All traps should be circumcised for full emasculation
All traps should be circumcised for full emasculation
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Agreed, all submissives of any variety should be circumcised tightly, especially traps.
Femenine buttholes
circumcision is not normal dudes. go back to the old testament and the torah with that stuff... it's equal to the removal of the clitoria in african tribes ... it's not fucking normal
the whole reason for circumcision in the bible was a way for abraham and his followers to not masturbate which is a sin. In the bible it says it would be better to cut off your own hand than to sin and be damned. It also says circumcision is not a ticket to heaven, it doesnt mean you are absolved of sin.
yeah.. or there are layers of symbolism like there are with any myths. I think it's telling you not to let your sexuality control you.
It's the whole "eating the fruit from the tree of life" aspect, of Adam and Eve finding the orgasm
can you still get hard like this
but uncut looks more feminine
this, also (not circumcised but) cutfags always look like they're in pain
Sure thing, you smelly dicked uncircumcised barbarian. Enjoy your free goat cheese from your floppy garbage bag of a foreskin.
Dude if you shower like in normal intervals you'll never get dick cheese.
Terrible opinion, cut dicks are not aesthetic at all. Intact is better at both being feminine and masculine. Scarred and keratinized is just not a good look
Fuck that bro i got tired of cleaning behind my ears so i just fucking cut my ears off.SOOOOO much easier and SOOOO much cleaner. It's totally normal.
Comparing ears to ugly foreskin..LOL. More like, hair gets long and ugly, get haircut
nah more like shaving your eyebrows and eyelashes off so you have no protection for your eyes. So then your eyes get all fucking permanently scared and dry.
That person just had it completely removed.
>Comparing ears to ugly foreskin..LOL
that's not what normal foreskin looks like.
Also foreskin is one of the most sensitive parts of the penis. They cut it off from you. Let that sink in.
You lost a lot of sensitivity, your dickhead probably looks dry and cracked and you can't masturbate without lube. Yeah have fun with your mutilated penis retard.
yeah some people get really fucked, i got like a half cut and can still just hardly jerk off with no lube. I'm kinda in the middle ground. My dick head isn't super cracked and dried but isn't shiny bright pink like proper.
Can I suck on your peepee to moisturize it till its shiny bright and pink like before? :3
nah won't work.
I suppose if i really even cared i could use some sort of lotion all the time to restore or something.
But it's not an issue.
>:( I'm offering you a blowjob. Cracked or not gib peepee
Show us that girly boy peniis
That looks gross. How can Americans think these hideous scars are normal?