse we've ever seen.

>he's not on muh team, he must be on the other
I criticized obamer too when he faulted. I bet you lack the intelligence or cognitive ability to cirtisize "both sides", and need to dumb down to low caveman IQ and tribe up, becuase you're a retarded faggot.

Well, it would kill off a lot of boomers who tend to vote republican, which is the party that let us get into this mess, so, in a way, I agree.

This is actually a really strong argument.. I bet OP couldn't even artuculate that as a posibility.. You know, with him being a retarded fucking faggot and all

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its clear that i kill the economy, just to spite you.

Only low-IQ republicans thinks those are the only two options.

The American lockdown is lax in comparision to what many EU countries are doing.

You’d need to believe in guns before you do that dummy :)

It's lax in comparison to almost all situations

Well they do tend to see the world in black and white, seeing more than two sides (or in this case one side) requires articulate thought process.

>Emotional trumptards will throw out all logic.
bu.. but they call everyone else snowflake, are you saying they're being hypocritical pieces of shit?

Millions of preventable deaths and an overwhelmed healthcare system would cause a panic and ultimately a similar, if not worse, downturn in the economy, with nothing to show for it but a higher body count.

Its simplistic liberal/conservative mindsets that have gotten us into the current PPE supply chain mess.

Nice job faggot, you are the problem.

As long as it crashes the stock market and thousands of worthless bankers get perpetually assblasted, then I'm satisfied.
Although not pulling the switch leads to a bunch of dead I'm torn.

Watch OP get a brain tumor and can't get surgery because some boomer is dying in a bed he needed thanks to his brilliant economical solution.

Doesn't one need a brain in order to get a brain tumor?

Not true.

>Economist here. I think there's literally no difference between people working like normal then staying home after work, and forcing people to stay home from work and thus losing all source of income. Also I'm a massive faggot and love sucking liberal dicks."
Fixed that for you.

Can you english you fucking commie? No life is more important something you yellow skin fuckers dont get.

2016: I can tell you now Trump will never be president
2017: I can tell you now Trump will be impeached over this racist ban.
2018: I can tell you now Trump will be impeached over this immigration issue
2019: I can tell you now Trump will be impeached over quid pro quo
2020: I can tell you now history will remember Trump for collapsing the economy.

At what point do you faggots get tired of being delusional brain-dead idiots?

Hey, he never mentioned a gun. You could easily use a slingshot, crossbow or bow and arrow.

>Can you english you fucking commie? No life is more important something you yellow skin fuckers dont get.

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Fuck the shit tier American economy. Let's bring back the barter system.

libtards itt be like

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I personally hate Trump, but this guy is right.

Assuming covid19 has a 2% death rate, that's 2% of the world dying and many more suffering from lifelong respiratory issues. You have to take into account how much that will impact economies, as well. Just look to the Spanish Flu to see what could happen.

It's easier to rebuild an economy if we're all still alive than to continue operating when Jim from engineering is dead and you can't find a replacement who can design a CPU.


His admin will definitely go down in history as making the error of how serious this disease was and downplaying it into a full-blown financial crisis and epidemic.

Your argument is full of straw user, I never said ANY of those things. You need to sculpt my argument into a fabricated reality in order to rebut it lol, that's fucking pathetic.

>2019: I can tell you now Trump will be impeached over quid pro quo
He was impeached, you mong

There isn't a large difference though. Restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, tech companies all wfh instead of having lunch at their office campuses, same with schools, etc, etc. All would still lose their jobs. The lockdown prevents this thing from spreading and overwhelming hospitals. Someone said if you get a brain tumor, there ain't' shit they can do for you if we didn't have the lockdown because boomers and diabetics etc would be taking those resources.

You're thinking emotionally, not logically. Stop popping estrogen pills and growing man tits faggot.

Get your logic, common sense, and rational thinking out of here user, this is an emotional thinking thread where faggots with armchair PhD's cry about shit they can't control and thank god don't.

The administration always gets blamed for the events under their leadership. I don't get how the last one pertains to the first 4. If it was obamer this happened to, the right would be calling him out the same if not worse for it. His admin will definitely go down in history as being responsible for this getting better or worse, and you're a delusional retard if you think otherwise.

lmfao imagine being this autistic. No wonder you're a liberal.

I'm libertarian center-right. But yea, I'm sure you see the world in libtards and conservacucks don't you?

Great counter argument lol, "you're autistic". Yea, and you have such a weak argument you need to strawman shit. Sit down kid.

lmfao he was aquitted you mong. Oh you silly delusional libtards.

Thank you

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I didn't strawman anything you fucking moron. People have literally said all of the shit I posted. Imagine just learning what logical fallacies are then using them without fully understanding them. Thats you. You're like the "apparently" kid.

>implying the economy doesn't crash regardless because even viruses are part of physical matter reality
the arrogance of humans lies on the memetic plane between laughable and miserable

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>I didn't strawman anything you fucking moron.
You did, but maybe you're not smart enough to realize it?
>People have literally said all of the shit I posted.
But that wasn't my argument, and you didn't rebut at all why his admin will not go down in history for this event, good or bad.
>Imagine just learning what logical fallacies are then using them without fully understanding them
Imagine needing to create strawman arguments in order to attempt to attack the subject.
>Thats you. You're like the "apparently" kid.
"No u" yea pretty childish

Who would get blamed for it then? He was literally telling the world and the nation it was nothing, he fired the pandemic team in 2018, and then he lied and said he knew it was a pandemic all along.

Uh, I really want to hear how you defend that one, cheeto lips.

Letting millions die would do more economic damage than the lockup would, so even if you only care about the gdp and are indifferent about human lives, there's no reason not to shut down

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You can't have a logical argument with an emotional bitch tit faggot user. He'll probably build more strawmen and call you a libtard.

If liberals are only doing it then why is a majority of Republican state also doing it? Death.

The whitehouse has models, though models show alot of death in Republican states if they did nothing. It showed it getting so bad that those states may not have normal elections. It showed that the democratic states and swing states would of went democrat.

But ignore the president on this one and collapse the economies of the Red states. That might be an interesting experiment.

I think the hospitals being overrun made the most sense as to why we should shut down, but you make a good point too. Glad to see people who can actually think in this thread.

>collapse the economies of the Red states
Red states have economies?

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The left can't meme.

They do. They aren't vast empty plains. They are more fragile. Nebraska is really fucked.

Ancap, but yea, maybe left of you, and this meme is great.

>I say words that don't mean anything!

That's you. That is how you sound right now.

What the fuck is a "Nebraska"?

Its where alot of business is headquartered.

You first faggot

Um, don't do anything and the cart doesn't move.

Where is my prize, fucker?

You're going to give him a brain aneurysm with all these different political perspectives user

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So... It's an office building?

In his defense, he probably only knows liberals and conservatives, because it's easier for him to comprehend. So he can have that left can meme softball

It's a beautiful heavily diverse place with wonderful people and amazing weather. Sunny beaches, and all of our tech is developed there, although manufactured in china. They pull in almost 3 trillion GDP a year as the 5th largest economy on the planet, proving that an ethnically diverse society can create one of the worlds strongest economies, all while being the backbone of global innovation and technology.

Republicans are fucking retarded. Trump isn't saving the economy, he's irrepairably damaging it through extreme inflation. You think a recession is bad, printing 6 trillion dollars is zimbabwe stupid. You follow an idiot so dumb his plan was already tried by niggers.

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Elect Trump your leader, listen to him speak, and have the absolute BALLS to suggest someone else is low IQ. Not even you can take yourself seriously

money printer go brrrrrrr