Did you hear this moron yesterday?
Saying again I don't care if you die, this is hurting ME.
This idiot was impeached and would have been removed from office if the republicunt senators had any balls.
All the republicunt senators are oath breakers and liars. Republicunts ignore facts and lie every day. Fuck them all.
Did you hear this moron yesterday?
>shareblue are tranny faggots
Too bad shareblue is based in houston and not NY
Not to worry trumptards....Dumpth put Jarod in charge!
reddit down?
cope harder faggot
No Refunds
Dude is a literal landlord Jew Who got everything handled to him on a Silver platter....
> dumpsters don’t care though
oooo another trump hating circle jerk thread, you must be really horny today, maybe masturbate to this instead
> why don’t white gurls like my superior jeans?
nice meme lmoa!!!
Typical Incels
stolen from another thread!!! That has probably already died LMOA lol stupid larp, atleast try to fool me
callls people incels on Yas Forums, kys hypofag
These porn posts make my point, republicunts have no argument. Trump is an asshole and all they can do is post porn. Good jod idiots, trump would be proud. I hope you catch the trump virus and die.
> you are already fooled retard
i never said i was a trumptard, i just think it'a gay to post about hoow much you hate a politician on a porn board
Wasn't that all the stuff the left was mad about? Shouldn't you be happy if none of it happened?
stop believing lies there was no impeachment it’s as fake as this virus
He was impeached based on complete bullshit that was rammed thru based completely on partisan politics. Go fuck yourself
You sound poor, post pics of your shittiest tattoo - we'll wait for you to choose...
Haha holy fuck these guys are ugly.
Just more republicunt lies folks, the world knows this asshole is the most corrupt president ever and the biggest liar in history. He is a traitor and should have been executed. And you are a complete asshole kid.
candidates are allowed to use foreign governments to rig elections?
expect me not to post porn on a porn board, kys
Asshole, he WAS impeached and your lies will never change that so lie on idiot.
provide evidence pls
Catch the trump virus and die asshole.
nobody believes your fake news go dilate libtard
No answer, just hurt feelings.
kek ill kill myself if you do your triggered faggot
good comeback
Here we go again...
You sound uneducated. Was you homeschool libtard?
> provide evidence pls so i can ignore it
Ha yea. He makes Nixon look like a fucking choir boy. The cunt is walking, talking grease.
Just cope faggot lol
itt: republicunts have no legitimate arguments
You first, dead meme.
Blaming anyone but China and the WHO is foolish.
I have a PHD in PoliSci asshole. What are you 12 years old? This asshole has made america a laughingstock. World leaders think he is a buffoon and an idiot but fools like you eat up his constant lies.
one needs to only look at Trump’s comments regarding the coronavirus to see how much of a liar he is
op do you have a source of what he said so i can add more of his criminal stupid ass quotes to my plot?
Pretty much this but can you blame them for being so Retarded lol
Enjoy your worthless degree.
Blaming anyone but trump is lying and stupid.
No contest. Trump is a smear of dog shit on Obama’s shoe.
Fuck me, the absolute state of this cunt
>all I got out of that was that I'm a closeted faggot with issues
Apart from the obvious gerrymandering, Russian assistance and the constant GOP pandering to the fears of ignorant white men alluding that the "White Replacement Conspiracy" hoax is imminently real, there are three simple reasons why Trump not only GOT into the WH but is still fucking there.
Oooh another boot licking submissive take it in the ass from trump little bitch fuck off and die trumpscum
china bankrupted the us?
china infected over 300000 people in america with trump virus?
china put 10,000,000 people in america of out work in two weeks?
so what does trump do then? just play golf, hold rallies calling everything in the world a hoax and witch hunt? constantly whine and cry like child about the whole world is out to get him?
>White folks were so upset by Obama they elected him for two terms.
Great logic.
trump can't even beat obama on the economy. trump tanked it and put 10,000,000 americans in unemployment.
You misspelled republican
It’s spelled republicunt
Pretty much this. Based trips of truth.
All of those weak and insecure enough to support Trump know this too. It's the fuel that drives their hate for anything said against him. Shameless, spineless sycophants the lot of them.
Nice b8, faggot