What's your opinion on this

what's your opinion on this.

There's a version out there with sound but I don't have it but I know one of you fucks do.

Attached: whatthefuckkkkkk.webm (640x352, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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This is what white genocide looks like, also this is under jewish fetish porn on blacked.com

It's a free country. If some little fop wants to have his dick and balls cut off it doesn't hurt me in any way.

Look at the bright side: While it was unlikely he was ever going to breed this seals the deal and ensures his DNA will never get passed down.

That is a true comment. Also trips to confirm it.

Already met a guy that wants that done to him. Some people are just crazy I guess

I really hope you have kept your distance from him

except this guy then goes around normalizing and promoting this shit and pushing it on the children of the people you love

how did he introduced the topic ? stories with the dude ?

I met him online pretending to be a feminist dominatrix. Wasn't my brightest moment. He also seemed serious about it,

hereee we go.
It's another retard with his "THINk of ThE ChiLdREeeen" crap.

Listen retard, noone is pushing this crap on kids or trying to normalize it. People should be allowed to do this, it's their body but it will never be normal and no movement is supporting this? I don't get what you're on about.

this is from the eunuch maker friends.

based in the UK, has a ton of content behind paywalls.

Its rought to watch with sound.

heres what ive got so far.

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the fuck?

i think we should just execute people who do this :)

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>Grown man decides to get his genitals cut of
>Pushing it onto children

That's a jump dude. You know how hard it is to get tit implants for an underage girl? If a child grows up to decide to cut is genitals of thats one thing, but exactly who is advocating for performing something like this on children?

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Why... how does this affect you or anyone else? Look, I hate it too and the video made me feel sick to the stomach, but mentally ill people will always exist.

Just let them be or help them seek treatment so they don't resort to this.

Should have used a sharper knife

what do you think that means?

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>People doing things I don't like should be killed

And I think we should execute people using emoticons rather than emojis

Good thing no one of us is in power

what the fuck happened to white people?

Also how do i know these are germans for some fucking reason.

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Ahh so anti-lgbt shit.

Trans people =/= cutting your genitals off. They're just people with gender dysphoria that decide to live as the opposite sex socially.

But I guess it serves your personal agenda to demonize a whole group of people.

Hard to say without context. For example trans kids are often bullied or beaten up by other kids, maybe protect them from that?

from what i can tell its quite the successful business.

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needs sound.

>For example trans kids are often bullied or beaten up by other kids, maybe protect them from that?

He probably encourages that.

ive seen quite a few more vids and they all have strong assortments of british accents.

It doesn't directly affect me personally, but imagine if someone else gets affected, these people are TERMINALLY ILL and need to be put down.

The transgender treatment permanetly sterilises so its pretty much the same as cutting off your balls


shut your gaping burger hole redditor.

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oh god its the original, is there sound for it?
for science..

what about this one?

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not everyone wants kids.

>these people are TERMINALLY ILL and need to be put down.
I guess you got your psychology degree...where exactly? Oh no you just wanna kill people you dislike. You honestly probably belong jail.

>Judging a book by it's cover

Do I really tell you why you are stupid? I mean this is so common that this phrase has even a fucking dictionary entry

dont forget the second picture.
these kids have white parents.

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there is, its online, just go to his website and sign up


it wouldn't surprise me if you're a cuck eunuch yourself..

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some do
and theres no way for an adult to go back from a lifechanging decision he made at 10 years old

now enlighten me on this one too

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don't be stupid sex reassignment surgeries does not happen on a shed with a old knife

streamable com/wdz7uv

Full version with sound and multiple angles :3

My opinion? It's retarded and I'm happy he will never have kids.

>rather than emojis
I think both of your kinds need to be cleansed with purifying flames.

>and theres no way for an adult to go back from a lifechanging decision he made at 10 years old

Gender dysphoria is there from birth (proven by brain scans, they have partial brain feminisation. it's hard to miss)
And it's incredibly rare to misdiagnose it. It's very unlikely they'll regret it. They'll probably regret doing it too late...

Maybe it's just hard for you to accept that you could have a gay or trans child. Look, they're people too, you should accept them not demonize them.

It's kinda you who is potentially going to hurt or abuse a child if it happens to be lgbt... It's still your kid.

these are the parents

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id like you to post your sources to these claims

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>streamable com/wdz7uv
fucking told you. at least one of them is german

>oh ja hans vi mast kat off das schnitzel


Do you have anything other than images of covers and headlines without context?

I mean from all I know the first line in this article could be: "The book released as a joke on april fools day ..."

>these claims
which ones? the brain scans?


also they're like 0,1% of the world pop. A 4000% explosion isnt really a lot..

this is all you got? "Its a joke"



"Breakthrough research has revealed for the first time evidence that the brain activity of people who feel they inhabit the wrong body closely resembles that of the gender they want to embrace.
Analysis of around 160 participants showed that biological males with gender dysphoria - the experience of discomfort or distress due to their biological sex - had a brain structure and neurological patterns similar to biological females, and vice versa."

You'll have to dig deeper to get to the actual studies if you're interested I don't have the time right now, but I assure you're they're very real.

>Living in a shit hole country where this is legal

In the civilized world mastectomies on children under the age of 18 with no medical condition is illegal

>with no medical condition
gender dysphoria.

>this is all you got? "Its a joke"
Are you retarded? All I'm asking for is something more than headlines.

I'm not saying it is a joke, all I'm saying is for all I could know this could be a joke.

If you get outraged about a headline without reading the article, you my friend are a retard. Sorry for having higher standards than this

It's called antural selection. If you're worried your kids are gonna do this, it's because your genes are shit. Just kill yourself now.

there's a subreddit full of these fuckers

Opinion on mentally ill faggots who want to cut their dicks off? I could care less what someone does to themself. It doesnt dictate nor grant respect from me.

>Just kill yourself now.
That's rude and uncalled for. If his genes are shit he should just accept his fate and become a cute shemale.

>gender dysphoria.
I'm sorry, no life threatening medical condition.

A mastectomy is really bad, even without any complications the patient will be in a lot of pain for multiple months. So unless you can show that the risk of self harm (including suicide) is massive if the mastectomy isn't performed, any sane ethics comitee (which has to decide in such cases) would reject

>I could care less what someone does to themself. It doesnt dictate nor grant respect from me.
Probably one of the only reasonable people here

>I'm sorry, no life threatening medical condition.
A condition doesn't have to be life threatening to require treatment. And mental illnesses are just as real as physical. It's easier to treat the body then feminized neurological structures. We'd need nanomachines or some other Technology we don't have + very Advanced understanding of the brain to be able to treat them. Letting them transition is the most humane thing you can do today.

Samefag here. The only part that bothers me is that its popular now to HAVE to respect or APPROVE of these sorts of things and I do not. But in America atleast, people have those rights to do things that I dont agree with. Just like I dont have to agree with it or respect it.

I think these people have been conned into doing something that they will regret later. Robbing children (not adults) of something like this is criminal. (like early transitioning. Or surgery) End of story.