Her Majesty will address the nation and the Commonwealth at 8PM tonight (GMT)

Her Majesty will address the nation and the Commonwealth at 8PM tonight (GMT)

I'm so glad we have a head of state who is globally respected and can unite the people the Commonwealth during this difficult time. Having a silly elected President shittalking would be really inappropriate right now.

God bless you ma'am, and all those who serve you!

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His Majesty will address the nation and the Commonwealths through prayer tonight

I'm so glad we have a head of state who is globally respected and can unite the people of the US during this difficult time. Having a silly human leader shittalking would be really inappropriate right now.

Praise Jesus and all those who serve you!

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The British Royal Family can trace its roots back to Denmark's King Cunt and to Transylvania's Count Dracula, and is one of the oldest institutions in the world. It is famous for its valuable contributions to civilisation, such as the 60,000Hz fart and the art of sniffing coke off footmen.

The family's present leader is old enough to remember when gays, divorce and abortion were illegal, when the average Briton pronounced the word “house” as “hice”, freely used words like “nigger” and “chinky”, forced their own children to sweep chimneys, shot lots of wildlife, forced their loyal subjects to toil endlessly in Dark Satanic Mills and enjoyed equestrian events. It is very rare for anyone who is in the Royal Family to do anything in that list except during important state ceremonies.

The Royal Family are also known as "The World's Richest Welfare Scroungers."

I'm sorry but if she survived this shitefest but charles died I'll lose my mind
god save the Queen

sTaY hOMe. SaVe liFeS. pOrTEcT tEh NHS!!!

StAy TeH FuCk InDoOrS YoU'Ll KilL SoMeOnE

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I bet she smells like wet shit.

>almost 5k kills

god bless the entire royal family

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fuck trump

don't @ me you trumpist snowflake lol

have fun with your socialist turd you elected,eurocuck


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>have fun with your socialist turd you elected,eurocuck
I don't think the queen is actually elected, user. Are you an American by any chance?

I'm in the forces and even I think the royals and the people who gush over them are fucking cringe.

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Last knight she hamberdered James Bond.

Army faggot

She says she's the head of the House of Windsor but her last name should be Guelph.

>was alive when white people ruled the entire world, be the granddaughter of the literal rules of most of earth.
>live to see your grandson kill your bloodline and your empire decline to a piece of shit filled with "asians" and Nigerians

I really wonder how much they filter information for her.

She'll announce her corona, cap it.

8PM tonight (GMT) is what time in New york?

I thank God every day my Dad fled that shithole.

>announcing you are screencapping your own posts
Kindly fuck off back to plebbit, kthnx

>A tradition older than you

Lurk more faggot

it's an easy job for doing fuck all work. plus having shot a few mudslimes back in the day is a definite perk. if you explain how you do more humanitarian work than actual soldiering, uni birds give it up to you. it's great.

she's finally going to out her sexuality

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Oh, she's Jim Bond's mother. Thanks

What??? I didn't know this!! I'm gonna fetch my best lube for this one

7 minutes to go brother.

This is beautiful.

God bless you ma'am, and those who serve you.

Wow. Just Wow.

That's just what we needed in such trying times.

Just sat here, with tears streaming down my face.

She is such a good Queen.


Imagine believing someone is anointed by god to rule over you.

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do britfags actually give a fuck about her? she has little political power and is an eye sore. maybe she can die and pass the throne to somebody else? I can’t imagine giving that much of a shit about a “royal family” it’s 2020 you jack-teethed crumpet eaters. go wipe your fanny and grow a pair instead of worshipping this decaying sack of shit

trips of truth

When she dies I will open a champagne!

I blew my bits sooo hard, she was looking so sexy and she had a stoic message to give to our country

Fanny means vagina in our country fuckface. And I've got a whopping uncut cock

I didn't watch it. Can I get a TL;DR?

>stay in
>stiff upper lip
>community spirit
>stay positive and look to the future

>doesn’t understand how the royal family generate more income than they spend

They’re England’s cash cow, tourists flock to London just to look at their homes

go wipe your fanny


You’re born into royalty and the UK has left the euro

You serve a dead Jew, hahaha!

Her whole family rapes kids

Me too, think about how much money that will generate for our economy and not to mention not a penny will be going to the EU, roll on

Only one of them, we don’t mind, he’s not direct family.

Yeah we don’t think that

Yeah that, but also thanks a lot, thumbs up, I remember my first address in 1940 when I was telling all the children getting moved out of the cities that it's for the best, it's hard, but it's necessary

I haven't got one, but I'll wash under my foreskin just for you, I know it's foreign to you lot, who culturally appropriate Jewish traditions

>go wipe your fanny

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supporting this vampiric, reptilian skank is the act of a mong

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Bullshit. France is the most visited Country in the world and the chopped their monarchs head off hundreds of years ago.

Sorry gaylord, I'm not a Royalist, trust me. But: "Another statistic from consultancy Brand Finance said that in 2017 the monarchy contributed £1.8 billion to the UK economy.

The report said around £550 million of that total came from tourism."

That's why you're not called the Royal Army, a disgrace to our country

What does "supporting" mean to you though?

Oooooh 1.8 billion, wowzers

The fucking tortoise food industry is bigger than that

believing the royals have the right to rule by birth, imagining they are of any value.

Uhhhhh........ Does it matter when they cost us 165 million? Do the fucking mathematics there please, cock-knocker

They're fucking parasites.

Chop their heads off and open their homes as hotels. Crunch those numbers scumbag.

wow a photoshopped picture. yep that's the proof we all need. come on bois, get yer pitchforks and wooden stakes out.

If she had died 40 years ago, you'd be fucking going nuts with Dick of Wales Charles running England. Nomination by coming out of someone's balls/cunt first isn't the best way to choose a leader.

None of us barely ever give them a thought in an entire year. We just DGAF. And they don't rule. Parliament make the rules, she just has to give Royal Ascent and sign a bit of paper. To my knowledge she hasn't ever not signed the paper. However shit or not shit the bill was

having worked with these cunts for 15 years. i agree. i'm here for the easy money.

Haha a girl in charge