Why aren't you a Muslim? Its the world's fastest growing religion for a reason

Why aren't you a Muslim? Its the world's fastest growing religion for a reason.

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Cancer grows quickly too

>Muhammed was a pe-

perfect man. Inshallah, infidel.

Your place in heaven is reserved alongside me, my brother.

Delete dis

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>Its the world's fastest growing religion

Evangelicalism is nowadays, Islam is so last decade and since a lot of them kill each others and blow themselves up it doesn't help.

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Ugly boring, shitty religion. May as well be in prison.

Say no more

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I will stick with Catholicism, they are more open about sodomy than Muslims who try and hide their boyfucking ways

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Why are there so many of these Naruto Pieces.

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Religion bad.


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Muslim anime characters has to be some of the funniest shit I've seen all month.

I'm lowkey going down the rabbit hole with Islamic Goku

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Because people love to hate, thats why they love islam

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Because I'm not a faggot

What is so funny?

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That better be soda or someone finna get stoned broooo

lmaoing at your life

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Islam is for goat fuckers and pedophiles

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Ikr. Laughing my ass off here. Imagine what the show would be like.

Salaam alaikum Piccolo, I can't have a Senzu bean I'm fasting it's Ramadan

The cultural and aesthetic clash is just too much for me too handle.

Join Islam and become a Chad overnight.

I don't want to be conned into strapping a bomb to my chest over religion.

After defeating Boo, the Z warriors have to face their greatest enemy yet: Israel.

Looks like the muslims got the power of god and anime on their side.

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virgins suck in bed

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I thought their preferred animals were goats

Guys I promise all that psycho shit you see 24/7 on the news is not Islam. That's a radical sect called Salafi or Wahabbism. It's like the kkk of Muslims. They are based in Saudi Arabia by someone who the British put into power. The following is less than 1% of Muslims, and media hyperfocuses on it so Jews convince Americans to die for Israel and steal oil for them.

quantum physics prove God

Scene just before he goes Super Sayan from rage

Being a piece of fuck meat that isn’t allowed by law and religion to have any rights, thoughts, or freedoms isn’t my thing. Those sand niggers will just blow themselves up for allah anyhow. Nobody trusts a sand nigger after 9/11 and you will always be on a watchlist by the government as you’re likely just trying to start up a cell for your brothers to violently spread your cult.

Yeah, the fact that 90% of Muslim countries are authoritarian, medieval-like shitholes has absolutely nothing to do with religion.

That said, don't join any religion unless you thoroughly research it and want to. Honestly I think its obsolete in this day and age so unless it's your culture you're better off just agnostic

You mean, right before he snatched the suicide vest from her body and tried to carry out her mission before getting shot himself

k so get them under control because they clearly have too much power and nobody is comfortable with that shit
nobody wants to get truck of peace'd because some random westerner said something about muhammed so NOW ALL THE INFIDELS MUST DIE
Get them under control because not only are they making you look like dog shit to the rest of the world but they're making the rest of us think we need to turn the middle east into a glass tabletop
What's it say when you're the one thing Chinks and Burgerfats can agree is a bad thing?

Because Abraham is a kike

Evangelicals are so last century. People just dont go for revivals anymore.

I looked up Jewish Dragon ball and this is what I got...

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And here we have someone still think 9/11 the "sand niggers" are to blame

Technically the fastest growing position on religion is "None".

Lol, thank the CIA for that. Everytime a secular progressive president is elected they have him jimied out by CIA. See Iran and Egypt. That's when they're not selling weapons to dictators for their divide and conquer games. It's not religion, its about power. Much more convenient for the American elite to have authoritatian leaders in countries they want to steal from, that way any activists can be imprisoned. Stop watching Tucker Carlson ffs

i actually have a brain

well tell his bitch ass to come down to earth and give us a fucking hand

all the other religions are already settled, they arent in any wars. Islam is because they are all mad at everyone

>for a reason.
That reason is a bunch of niggers in north and east africa are fucking and making too many niglet mudslime babies. The fertility rate in christian countries cannot compete, nor should they, replacement rate fertility is desired.

Yeah of course, the entire world is run by America behind the scenes.
I don't deny there is a detrimental influence of outside powers, but come the fuck on. You cannot explain away the mindeset of the entire Islamic world by pointing to some instances of foreign meddling. Take some responsibility.

Delete this

Do you think I'm making this stuff up? Go do some research. And no it's not just America. Its global imperialism. I'm a Christian Arab lmao just do some research. Your perception of the 'mindset of the global Muslim population' is extremely influenced by media propaganda. How many Muslims do you actually know personally?

Arab countries are going through fucking difficult times man. Like it barely takes a recession for right wingers in Europe to get rowdy. Now imagine country in state of war and fucking sanctions over several years. Obviously extremism and delinquency will rise

>Its global imperialism.
So basically zionism, and neoliberalism to open up a nations markets to degenerate western influence.

What source?